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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Pre-purchased this about 2 weeks ago on Steam. The first game came with it, and though its pretty dated it had some awesome ideas. From what I've seen, Human Revolution takes a lot of the great ideas from the original. Pretty excited for this.
  2. People ignore assists way too much. Sure, if you get 1 auto attack on a champion that can get you an assist, but for the most part it shows that you actually contributed to the team, especially with something as high as 27 assists. Plus its seems more common for someone to show up to a team fight late and just last hit a weakened champion whilst others did the bulk of the damage, so really K/D is a bad way to judge how well someone is doing.
  3. One of my first remix attempts ever was this song, back when I was very new to FL so it was pretty terrible. I may try this if I find the time. But what style? Hmmm...
  4. Oh my GOD that was absolutely hilarious. Also, personally I'm pretty excited for dominion. I could see character balance being a bit of an issue possibly, but I guess we'll see. Seems pretty much like a LoL version of Arathi Basin, which was my personal favourite battleground, so that's pretty cool.
  5. I've got a few tunes. Seasons are pretty irrelevant in jungles, but this song has always had an upbeat, summery vibe to it for me. Jungle Falls from Toki Tori: This one is self explanatory, from Harvest Moon 64. Its a really fun, upbeat groove: And actually, that last one is reminding me of music from Diddy Kong Racing, which had some awesome summery tunes! I pretty much love this whole soundtrack, it stood out to me when I was a kid playing it. It's all so upbeat and fantastic, I'd link it all if I could but some of them are for winter levels which just wont do. But here are a few: Crescent Island (personal favourite): Whale Bay: Ancient Lake: Fossil Canyon: *EDIT - OBLIGATORY SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE TUNE. Gelato Beach
  6. What the hell guys? How am I supposed to pick 3 of these 11 remixes? I'm pretty upset that I didn't get a chance to work on mine because of work, but at least the turnout was amazing regardless! And yes, that is amazing. I become more excited for this game every day
  7. You're thinking of Darksiders 2. That was in the trailer, but The Darkness II was not. The Darkness was reviewed well enough and seemed to have some cool ideas, though I never had a chance to play it myself. I'm finding shooters a little stale myself but if this has enough in it to stand out from the pack perhaps I will look into it.
  8. Haha, Decisive Battle and Chemical Plant were ones I was actually thinking of. The others are all great too. If I have time I'll probably learn all of those actually, among others. I'll see if I can come up with any cool suggestions.
  9. Yeah that would be pretty awesome. That contest is pretty neat. A friend of mine was thinking about it too. I'd do one myself but I'm no good with lyrics, which is a requirement. Might try to think up SOMETHING though.
  10. Yeah if it was sent that long ago I'm sure its fine now. Also I couldn't see them coming after OCR ever. Its simply non-profit fan arrangements/remixes. No harm in that, and as far as I'm aware that doesn't violate any copyright laws.
  11. I can play guitar fairly well so long as its nothing super shreddy, and I'm not too picky about genre or songs so if anyone wants me to learn something just let me know! I'd love to jam a bit at MAG.
  12. Aside from the arguably bad level-scaling (depending on how you build your character) and the fact that there are way too few voice actors, its a solid RPG experience. The Shivering Isles expansion is especially good, but the main quest is great too.
  13. Wow yeah, that hang drum is beautiful. With such a low price I think I'm gonna pick at least that one up myself. Maybe I can use it in my remix. We'll see.
  14. Always loved this song, excellent source choice.
  15. Plenty of champions have similar abilities but I see what you mean. I dunno, he still seems pretty fun though. His copy/stealth ability will probably be extremely annoying.
  16. Man I had Megaman 64 and it was awesome. Was definitely excited for this. They even had this featured in a Nintendo Power magazine I picked up, with screenshots and the new female protagonist and everything! Poppycock.
  17. Totally. I usually turn it off, or only up to about halfway. Its completely adjustable. Another game series I just thought of is Rolling Thunder. Never played the first, but 2 and 3 were awesome Genesis side scrollers. Some sweet action in them, would love a new one or something. Though I dunno if a 3D rendition would work. Still a new 2D throwback kinda game would be wicked.
  18. Yeah the PS2 game was pretty cool. I didn't play the sequel either myself. However I do miss the side scrolling goodness of the Genesis Shinobi games. There is a new Shinobi coming out on 3DS later this year though, and it looks pretty promising. Looks reminiscent of Shinobi III in terms of gameplay, with some neat new things added. Also: Couldn't agree more.
  19. Yeah she seems really good. Her damage output for a tank is pretty awesome. My friend tried to convince me that she was a little underpowered compared to other tanks, but now I'm not so sure.
  20. =D Splendid. I just preregistered, and might have a room with Capa. Hopefully I'll sort it all out soon.
  21. I am totally set on going, though I wont have any people from around here to go with so I'll have to split a room with some OCR people it looks like. Would prefer people I've at least talked to a bit on IRC or whatnot, but hopefully I'll figure something out. So exciting.
  22. I would say Mario still grows and changes. Sure the Galaxy games may have had similar elements to Mario 64 / Sunshine or whatever, but they were very unique games with new and exciting gameplay elements. It still follows the basic formula of collecting stars but the gameplay was a real evolution. Also, the sports and party games I would count as spin-offs or separate series. Though I suppose the relevance of a series does come down to personal taste, which you hinted at anyways. You seem to dislike many of the series that I personally adore so it wouldn't be worth getting into too much of a kerfuffle . (Although I'm not really a fan of CoD or Halo myself, so at least we agree on that much) Either way I'd still say Sonic is relevant, personally, though he has strayed from the path more than I would like (though I liked Colors). I wont get my hopes up but I must say what I've seen so far is making it a bit difficult. And LOL chthonic.
  23. Oh cool beans. My OCR circle must grow. http://gplus.to/Amphibious
  24. They got pretty high praise in Japan. Of course that's Japan and North America certainly isn't guaranteed to feel the same way towards them. Still, I saw some gameplay from The Last Story and Xenoblade and they both looked fairly promising, at least to my tastes.
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