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Everything posted by eilios

  1. That's a pretty massive problem. You should seriously get new speakers/headphones. Maybe both, if you really want to be sure.
  2. Nope. MIDI has no sound by itself, and if all you're doing is transmitting MIDI and then adding sound to it, there's no need for a really high end digital piano. That said, you did mention that you have a fully functioning acoustic piano as well, so there's not much need for a digital piano if you have good enough samples.
  3. Are you using the mixer's "route only to this channel" function? If not, that's usually a good way to go. Right click the channel you want to route to to see it.
  4. I am definitely not capable of matching the skillset required for this project, but... drat, this is an interesting project. When the game is out, could you please tell me? I'd love to play it!
  5. http://tindeck.com/listen/bnnd Megaman 3's intro, in case you are wondering. I really like this tune, so I decided to remix it. This is the result! I focused on synth production here, in response to a comment by Rozovian on my poor synth production in general. I know this isn't the most inventive remix, but okay. Please comment on it! =)
  6. YIKES PANNING. I don't like the synth going like 50 miles an hour with super tiny breaks at the start, either, you might want to reduce that effect a bit or something. Speaking of reducing effects - the panning is pretty harsh, I'd tone that down a bit. It's pretty repetitive, too. I'd add something more to it, I don't especially know what, but this is your thing! Have fun with it! And if ever in a future version you decide to go at this again, make the ending less sudden. It's not the best of endings IMO.
  7. I like the new version a fair deal better, there are some subtle arrangement changes, too, that make it more fun, and not just "added breakdowns" as your post seems to imply. It's very nice at this point, I like it!
  8. When I make remixes I usually start with the nuts and bolts, then the arrangement, and from there flesh it out more, ending with the mastering. That's just me, though, and I'm by no means the best person here. At the end, you should probably add an original melody. It felt like something more drawn out and legato would be good for that. The source is sparse, which gives you time to do stuff to make it unique and flavorful! Have fun with it!
  9. 3d bullet hell except the bullets are cars? Why not. Absolutely hysterical, and if I had the game on PC, I would do this(albeit slightly turned down so they didn't go TOO fast). And agreed with level 99 - there should be an option for this in every game, because ERRATIC FLYING CARS.
  10. By dynamics, I mean having more noticeable breakdowns/climaxes, to make it more dynamic and interesting. Right now, the beginning is pretty calm but it doesn't let up. Adding more elements would be cool(as would slightly increasing the volume of the main synth), but right now, the main problem I have with this mix is that it doesn't really change much in the way of dynamics.
  11. First of all, I love that beat. Absolutely amazing. What I think this mix needs is to be more shaped. I don't feel enough of a line going on, it could use more dynamics to make it more interesting - it seems to drag at various points. Overall, I like this mix, and with a bit more polish and focus on dynamics, I believe it could be positively wonderful.
  12. They did, but the music still exists. You can find it on BrandO's website(the entire album is up there for free to DL, but donations are appreciated) and the youtube channel.
  13. Just look at all of the other FL Studio plugins. You get 2 FL Studio plugins(the average cost ranges from 50 to 100 for each) for at the very least, 12 dollars. It's a pretty good deal, to say the least.
  14. That's what people call an "understatement". Buy the pitcher/newtone deal now. You won't see much of a use for it as a newbie, but down the road, you will probably find some use for it. Just look at newstuff.flp(the new one showcasing Pitcher). There are lots of cool effects that can be done with the two, and in live performances light pitcher effects can be really useful. Plus, you can pay about 15 dollars and get something that will be at least 100+ dollars later. I recommend picking it up just in case you find a use for it.
  15. Well, they're almost there. FL Studio 9.8 has been released. I think just two more releases until FL Studio 10 is out.
  16. First of all, thank you all for giving me tips. I've acted on just about all of them in the latest version, which is found right in this very URL. From first version to second version, I've: Eased some of the transitions to make it less sudden. Removed the attack on the main synth for the melody, and made the melody no longer legato. Completely threw out the bass synth and replaced it. Changed the second part of the song's chords so they did not stick out too much, and changed the line so it was more shaped. Fixed the :47 - 1:07 part. My bad. Also fixed that coffee maker synth. Apparently one of the oscillators was accidentally turned on at a ridiculously low volume and pitch some how. Whoops. Sped the BPM up to 142. Changed the levels of the accompaniment so that it wasn't so loud. Anything else I should address here?
  17. When people point out what I do wrong, I make a mental note of what I did and make absolutely sure I don't do it again. I'm rather new to music making in general, and I fall into lots of newbie mistakes because I don't know much better. By knowing what I'm doing wrong so I can stop it, I can learn to hear for mistakes. I always take all critique to heart, believe me. I'm trying hard to learn to listen, but you have to learn how to do that too, I guess.
  18. I was considering picking up an Audio Technica ATM33 for recording brass instruments, as the title might suggest. I was wondering if anyone here had any personal experience with this that might go into this decision. EDIT: Other recommendations would be good, too, if you have any!
  19. Thanks for the input and compliments! I will look into that and come up with a better version. And to Sonic, are you referring to the first or second version? If it's the second, I'll try to deviate a bit more.
  20. There's an album called Resolution Trigger by Phoenix Project. It was sold in Comiket 74 and it's a behemoth. It's really great, you should all check it out! A guy on YT called Diremagic uploaded the whole thing.
  21. Here you all go! The original is found in this very URL. This is a very early version of my remix of probably my favourite battle theme of all time - the original FF1 battle's remix. It's pretty delicious, so I thought I'd try to remix it. I'm still working on this, and this is a pretty early stage, but if I can work with a solid foundation I'm sure the finished version will be great. This is a trance-ish version of the remix, and is kinda slow but steady. I hope you all enjoy it, and if you don't, that's okay. All advice would be very much appreciated. =)
  22. I like the beat, and this is very nice and relaxing. I remember the original song as being kinda catchy, but not outstanding from the original game. But this remix takes it up 5 notches - up to 11! It's very delicious. 9/10.
  23. Agreed with Shadow. Wow. This is great! It reminds me of Dark Cloud's soundtrack. I like the pad effect about 4/10ths of the way through. It's very beautiful. I really like it.
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