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Everything posted by eilios

  1. NEW VERSION! http://tindeck.com/listen/tdiw Changelist: Lowered the volume of the chords. Lots of sidechaining to make the kick drum more audible. Changed many of the synths subtly. Edited the dynamics to make the low-mid synth a lot louder in it's melody. Added the second half of the song. Minor things changed with the beat. A little bit of mastering.
  2. FL Studio's demo has a 30-day full version? I was not aware of this! There are some free DAWs out there, I wouldn't recommend them as strongly as I would some of the commercial DAWs, but LMMS is a free DAW in the vein of FL Studio, and though it's not nearly comparable in quality, it's a good workaround. Just be absolutely sure that you put some decent third party VSTs and a whole new library of percussion samples because in my experience the samples it comes with aren't that hot, and the effects aren't either. Mu.lab has an unlimited free version, but it has a bunch of restrictions on it that would be considered completely useless and arbitrary to many. It's easy enough to work around it, but don't be using the free version for serious work. Also, if you're into chiptunes and want to try with that, Famitracker is a very solid program for making NES styled chiptunes. If you want proof of that, go check out 8BitDanooct1's channel on youtube. However, in the long run, if you really want to get into music, your best bet is to suck it up and pay the initial cost for a serious DAW. Music isn't a cheap hobby/profession. If you're not willing to pay ever, you're going to have some serious problems.
  3. See them? I'd rather have them!
  4. Thanks! And yes, this remix is not like most DnB; it's a completely different style.
  5. http://tindeck.com/listen/imlx <-- Version 16(Bonus Stage) http://tindeck.com/listen/jbve <--Version 8(Final) http://tindeck.com/listen/fcbz <--Version 4 http://tindeck.com/listen/mttb <-- Version 2 http://tindeck.com/listen/tdiw <-- Version 1 http://tindeck.com/listen/ybzu <-- Version 0.5 No, this is not nearly finished! The finished version will be twice as long! This is a WiP so y'all can see how this is progressing, and friends who know I've been working on this don't go absolutely insane from the wait. Please comment on it, even if your comment is negative! =D
  6. I almost always listen to my mixes on tinny iPod earphones, my studio headphones, my speaker system, and a TV(read: bad audio quality) speaker so I can estimate exactly how all of the different sound systems play a specific song.
  7. Thank you - you were the first person who noticed that! Yeah, I need to get better at synth programming. They're not untweaked synth presets, though. And this is new to me. I never really knew my percussion samples weren't that great, and though I'm not exactly a breakbeat artist, I will keep it in mind. If you have any recommendations, I would very much appreciate them. Alright. I'll keep that in mind.
  8. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/trancity This is a Trance track, not that progressive. Please comment, even if it's negative. =D
  9. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/thunderclouds-a-comin This is a track I made on BARDIEL to play with Z3TA and Square 1(which I just bought). Because it was made on BARDIEL, you might notice that I'm using different percussion then I usually use. That's because I haven't moved my samplepacks over to BARDIEL yet.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-KQOAYl7xw That might be like what you want, it might not. I'm not exactly sure, though.
  11. Really chill track - I like it!
  12. Timeshock by Siamey, Desertion by Zircon, and Bare Knuckle Blitz by Willrock to name a few. There are a lot more, though.
  13. Lots of glitching and FX and filters everywhar http://tindeck.com/listen/wcyh
  14. Juggalos
  15. GY!BE is a post rock band that generally makes 5+ minute instrumentals(they can go for up to 20+ minutes, though).
  16. The synths are odd, and even though it's all droning and such, it's not a bother to me. Which is odd. This is nice, but the percussion could use a lot more punch. There IS a kick drum, but good luck finding it! That said, the arrangement is really repetitive, and stays at pretty much the same dynamic throughout. Add breaks and such, make it more interesting and varied.
  17. Lofi Plus was taken off the internet. It's still a damn good plugin. It's harder with cloud service, though. It's not just uploading files and say "here u go download it lol", it's also saving accounts with presets for possibly hundreds of VSTs. And any computer connected to that account will be downloading, regularly saving backups, and more. Cloud services aren't the nicest things for hardware storage. Oh, I don't disagree. Not at all. It would be wonderful if somebody could put it together. It's just not very likely - not enough demand, a lot of work required.
  18. Genres do have a purpose. The best example I can think of is comparing punk rock and GY!BE. They're both technically rock, but they're not very similar. In moderation, they're incredibly helpful for finding things that you'd like to listen to. In moderation.
  19. The closest thing you can probably do for this is register some form of cloud storage and go from there. Making a dedicated service for VSTs would be way too much work, considering that they come from all over the world, some just randomly disappear off the internet, and there are so many versions on so many different sites that finding the current version is a total headache. Plus, it would be pretty hard to get the major companies on-board. The only way this could plausibly happen if Native Instruments or some other major music company started it off, otherwise you wouldn't have enough impact, nor the resources to make this realistic.
  20. When I read the thread's title, I thought it had something to do with people putting ridiculous composite labels comprised of over 5 different words to describe their music and insisting that everyone else memorizes them. Either way, people like that aren't worth trying to convince. If they want to be overtly selective, let them. The rest of us will enjoy good music, whatever fusion of genres it may be.
  21. That would also be nice for me, too. Another thing to add to the wishlist!
  22. A thread to post gear that you want to acquire at some point. Also softsynths. I'd like Zebra 2, Komplete, and Harmless. That'd be pretty good for me at this point.
  23. Same here! I have an Accent model, it's pretty old though, so I don't remember exactly what model it is. I'll get back to this thread when I find out, though. Beware of nefarious ninja edits!
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