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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I can tell you guys had a LOT of fun with your mixes, and I think that's one of the most important parts about this compo. Havine a lot of fun making music! I know I had a ton of fun making my tunes. On another note, I haven't really reviewed anything and I've been very busy the last little while with school and work, but an idea I've had is to post Remixer reviews, where I review all your mixes as a whole rather than the individual mixes. Maybe not as helpful for specific production issues and the like, but I'd definitely like to provide some feedback to y'all. I should have some time to commit to that in the next few days.
  2. I definitely agree with this. On one hand I'm honored to have had over 6000 views on my remix posted last month, its an awesome feeling. But on the other hand I've barely had any new traffic to any of my pages because of it. In fact the few follows and likes I've gotten on Soundcloud recently are almost entirely from the remixes I've done in the Wily competition, which doesn't get nearly the amount of views that the YouTube channel does. Though personally, I'm not really at a stage where getting lots of follows concerns me much since I don't have much material available outside of OCR. I can definitely get why some people may be irked by the whole YouTube description thing though.
  3. I loved the reference. Such a great song. My high school jazz band played that song and I had a trumpet solo in it.
  4. I'll see if I can get something together for this. Now that the Wily competition is done I'll be focusing on music for school, but I'm always fiddling with remix ideas in my spare time. I'd be down to try something for Brawl so if its not claimed in the next couple weeks I may get something to you.
  5. Alright, just submitted my mix. This was a super fun one, and its got some real smooth pad and piano stuff from SuperiorX. I tried my best to make some leads of Gario caliber, he got sick and couldn't do his own. Dunno if I succeeded though Aw well. Can't wait to hear everyone elses mixes
  6. The Beat Masters have somethin' cooking this week. I've done the arranging but I'm getting some contributions from da team to really spruce it up. Its one of the longer arrangements I've done (A little over 4 minutes, which seems long to me ) Hopefully as many of you as possible can get a mix in this week. I know I haven't been around the thread or listening parties much (a lot going on IRL) but I love hearing all the stuff people come up with. Lets all go out with a bang.
  7. This is the slickest, the kickinest, hip-hoppinest mix. I love it. Such sick flows, such an awesome beat, superb funk geetars, piano, trumpets, bass, mixing is phenomenal too. Gosh dang!
  8. I'd definitely love to contribute to this. Sounds like a really fun project, and I'd be down to try some EDM beats. Work it Out seems like something I could work with. I've got a lot to do for now, but seeing as how you plan to start this a ways down the road it seems doable for me!
  9. Man I am so into Pokemon Puzzle League in that picture. (thats me in the blue its a sanic the speedhog shirt)
  10. You mean I bought that ISW bundle recently for nothing?! Just kidding, this'll be a nice way to try out the things I don't have! I've always wanted to test out Shreddage and Groove Bias a little bit
  11. Well I've actually had a bit of time today, don't have class until later. I've spent a little over an hour putting together something rough, so maybe I'll send that along.
  12. I'm that guy too, so you're not the only guy. I've been pretty busy, but if I can get something together soon I'll definitely send it your way Dusk. But if someone else out there can get something sweet made for Moon Beach then by all means have at it!
  13. Hm alright. I see what you're saying about the sweep, so I'll take a look at the levels. An easy enough fix. The verse lead is a bit robotic I'll admit, though there is a tad of vibrato at the end of phrases, and I kinda like the timbre even if it is basic. Still I may be able to spice it up some more and make it feel more lively so I'll take a look at it. The lead at 1:03 is actually using the same instruments that are used in the verse, though I guess I was just more interesting with them the 2nd time around. The ending did seem like it could use something else so I'll take that into account as well. Thanks for the comments!
  14. Yeah I've been using a pair of AKG K240 MkII, and they're pretty sweet. I mix on monitors as well, but they're good for late night mixing and they have a nice crisp and clear sound. They're not too pricey, though definitely above your $100 threshold. I'd still recommend them, personally.
  15. I've only played online twice, once I was disconnected and nothing counted. I've always played Animal Crossing primarily by myself. There's a TON to do by yourself, and it is easier to collect everything by trading with others and visiting other towns, but its certainly not required. Especially if you get a few street passes here and there, because you can buy furniture from peoples houses you pass by. As much as they hyped some of the online features they added this time around, Animal Crossing for me is a great way to just wind down on my own time by myself.
  16. My round 1 mix was a little over 9 hours according to FL Studio, round 4 mix was a tad longer than that. It varies greatly from mix to mix though, sometimes I just sit there thinking "wat do I do". Other times it flows a lot better. I have some up in the 20 hour or so range.
  17. I need to extend the arrangement and make some tweaks to Jack Sparrow and the Funky Pharaoh but I do wanna submit it. Imhotep Step felt more complete so its up for Mod Review right now and then I'll probably send it off
  18. Gotta have da hunnies. Leona is my hunny. I played some ranked with her and got placed in Silver II! So exciting.
  19. Hello! Lookin' for some feedback on my recent mix for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet. This was a fun one, but perhaps there are some issues to iron out. I'm hoping to sub it to the site! Any help would be most appreciated Primarily its a mix of Pharaoh Man and Sunstar, trading off with some overlap throughout. Mercury only makes a small appearance, so perhaps that part can be up for a change. Lemme know! https://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/the-beat-masters-amphibious Here are the sources: Mega Man IV (NES) - Pharaoh Man: Mega Man V(Gameboy) Sunstar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Mf3o7oVQ4 Mega Man V(Gameboy) Mercury (VERY minimally used, only in the transition at 1:20 - 1:27): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4mCnIHYKyk
  20. Breaking baaaad. I may hop into a listening party if its happening soon or now or whateverrrrrrrrr.
  21. I was considering giving the main theme of Tomb Raider 3 a remix (it might be the same theme as the first two I can't recall off the top of my head). I loved that game as a kid. I may just add it to my to-do list
  22. Remixing my favourite Sega Genesis game? Oh gosh. So many projects to do, but dangit I'm gonna muster something up for this!
  23. Almost all my songs on Newgrounds have a score of over 4/5, and I've had a ton of trolls and "zero bombers" give it low scores. Yet when I put most of these songs on there, I didn't even know what an equalizer was. A rating system online should not be a real indication of the quality of music. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you aren't trolling and are actually this pretentious. Feedback from any one individual is always valuable, even if they disagree with your whole artistic vision. You should learn from what you do, from what others say, from everything you possibly can in life. Everyone will have a different angle to look at things, and it can be helpful insight. Almost everyone has some sort of inherent biases within them, but Timaeus is trying to give some honest and helpful feedback, so try and listen to some feedback on your work-in-progress mix.
  24. Haha, yeah I'll still listen to some 90s Backstreet Boys from time to time. Fighting in the Streets is my favourite song on the OST, but I've already remixed it and subbed it to the site so I'm trying a different one. I had the idea for Moon Beach, the lyrics would probably be love-ish, but still with some kinda funky beats. I dunno yet, haha. I'll let some ideas congeal in my mind. It may not work out but its at least a consideration of mine.
  25. Still no one tackling da best track ever? Its funny, all this talk of MJ and vocal mixes and the like actually has me thinking of those kinds of ideas for my mix. I've got this 90s boy-band-esque sound in my head that wont quit...
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