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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Awesome. Including the "fight" thing is a great idea. I could also be cool with some of Yoshimitsu's classic....weird noises lol? That solo is just a taste of what's to come later in the song. There'll be something more insane no worries. The people have spoken and some Tekken tunez must be in there. I'll see what I can do.....
  2. Thank you! If the track is sounding Tekkeny then the goal is being met. Well, I'm actually the opposite of you lol, I'm not really familiar with much of the music before 3. I like King's Theme, Lee's theme and the title song from Tekken 2 but I haven't heard anything else in that game I really really like. Tekken 3 has a couple songs I really like such as Jin and Nina's theme, but I don't really think they would fit at the higher tempo and the groove I've got going. Okay I think what I'm going to do from here, is just stick with SF and hopefully a Final Fight song, but still stay on track with making it sound more like a Ajurika tekken tune. Which was my initial plan anyway. I'll keep tweaking the piano.
  3. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/cross-the-line-wip4 WIP 4. Edited strings. Snare volume upped, Piano volume downed. However, I think for this WIP I lowered it a bit too much. I added in the first guitar solo. On this track, for solos I want to stay away from doing lots of shred wankery and just make it melodic. I mean, I'll probably throw in a few speedy runs, but I want to do so to connect smooth, melodic phrases. I think I've got it covered on the SF tracks I want to use. I still want to throw in a Final Fight melody but I'm really not sure on what I want to throw in on the Tekken side of things.
  4. Well, according to Ono's twitter page, there will be another new "playable rom" of the game at the penny arcade expo next week. Which probably also means more reveals. Gives me somethin' to look forward to.....
  5. We think alike. I was going for that "whirl" type fee lol. Where the high note is at the end, is indeed where a guitar solo will start. My own solo though, not the spinning bird or Light Guardian one. Thanks man. Well, the drums aren't supposed to be louder than most of the other instruments. I dunno, I personally think the drums work at this point. I'll tweak the master some more and experiment with the piano pan. Might be a bit distracting if it was panned a bit though?
  6. Weird string breaks happen. Once, I was just sitting at my desk and the guitar was on it's stand.....and without warning on any reason the high E snapped lol.
  7. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/cross-the-line-wip-3 New update with better snare. I also added in some of spinning bird. Crank it up.
  8. hell yeah. I know that if they announce Christie (rather than Eddy) I'll go nutshit. It would be awesome to see her against Elena. I have doubts that Elena will be in though.
  9. Been checking out some of the Gamescom thing http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GamesCom-2011-Street-Fighter-X-Tekken-Trailer-Screenshots-Surface-34318.html Some screenshots. I notice they added a new stage. Looks cool
  10. Yeah this game is exciting! I'm pretty sure Asuka will happen. I'm just surprised they haven't announced Jin. Lee's cool. I think Marshall Law and Fei Long is more likely though.
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/street-fighter-x-tekken/video/6328908?tag=topslot;thumb;1 This great gamescom trailer released today explains how to play the game and unveils Hugo, Raven, Ibuki and Kuma.
  12. Thanks! I must hear your Sakura remix! It is sure to be killer! The Tekken Tag 2 themes are pretty cool. I like the "Bountiful Sea", "Arctic Dream", the character select, the intro theme and that dubstep sounding one.....which is weird cuz I usually hate dubstep. I'll change up some of the drums. More punchy snare to start. EX is actually the only series of SF I've never played. I have not heard good things about the game itself, but the soundtracks are great. Glad you like it so far! I hope the end result is killer. It seems Spinning Bird is the winning vote so far on the next song to include. Listening to my current mix, Light Guardian and Spinning bird back to back, I think Spinning bird may fit a bit better. I'll be throwing in some awesome lead guitar stuff too, (least I hope my playing is killer lol). I think I could fit more sources in if I maybe used a melody or two from a source as a basis for the solos. I learned Jin's theme from Tekken 3 a long time ago on guitar. That could be a good starting point for an original solo.
  13. How can you even say that? Which Tekken? No worries though, this one plays more SFIV style with Tekken Tag style rules.
  14. New characters to be revealed at Gamescon! So that's like the 18th-21st or something. My bet is Ibuki, Kuma and Hugo..
  15. Good Lordy Mordi. That's killer. Really lovin' the drums. Your songs often have this..."fantasy" feel to them that I think is killer. This will blow people's freakin' tits off with astonishment.
  16. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/cross-the-line-wip-2 WIP 2. Currently just focused on arrangement. I'll finish all the transitions, filling empty spots etc. once I got the rest done. The new tune I mixed in is "Doll Eyes". Cammy's theme from Alpha 3. Basically, I did the melody with a piano. For the first couple repeats of the bass riff I kept it in the same notes as the original, but on the more intense repeat I re-interpreted the bass into the more Full-on style of the rest of the track. I was also thinking of trying to include "spinning bird". Chun's theme from the EX games. I'm still going through all the suggestions on the tekken themes and thinking about how I can work them in. Problem is, I want to keep in lots of original parts as well so I don't just overload the piss outta this with different sources. I'll do some guitar leads, new melodies and trippy sound effects plus bring back some of the sources more than once. I'm sure I can pull it off in the end lol
  17. Yeah true. Either way Poison is still a badass.
  18. Thanks for the feedback! Moonlit Wilderness is a great tune for sure. Ryu's theme is over-rated anyway though. I'll try to avoid using his theme. As for squealing guitar, I'll definitely do some guitar stuff for it
  19. I just noticed a HUGE fuck up. Why do the handcuffs go through her leg?
  20. Thanks! I can screw around with the attack on the strings though. Yeah, Lee/Chicago could work in there! We'll see what happens lol
  21. So I'm stoked as hell for SFXT. March better hurry. I thought it would be cool to make a medley type remix of Street Fighter themes done in Tekken's sort of Psytrance style. I'll add in the trippy sound effects once I get the whole arrangement done. I do want to throw in some Tekken themes too. I'm open to suggestions for other SF and Tekken songs to mix in with this. I'm trying to stay away from using the cliched SF II songs. So maybe Alpha and SF III. I'd also do some Final Fight stuff since Poison and some other FF characters are in it. Right now, for this intro/verse thing. It's a remix of Sakura's theme. Let me know what you guys think. I hope I can get this sub worthy. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/cross-the-line-wip4 EDIT: Towards the start there's a weird pop sound. This is not on my wav. or project file.....something must have went screwy with the upload =/
  22. Realism is also in velocity, timing etc. I was just saying try emulating the enviroment you would hear strings in. I'll admit I do tend to go a bit crazy with reverb sometimes. I love reverb....just sometimes I love it too much. Like right now I'm doing this surf rock track. Trying to get just the right amount of reverb is tricky. The sound I was refering to in my last post was of course more than a single sample.
  23. What the others said. I did this little experiment once. I had this track, with a violin sample for the lead. However, I had it completely dry. No effects of any kind. I sent the song to this person and they're like "It's a good song but the violin doesn't sound real at all. Do you know anyone who plays?" I was like "Sure, Just give me a couple days". I sent the song to them a few days later and they were thrilled. They thought I got a real violinist to play it because it sounded much more realistic than before. I actually played the lead on MIDI keyboard and all I did was add reverb to the sample lol. I think a big part of realism with using a sample, is emulating the enviroment one would hear the instrument in. Rather than the instrument itself.
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