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Crowbar Man

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Everything posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Proto: High disk speed, low data size (1.5GB vs 4.7GB / 8.5 DL). Speed doesn't really help graphics become better. Also Xbox had an internal HDD (non optional like 360) which allowed for caching data for quicker data access. Topic: I'd still say they were pretty on par with each other, but Xbox did have a slight advantage. It just didn't show in many games because there weren't a lot of Japanese ones, and Japanese games tend to be more artsy / aesthetically appealing. But lazy multi console ports were always better on the Xbox. But for how much it probably cost for MS to produce the Xbox vs the GCN, the GCN was surprisingly powerful. and compact.. try lugging the Xbox around. GCN had a handle lol. GCN was the most bleeding edge thing Nintendo ever did. And probably the last time, as now they enjoy making money off of completely obsolete parts (See: DS (kinda), Wii, 3DS, and upcoming Wii HD)
  2. I find it strange you'd use a Genesis emulator to play Arcade games in your Arcade Cabinet, compared to the vastly superior arcade originals Other than that AWESOME
  3. YEAHHH Remember on the NES when Mario ripped bowsers heart out, and on the SNES when Samus just walked around NAKED? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU NINTENDO?
  4. 1.5 is scheduled to be released Thursday, just as a reminder: Please select "Not Now" until our server is updated, otherwise you can't join until you roll back. (Unless you aren't playing on our server or dont mind waiting a few days)
  5. Kenogu: Mono fixes that "only on Windows" thing http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page Zircon: I think this is a great idea so far. Can't wait to see how it progresses
  6. prophet: You definately should jump on! And yes you are still on the old whitelist. Good news everybody! I've uploaded the original OCR server's map, and made it a world you can portal to, in Aba's new portal house near spawn. Enjoy!
  7. ʎonɹ ɟɹıǝups ɔɐu uoʇ sɐʌǝ ʎon
  8. Yeah, for some reason MPUK's ClanForge didn't bother backing up my whitelist when i was changing some profile data and testing some things. I'll have to remember to manually keep a copy of it since I cant depend on it apparently. I'm adding you back now
  9. Actually if people from OCAD want to post what they made on their server (or ours of course) or even talk about it here I have no issue. This is a general minecraft thread not even created by us. I do think the ocad thread would be better suited, but as long as its something constructive its fine. Brushfire however doesn't really like to do anything but try to derail topics (see all threads he's done his black dynamite meme he thinks is funny) or spam things related to himself. Gman tried to make a light hearted comment which apparently he has reading problems and now flaming us Server was only down a few hours anyways due to a mistake on my part. Don't try to stir things up Garian. WE are just trying to have fun. Fun for the OCR community not just personal friends
  10. That was un fucking called for Brushfire.
  11. I am not sure how bad of reading comprehension you have to have to come to that conclusion
  12. Okay, looks like the only thing that was broken was my profile, which i fixed, but since i was the only person playing last night i couldn't tell! Anywho, seems like things are back to normal. PM me if you can't get on
  13. okay well, now somethings really broken. too tired to mess with it, will fix tomorrow, shutting down server for the night
  14. not sure what i pushed but the whitelist disappeared and unfortunately isnt a part of the backups I run. I'll be trying to manually restore it, I grabbed an old copy from before we switched to bukkit, but im not sure who all might be left off, so if anybody has any issues logging in just PM me. I'll probably fix it in the morning
  15. Guess we'll have to make a glass ceiling or something
  16. We keep backups of course. One was ran that morning, but people had worked all day before I got home, dont want to undo everybodies work. Also the time it would take for me to download, and edit the world from backup, then reupload it, all while keeping the server offline, didn't seem like it was worth it since i could rebuild a building in a few commands with worldedit. If it had been a massive ammount of fire and/or griefing, I would of used the backup.
  17. We figured it out. Brushfire did it. Well, no. Not really. Luckily a bizzare coincidence pointed out the suspect who "has a friend who played his game". who has admitted to him what he did, by accident supposedly. I've rebuilt some of the wooden buildings (Lemon did a fantastic job rebuilding the canal building) and planted forest trees around so the damage has been controlled As far as new whitelist add ons, I guess we're open again
  18. upon further inspection, it looks like a gigantic blaze engulfed the entire forest around spawn, both the wood canal house, and Aba's new portal house. Fun stuff. And I'm not convinced it wasn't you Brushfire.
  19. And lucky me, my plugin that reports everything to me is magically missing from my list of plugins to use, I guess there was a problem and MPUK removed it but i was never notified :/ Going to install another one, but doesn't help me now However started the fires: A reminder griefing is against the rules. Starting fires and not reporting them, even if its an accident, is not only a jerk thing to do, but its also considered greifing to burn someones building down and not even tell anybody I dont know why we have to have these issues on a white listed server
  20. Video of it was already posted a few pages back but here you go:
  21. He has never made a PSN account. Thats a part of his defense, actually. Guess you havn't followed Why would he have a PSN account anyways if hes only interested in hacking linux on to it and/or running homebrew? Sony, however, is lying and says he made 2, "Geo1Hotz" (obviously not him, his handle is "geohot", and this ID is not on any of the PS3s on his posession) and blickmaniac (obviously not him either) because one of the units he bought used has that ID registered on it. Neither one of these has any of his contact information.
  22. Server updated with 1.4 Support, now you guys can push that update button
  23. Groklaw has been covering this, they have some good breakdowns of the important parts: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20110322114658410 http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20110327185437805
  24. Thin Crust: Wow, how very anti consumer. Its not a legally binding contract, it just a EULA, and non enforceable in a court of law. Especially since you may have NEVER clicked on "I Agree" (used console sales, hacking, etc) And the point here is their playing WITH the HARDWARE, installing their own software. They could care less about Sony's software. Its IN THE WAY. Besides, Sony broke the law by removing an advertised feature of the hardware, and is now facing a class action suit. Schwaltzvald: Sony is trying to lie and manipulate the court to serve there needs. The fact they are even trying to sue him in California, when Hotz doesn't live there is a sham in itself. They have the money to sue anybody anywhere, they tried to do this as a cheap way to make him give up out of court, but it didn't work. They are still fighting to prove they can even sue him in CA. If you've read any of the court documents, Sony made several false claims in attempt to win this case. They still insist he sold "Circumvention Devices". They have even claimed an unrelated username on PSN is "him" using nothing other than heresay. The legal ramifications of this case are very deep for consumer rights. Sony has trampled on everything, even suggesting that you can be sued anywhere in the world for agreeing to a simple TOS. Even if you did not Anybody on their side at this point, is obviously blind. EDIT: Also interestingly enough, SCEA, the company suing Hotz, has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PS3 HARDARE OR FIRMWARE. They basically ran PSN and distributed the PS3 and handled updates. They claim that not only Geo had agreed to the TOS (which hes never had a PSN account) but that he can be sued in CA becuase of that. They also have claimed the only source possible to get FW updates is from them (again, you can get FW updates anywhere on the internet) so he "had to" have agreed to their TOS. So the whole case is basically Sony lying.
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