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Everything posted by eilios

  1. Buy it. Seriously. It's not that expensive compared to other DAWs, you can get discount links, and you have unlimited updates. Plus... http://www.tindeck.com/listen/pnsi I made that version of the track before I bought it(demo version). http://www.tindeck.com/listen/tbus I made that version after I bought it. To quote Manamaniac(from the thread): "anyway, I still am blown away by the growth between this and your first shot at this. good luck with this one " It makes a big difference being able to save and have some time to think about what would make your mix sound better. Plus cloning is really helpful sometimes, but being able to save presets is always helpful. Willrock is literally the only deciding factor for genesis soundfonts and anything other than what he uses is complete garbage.
  2. Woah, coolio. Anyways, I can't really say anything more then "awesome franchise that deserves every year it got". Go Zelda, and this one's for 25 more!
  3. I'm not the biggest wubwubwubstep fan, but it's okay to listen to once in a while if I'm feeling bored for whatever reason.
  4. I usually have one mixer track for each element when it comes to beats, then route it only to one mixer track I call "beatmain" for minor touchups.
  5. If you have a bunch of similarly volumed/pitched instruments playing at once, it becomes really hard to tell them apart, I think.
  6. Woah, that's a long title. Anyways, this is a remix of the megaman 7 intro stage music. I always thought it was an awesome piece of music, and decided to try to remix it. It can be found here: http://tindeck.com/listen/etzp
  7. The main melody is too quiet at the beginning, and it's REALLY choppy. It doesn't sound nice at all, very abrasive. It sounds like it could be great if it was mastered better.
  8. I usually check my various accounts online and think about what I would think if I was not myself and was a fan of my music and didn't see an update.
  9. Sorry I personally missed your workshop thread, if you wanted people to comment on your music in general. As for the Judge's Panel, it's not the fastest moving system in the world. It takes time for music to get to the panel, you just have to wait.
  10. Don't upload music to youtube primarily. Upload music to tindeck or similar sites for higher quality. First thing I think is "drat, that's some annoying reverb". Tone it down, or get rid of it. I don't know what genre you're going for, but whatever it is, it needs more mid-high and high range sounds! There's not really a lot to this, and it's pretty repetitive, as well as lacking rhythmically. You have this 4 on the floor beat going - let's see something with that. 2:16 for a backbeat is... yikes. And it's too loud, too. FL Studio default sample, I think? Get better ones. The snare is too loud, the kick is too quiet, the bassline is dragged out too long, and numerous other problems. I don't like the arrangement, either. Too long, too little, too sparse.
  11. That's not really a spoiler, it's common sense. This is a Final Fantasy game. There's going to be a world saved at some point.
  12. "stilted" means unnatural and forced. A transition that doesn't feel right, vocals that don't quite match up, that sort of thing.
  13. Heath Morris - Space Memory
  14. I do like concert band marches, so I was pretty psyched that I got to see one in the form of a remix. This is all very solid and all, but it's lacking in volume a little. The dynamics are great, but it could use a bit of a boost on everything. The ending is a bit stilted, and the bass is a bit overmixed, but aside from that, this is pretty solid. It would be nicer if it were a minute longer, though.
  15. It depends on how it's mixed. The problem with short songs is they don't leave a lot of room for dynamics, and if you have a buildup only to end the song 10 seconds later, people tend to have a problem with it.
  16. http://tindeck.com/listen/rkob So yeah, here it is! The original will be posted at the end of this short rant. This is a remix of Dark Cloud's departure theme(the one that plays near the beginning). It's a lot more dance oriented then the original, to say the least. Enjoy and comment! =) Original:
  17. Another reason for this besides the whole "little fish in the pond" explanation is because Image-Line charges a lot less than Avid does(which is about $629 for Protools 9), as well as giving people unlimited free updates, whereas in other DAWs if there's a new version out you have to pay for it(usually with a discount, but still). But yeah, DusK is absolutely right. I can't use Reason worth anything, but in FL Studio I feel completely at home. Meanwhile, other people might find Reason to be the only true DAW, and FL Studio is just confusing for them. And so on with other systems. It really just boils down to "what do I like to use?".
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. I'm considering getting one myself for the very same purpose, actually. Would you mind sharing which you bought so I could do the same?
  20. While not the most common problem I see, it's the most common problem I have... not making punchy enough beats. The most common problem I see is unbalanced volume mixing. Remember - you want your whole song to be audible! Not just one guitar/synth. If you can't hear one of your instruments, fix it so you can.
  21. Alright, I punched up the beat quite a bit, changed the arrangement a very small bit near the end, changed the mastering a bit so the bass was less quiet and other things were, and redid almost all of the synth programming. http://tindeck.com/listen/vpba How is it now?
  22. http://tindeck.com/listen/jcsw Hey guys, this is Eilios with a house track called "Cursed Realtors!". It was inspired by Heath Morris's Timeshock(the original, not extra) and has pretty solid foundations. While it is a house track, it has a small window into the orchestral side with a lot of vibrophone in there too for good measure and to keep a kind of "haunted" feel to it.
  23. I know this has been said before, but this is a really fake sounding guitar. And it's really loud, too. I don't think it's my headphones, but I keep hearing really bad crackles. The synth that shows up a minute in is kinda cool, I guess, but it's hard to hear over the crackling fake guitar. It drags on, too. I'd put some breaks or something to lessen the whole "really long loop" aspect. 3:34 was a MUCH needed break from that guitar. It's nice sounding, and I like it. The kick drum, however, shows it's true colours when it's not muffled by the guitar. Pretty overprocessed.
  24. I'm considering getting this, but I want to know - is the difficulty comparable to the original two SNES ones? I really liked the original two Lufia games because, among other things, they were so challenging.
  25. Noisia - Alpha Centauri
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