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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I see Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket his funeral.......
  2. The pitchshift, in it's state here, sounds awful and the intense glitching kills the flow and general musicality of the vocals. Even if that's "the point", doesn't mean I have to like it lol.
  3. I haven't improved in the last 10 years, so don't feel bad. or maybe that's not encouraging? I dunno.
  4. Ha! I remember Oregon Trail! I think there was "Yukon Trail" too.
  5. A friend of mine wanted me to do "this is halloween" by Danny Elfman, so I made my own instrumental of it so that she can sing over if she wants. P.S. I'm aware I am a shitty mixer and musician with bad samples, I apologize in advance. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/this-is-halloween
  6. Can I contribute? Here's some samples of my (shitty) guitar and composition skillz http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tales-from-the-crypt - Lead http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tomorrow-demo - Rhythm
  7. I'm not a dubstep fan in the least so my opinion is probably insanely biased, but I really didn't enjoy that good sir. reminded me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPOr4aAT11w
  8. Hey man! Haven't been workin' that tune as of late. I'm going to re-do the guitars. My CPU usage was way too high and I got latency so the guitars were out of time...amateur mistake on my part.......

  9. Not that I know of and I can't find any info about a PC release. Break out the duster.
  10. I can't get enough of this today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdSI3ZtWgTA&feature=related
  11. There's lots of great free stuff out there. Try googling "free soundfonts" or "free vst plugins" etc. Also, browse around the "Music composition & Production" thread. Never know what goodies you can find there.
  12. Halloween draws near! My favorite holiday. So that means we have to do some halloween music. With Vincent Price's laughing. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tales-from-the-crypt
  13. I'm trying to figure out how I can get voice clips like what you hear in this song. I also want to know what they're called. I've heard this kind of stuff in many different tracks made for martial arts/ninja themed games and the like. It seems like some kind of chant and I figure it must be attributed to martial arts/shinto or buddhist religions to some degree. It doesn't seem like typical karate type sound effects but I suppose I could be wrong. Perhaps some kind of battlecry? Anyone know?
  14. Hey there. Well first thing I noticed was that the snare isn't very good. Actually the whole thing could benefit from superior drum samples and perhaps layers of said samples. On that topic, I think you have strings at the start? They sound very fake as does the piano type sound. I'd complain about the brass too, but I do have a soft spot for synth brass actually. The bass isn't bad, it's got a retro feel that I like. I also dig the bells. Also the song overall is pretty short. I'd recommend really expanding upon it with more of your own composition. In a nutshell, expand the arrangement more, more humanization and update the samples/synths and I think she'll be great.
  15. I'm tasked with playing guitar and recording the music for my band. I dunno I guess I suck the least at doing those two things or something. So this is the intro and verse music to "tomorrow", a tune we've been workin' on. Bands we look up to for inspiration would be the likes of Kamelot, Avantasia, Amaranthe, Pagan's Mind, Helloween, Stratovarius, all the 80s bands, Yngwie Malmsteen, Mercenary, Edguy, In Flames, Twilightning, Symphony X, Allen - Lande, Jorn, Adagio, Iced Earth, and well..........a shitload more. Vocalist is still tweaking the lyrics though and I'll replace the drums with the live drums from our real, flesh and blood drummer once we've got all the music written. We're also still looking for a really great keyboard player! So if by a slim chance anyone who sees this, plays keys and lives in Alberta, Canada thinks we're good enough to jam with ya, let me know.. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tomorrow-demo Any feeback on what we haz so far is appreciated.
  16. It is awesome =D Well, I finally beat it the other day and all in all I'd say it was great. I loved the head banging demon! Anyway, I found that towards the end some of the game's difficulty comes from......poor art decisions. Don't get me wrong, it looks amazing, but sometimes there is so much red and black that you can't tell where you are. One boss fight I must've died 40 times (seriously) because of the colors and the camera was zoomed out so far that the boss' health bar would actually completely cover you up when you go into bird form. Some, silhouette fights, mainly the last chapter, suffer from the same issue. Because the game is so focused on fighting crowds, when the whole sceen is flooded with black shapes and you're right in the cross-fire, you disappear...
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