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Ivan Hakštok

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Everything posted by Ivan Hakštok

  1. Hehe, if I finish my other tracks soon, I'll give it a shot.
  2. While I think the three genres are sufficient, it would be useful to have a "Drug" field indicating the drug that enhances the listening experience of a song the most.
  3. Most of my songs are possibly techno. I clearly haven't made that final step into becoming pure techno(manga) but I'm getting pretty close!
  4. MTL! I wonder what it's gonna sound with the rap. Anyway, I'd rather keep any newer WIPs private, so next time just pm me instead of posting in the thread
  5. There are lots of problems with sharing project files, such as not having the same plugins, same samples or instrument recordings, which would make you unable to open the whole file. The thing I'd like to emphasize though, is that project files are like undocumented program code: by the time you figure out how and why something works, you could've made it yourself twice. That's why the best way to gain knowledge on production intricacies is just making tons of music, accepting criticisms and then making even more music. On the other hand, looking at existing scores is actually a good way to learn about composition (along with, again, making tons of music). Maybe I'll provide some midis or tabs/sheet music for my remixes in the future.
  6. Depending on the type of vocals you need, I could recommend or ask a few people.
  7. Talkback tonight you say? With daylight savings time in place, I'm available to talk back if you need more peeps
  8. I'm fine with anything, but I'd prefer it to be in the summer. My schedule is a bit crazy right now.
  9. The results for Brevity Month are up! It was a great month, congratulations to Midee on the win! Everyone, check the winning entry out, it's amazing: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/15-02-Brevity/01-Midee-Donkey%20Kong%20Country%202-Expand%20Sails-DoD.mp3 Complete results: As for the next month, it's SNK month! Hop into your Metal Slugs and start dueling! Also, since I'm part of the DoD PR team now, I can let you know we'll be posting lots of SNK goodies (old remixes and related stuff) throughout the month, so be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter
  10. I'm on my phone and I had a nice and long post written but I accidentally deleted it, I'll make a proper post again when I get home but tl;dr tekken stays because it's one of the games that defined the console
  11. I assume you mean this game: Since it's not a port but a remake, I'd say it's ok. I'll add you to the list.
  12. Unfortunately, FF8 doesn't fit the rules for this project since it already has multiple remixes on OCR. But it deserves an album on it's own.
  13. If you remember, this song was posted on now (temporarily?) dead vgremix.com, where we exchanged a few lines in the comment section and you told me about your and hydao's effort to spread the word about obscure japanese-only game soundtracks.
  14. The entries are up! And they're awesome! Get them now! Page: http://dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=15-02-Brevity&month=Brevity&img=15-02-Brevity Zip: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/15-02-Brevity/DoD-15-02-Brevity.zip Youtube playlist: You can vote (and you SHOULD vote) using the voting app: http://dwellingofduels.net/voting Send your votes via email at dodsongs@gmail.com. Votes are due end of the month. Also, in the spirit of Brevity Month, get creative and review each song in 10 words or less! Post your reviews over at the forums: http://dwellingofduels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=292
  15. Valid point. I'll have to make a firm decision right now then and say no ports allowed. I'll go through the list of currently claimed games and make sure everything's within the rules. And I didn't know about that bit about TFV, apparently it was released on Saturn in Japan only. But still, my decision on ports stands, I wish I could include TFV on this Quick, someone start a Sega Saturn remix album!
  16. Damn... I love Thunder Force, but... the PS1 version is a port of the Saturn version. I got asked about another ported game earlier today actually and I had to say no. I'll have to say no to this too If it was an arcade port I'd allow it, but we can't have games that debuted on PS1's direct competitors at the time
  17. Pop 'n' Twinbee? CHM and Wild_Cat pointed me to this soundtrack during the listening party to CHM's Prime Legacy album and I've been wanting to remix something from it ever since... maybe this is the right opportunity? I'll be fairly busy next week but I may give this a shot
  18. Huhu, one of my favorite pieces of vgm! Nice cover The recording quality sounds pretty good to me, except for that one spike at around 0:15 where it sounds like it clips. Maybe you could just back down on input volume a little bit and then later tame those louder parts using some compression.
  19. I'd like to add two things not written in my submission: First, Super Final Match Tennis has an amazing soundtrack, I encourage everyone to check it out. I've never played the game and probably never will, but I could listen to the soundtrack for hours. Second, HUUUGE thanks to a couple of guys named captainhydao and KungFuFurby. KungFuFurby was the one who ripped this soundtrack and captainhydao tagged it and uploaded a few songs on youtube. Without them, I probably would've never been able to find out about this game or the soundtrack. They've both contacted me since and said they liked the remix. captainhydao's youtube channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/captainhydao He uploads tons of obscure game music and gameplay videos. I definitely picked up a few more songs there I want to remix in the future
  20. My guess is you just want to play along to a song. Use your daw and transpose the song a semitone up. It's simpler than tuning your guitar just for one song. It's simpler than playing a song written for a half-step down tuning in the standard tuning. Keep things simple. I do this all the time.
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