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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. From the first NES game Yeah, it's repetitive as hell lol. I'll see what I can do.
  2. I probably hate Abel 10x more than I hate Rufus.
  3. Hell yeah. Plus, if you're doing electronica, the piano roll allows you to tune the kick and snare very quickly. So that's a bonus.
  4. Hey there. Sounds good. Kick drum is a bit in my face, but that's pretty much the idea with this style. I feel that the song could benefit from some more..."advanced" sounding synths and/or samples though. I think you have a violin in there somewhere? She sounds real fake though. I also feel that the drums and bass are a little too loud because some of the melodies and various sounds aren't cutting through like it seems they should. All in all though it's great.
  5. I'd play people but I don't haz arcade edition....do you need arcade edition to play against those with AE or can you use regular edition? I'm probably just gonna upgrade to AE anyway this week....
  6. With FL, I prefer using the piano roll for drum sequencing or using my keyboard....but my keyboard doesn't work no more =(
  7. Moar Ninjas! I had done the Masked Devil, the most over rated tune of the entire series, with some guitar. I played the guitar somewhat different from the bass because I didn't want the guitars to be a complete copy of the bass. Repetive, but I wanted to make it sound...."gothic"? http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/ninja-gaiden-the-masked-devil
  8. Damn, I ask a lot of questions in this neighborhood of the forums lately. Anyway, I'm no sound designer, but I want to get a bass sound like this http://soundcloud.com/ajurika/responsibility-demo Not sure how to make something like that.....
  9. Orgasmic new trailer featuring story overview, pandora mode and other stuff! As anyone who ever does check this thread can tell, I'm freakin' pumped. I notice in that trailer one of the songs is a remix of the song Ajurika did for that Tekken Tag 2 trailer. Sweet!
  10. Maaaaaan I hate chiptunes. That being said I still love the music itself. I still have not decided what my favorite track is. Buzzsaw is up there though. That's an awesome song. Just 3.99 though? What the hell? It's worth way more than just 3.99
  11. So Seth Killian posted a photo of the game's newest build....giving away details. There's two meters now and no one's quite sure what the little circles are for. If anything. Pics of Lili and The Gief were also unveiled Miss Rochefort looks like shit in this game to be honest. Gief is still gief What you all think? Overall I'm cool with the graphics, but seeing Lili reminds me of a comment on that picture, "It looks like SFIV and MVC3 had an ugly baby and named it WTF". There's videos and other pics and shit like that out there but my god, Heihachi looks 8x worse than Lili. In other news, the official site has been updated with character artwork. Each character has an apparent "evil" version behind them. Evil Ibuki would be cool to play as.
  12. Dude, that's freakin' righteous! Reason I was asking this is because I'm doin' some tunes for a game (not a blockbuster title, but a cool game none the less!) and one song I'm doing is influenced by the Monkey Island sountrack. I dug through some boxes in the basement and I can't find my old recorder sadly.....doesn't matter much since I wouldn't remember how play it anyway lol.
  13. Thanks Rozovian! Quality tips as always. I forgot what the hell a recorder (instrument) was actually. I think I might even have one from when I was a little kid kicking around somewhere lol.
  14. Honestly, I hate that trailer. Everyone loves it but I think it's a stupid trailer. Rufus!? Out of all the SFIV characters.....we get that guy? Mind you, the SFIV newcomers were all pretty lame. I'll enjoy beating the crap out of him.
  15. I'm trying to find a flute vst, soundfont or whatever that is similiar in tone to the monkey island flute I have some, but most of the ones I got are asian sounding. I've been searching around google but I haven't been able to find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know where to find a sound like that?
  16. Thanks all. It does sound like an 80s cartoon lol. The brass is the much hated, "DSK Brass". I'll keep working on the arrangement and all that. Since it sounds 80s, I could do some electric guitar stuff too.
  17. Nothing says you have to use the template lol. I'll check out TLs-Pocket Limiter though.
  18. Yeah so I always really liked the Shinobi 3 title song and wondered what it would be like if had a bit more of a realistic sound. You know that song, Well, here's my version. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/shinobi-3-theme-remix Obviously, right now it's just a cover of the original. Suggestions on expanding the arrangement and other tips is what I'm lookin' for right now. My version is not insanely loud like most of my other crap.
  19. This. Actually, whenever I fire FL Studio up, it has a limiter on the master by default I think. So that's a thing.
  20. Ah yes, Jin's theme. One of my favorites and a tune I'm quite familiar with. I should really make a complete mix of it one day. BTW, Jin's theme is in TTT2 I believe. I'm on headphones right now so I can't tell for sure, but it sounds like there might be just a little too much subs around the 20 second mark? Jin's theme was very energetic in Tekken 3, this mix is way more mellow. The main melody from the source is too quiet in my opinion; It should be more up front as it is what drove the original. I really am liking the drums in this though and a lot of the little effects and transitions are great. So, after a couple listens on these headphones, it sounds good overall. I'm not completely sold on the arrangement though. It lacks the excitement of the original. Either way, I still enjoy this mix. Good Job
  21. I thought the guitars sound great.... Anyway, I hate Megaman, but I love this remix.
  22. Lovin' it. That harp, she is just killer. I also like the rather spooky feel of some of the synths. Great stuff all around.
  23. Sounds good. My complaint is that the arrangement is sort of all over the place. Maybe that's intentional, but I still would've preferred something less insane lol. Overall, well played!
  24. Composition is a deep subject. Learn all that you can about music theory. In a super-basic breakdown: the best place to start is learning what it means to be "in key". Once you've got a firm grasp on that, I'd start learning all the different kinds of chords. Chords are the most basic form of harmony. Then learn melody. Melodies are usually created using notes from the scale that the chords in the songs are created with. There is a lot of theory behind writing a strong melody but honestly it's just not possible to discuss it all here on OCR. The way I look at is you can write great music if you have at least a basic understanding of rhythm, harmony and melody. Like I said though, there is a lot to the subject of composition to learn. As for improving your skills. The only way is too keep writing music! Buy mountains of books on theory, keep refining your techniques on the instruments you play, study other compositions you like, and listen to every musical genre under the sun and figure out what makes them tick. Then, take every new thing you learn and try apply it to your next song. I'd say that if you work very hard at it, in around 2-3 years time, you can be writing some real awesome stuff.
  25. Teasers for Lili and Zangief released. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/sep/08/new-teaser-trailers-street-fighter-x-tekken/
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