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Everything posted by eilios

  1. In the mean time, as a temporary solution, I changed the thread title.
  2. Man Neblix, we fam and all but you got trolled so hard it's insane.
  3. Yo fam, I'm just throwing this out there - I didn't accuse nobody of nothin'. When the Proto vs Brandon wars start up I'm a neutral third party. Anyways, if you don't know, I use FL Studio.
  4. What piano are you using? Some of them have drivers that you use to get just that.
  6. +infinity So many people grab a guitar, maybe do 2 chords repeated an entire song, come up with some painfully rhyming lyrics, and then assume they're the ultimate musician and demand everyone respect their skills. And while it is true that a bunch of people will just go on FL Studio, load up the default samples and put an instance of slayer and some 3xosc and call it a song, it's also true that there are people making some fantastic music using it as well.
  7. Check your ASIO interface's settings. Lower the latency from there and see if it helps. As for the volume being lower, either FL Studio's limiter is quieting it, or you're probably not listening on full volume/your speakers don't play as loud.
  8. It may be a glitch, or a misclick, or something else entirely. It's caused me a bit of grief, but it's not that big of a problem. Just right click once and it will delete the top layer usually. I can confirm that this does happen, though.
  9. Hey, I'd like to join. My name on minecraft is also "eilios".
  10. Why is it that people think that all electronic music takes no skill at all to make? Is it because there's no physical instruments sometimes? Is it because it's programmed, and not recorded? It's like people think there's a magic button that you press to instantly come up a 7+ minute electronic track. I don't get it. I mean, I'm an electronic musician, but I also play drums, baritone, trombone, I'm teaching myself piano, and electronic music does require just as much knowledge in theory and etc as any other genre. And it's not like you're using no instruments, synthesizers are still instruments... It's mildly annoying when people say this, but where the hell does this sentiment come from?
  11. Chords and rhythm. Melody diverges from there. Bassline soon follows, then a looong period of refinement.
  12. Will work on that on the finished version(8 ). Be aware of NEFARIOUS NINJA EDITS. NEFARIOUS NINJA EDITTTTTTTT http://tindeck.com/listen/fcbz Changelist: Turned down the Bass because last version was kinda overkill. Lowered the other bass instrument down an octave. Boosted the snare and kick a little bit. Boosted the melody from the source. Fixed that glitch that some how occurred in version 4 and i'm really sorry about that Made the version's numbering scheme more readily apparent.
  13. Schaffer the Darklord - Yes, I can swear. Miracles happen every day!
  14. Version 4 is out!~ http://tindeck.com/listen/fcbz Changelist: Upped the bass even more. Fine-tuned the percussion. Minor dynamics changes. Made the crashes less overbearing. Made the kick drum far more present, clipped off a significant amount of sub-bass trail.
  15. Alright, version two is out! http://tindeck.com/listen/mttb Changelist: Numerous sidechaining and behind-the-scenes mixer mixups to make the effects work better. Added an echo-delay near the end to make the end a bit less sudden. A bit. Changed the snare roll transition to include low velocity crashes. Edited the dynamics on numerous parts of the track so that more melodic parts get the spotlight. Uncountably high numbers of mastering changes. Made the bass far more present. Completely redid the hi hat sample.
  16. I can vouch for this post for real. My musical background was at an alpha setting of 20/255 before this site. And it was a pretty boring background, too. It was like a grey gradient. Many people comment on how much I've improved since I've went here, and it's still getting better every time. You don't need to have some insane background of piano/violin since you were 2 to be able to make music. Just keep at it, and have fun with it! Good luck to you on that! Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll get better. There are haters everywhere, for reals, there was this dude on Newgrounds who deliberately targetted and 0/5'd everything I submitted. I know it's the same dude every time, too, because the numbers were awfully suspicious and not in sync with the general consensus of voters. It's just what happens. Keep prospering and evolving, and you'll move past those who try to keep you down. If you stay back to fight them, you're only slowing down your forward momentum.
  17. The piano seems a little bit muffled by the violin at the beginning. I like the ambiance of this piece, though. It's not really my usual, but it's rather nice. As U3h6677 points out, though, it's rather short.
  18. You can try splitting up the melody in the intro to allude to it instead of fading it in like you do right now. This is an interesting source to remix, because it's not really the most substantial thing in the world. Right now, you're putting too much strain on the main riff(which is, to be fair, the entire source), which makes it really repetitive. If it's used a lot less, this won't feel as repetitive.
  19. I'll wait and see if anyone who has better recording equipment signs up for this. Anyways, you can email me at eilios@live.ca either way.
  20. I'll definitely check out the hats, since in version two I'm definitely going to do some work on the percussion. I'm using an entirely different kit for this remix, before I used to mainly use generic techno drum-kits, but Neblix suggested I try out acoustics in another thread, so that's why it sounds different then other stuff. The synthesized string-like sample actually wasn't intended to sound like a string, but in retrospect, it kinda does... neat! I'll work on that, though. Thanks for the comments!
  21. Good idea, thanks! I like it too -'ts why I remixed it . I tried really hard to give this a more fun, adventurous feel. I guess it paid off! Yes, I know, my mixes tend to get repetitive. I try my best to deal with it, but that happens when you go for longer mixes. Thanks for the commentary! Stay tuned for version 2.
  22. If you really need it, I can try playing Second Trombone for you(EDIT: And first, too. I thought the two parts were separate, my bad). Although, I will warn you, my mic is absolutely horridble, and it won't sound very good. So it's kinda like a last resort kind of thing.
  23. Yume Nikki. Not so much shock value, but more of by basis of being absolutely unsettling. Incredibly creepy game.
  24. Thanks! I was thinking of boosting the bass, a bit, actually. Now it's been solidified! I've been trying to get away from fadeouts, actually, because they seem kinda like a copout ending. Which is why I went for the grand finale ending.
  25. There are plenty of different kinds of DnB. Anyways, I was thinking that the kick and snare need a bit more punch. I guess I'll work on that; and the transitions, too. Next version. Thanks for the comments!
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