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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Apparently there is already a sequel planned. Also, has anyone here read the "X-Men: First Class" comics from a few years back?
  2. I've only played the 2nd one and it was freaking awesome. Except the main theme song is annoying and the game is waaaaaaaaaaaay too short.
  3. MGS1 is one of the greatest games evar made. If you disagree, I invite you to PM me and we shall discuss it. Anyway, I thought I'd try making the song that plays when an enemy spots you into a new tune. I also threw in that cliched Main Theme from the second game for the hell of it. Though I plan to make the tune primarily a re-do of the "holy shit run!" theme as I call it. I don't actually know what those two songs are really called. Unlike most of my other VG remix fails, which are mostly just covers, I simply learned the melodies of these two tunes and then put them over top of my own rhythms and stuff. The first part of the song is the "you've been spotted"! Theme, which is 275bpm and in A minor. Then it changes to the "main theme" which is 145bpm in D minor. After the fade out part is where I'll bust out my guitar and do some heavy metal riffs. Gotta re-string the guitar first though. Screw playing on old strings. http://tindeck.com/listen/pmyz
  4. HELL YEAH. ZoE 2 was 7 different kinds of fuck awesome. Seriously though, NO MGS1!? You can't be serious. You can't be.
  5. I'm not sure. Either way, I don't think a fictional superhero is ever really like a real person lol. They've tried to make it more realistic by creating all these personal struggles with the characters and all that but in my opinion it actually made it less believable. I recall reading an old, old interview with Stan Lee or Jack Kirby where he said that in other comics (DC of course) the characters are god like. At the end of the day, No one is smarter than Batman, No one is stronger than Superman, No one is faster than Flash etc. In DC comics and what not. In Marvel comics, Spidey, The X-Men, Avengers etc. don't always win. They're not omnipotent.
  6. How come I can make shitty songs and not be famous?
  7. Though I can certainly still enjoy a movie or game that isn't completely true to the source. I loved the 92' version and 30s version of Dracula. Both of which deviate heavily from what is my favorite novel. I also love the Darkness game (w00t #2 is coming) and it's nothing like the comics. Still beyond awesome in it's own right though. Man, I make no sense........
  8. Indeed I'm a bit of a comic nerd lol. Well, the reason that I don't like most of the comic to movie adaptations is because...let's use SpiderMan as an example. I loved to read the spiderman comics. In most of Marvel's spidey comics, SpiderMan is a bit of a nerd.......but at the same time a wise-cracking badass. In the movies, he was portrayed by Toby Mcguire (probably spellin' that name wrong). Toby didn't remind me of Spider Man at all. Everything down to Toby's voice just seemed so weak and scrawny. He just didn't remind me of spiderman. My favorites are the X-Men. I hated the movies though. The actors were "alright" in my opinion at representing the characters. The big thing with those films though, is that they made changes to the stories and how the characters were related to each other etc. It just didn't feel like the X-Men and in my opinion, it resulted in an inferior plot and characters. I liked Iron Man because I never actually read much of the Iron Man comics (so I don't know much about the story) but from the ones I did read, I always imagined how Tony Stark would be if he was real. Rob Downey Jr. looks a lot like Tony Stark and he acts like how I always thought the character would. The reason many comic fans don't like the movies is because of one problem. Reality sucks. The fictional characters lack any truly human flaws and exist within imagination. In a sense, they're perfect. Therefore, it's extremely difficult to find real people who will match up to them in a live action film. The original stories are the ones that fans first came to know and love. However, a writer and director want to make the source material something of their own. So what happens is, they change things. Things that didn't need to be changed. So in lots of comic fans eyes, the story of the live action film is inferior. Animated series usually fair far better in the opinions of fans, because animation is pretty much the comic pages brought to life with a voice put to the characters. Finding a voice is much easier than finding a real world clone. Plus, in animation, it's easier to portray a true to the original story. Because you don't have real life limitations that may require you to adjust the story/characters to pull it off. Moral of the story, if you're a douchebag like me. They just can't make ya happy.
  9. I have not saw this film yet......but I expect it to be awful. Like all the Marvel films except the first Iron Man film, I'm sure it'll be another horrific slaughter of the 7 different kinds of fuck awesome that is the comics and their beloved characters and story. My two cents.
  10. I like the song overall but the tapping is kinda "meh" for me. The tapping could be a little cleaner and sounds kind of dissonant. I know I'm not qualified to give an opinion on the mix itself but your rhythm guitar is pretty weak. It doesn't sound like it's double tracked or anything. Sounds dead center. Keep rockin
  11. LMAO......no I really don't think this song is nearly as bad as Friday.
  12. Loopmasters is your friend! http://www.loopmasters.com/ They even give out free samples. Which I used here.
  13. So yea, I was planning on mixing together an electronic/jazz/rock tune using these scat singing vocals samples. Sounds pretty bad, http://tindeck.com/listen/hrus I've since made updates to it (Cut-off filter on arpeggiator etc.) but I doubt I'll finish the song. Let me know what you think of that sample though.
  14. Ah yes, reminds me....I did an RE3 save room remix about 6 months ago. I should really finish that. Enough about me, moar about you. Well, overall I like it. However, the kick drum is weak and is buried beneath everything else. That synth note you have going from the start of the tune, seems like it follows the chord changes perfectly so it gets rather boring pretty quickly. I also find it's tone a tad annoying. A lot of your instruments sound the same. The RE save room themes were on piano if my memory serves me correctly. Perhaps try replacing the main melody with a piano? I think it would sound cool if you mixed traditional instruments with the synths. Anyway, that's my two cents.
  15. Thanks! I guess I achieved what I was goin' for then lol. Thanks. I hate anime though lol
  16. I honestly don't see what was supposedly bad about the SFIV soundtrack.
  17. Not surprising, he looks like Fabio Lione from Rhapsody of Fire.
  18. Bein' a metalhead myself I gotta say, This here article is full of nothing less than truth http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/uncategorized/lady-gaga-sums-up-metal-better-than-99-of-people/ Comments? I thought this was a good article.
  19. SFIV is pretty slow by comparison. Which is why a lot of SF elitist kids hated it.
  20. You must win the tournament, or else the forces of OutWorld will conquer EarthRealm.
  21. Lovin' this tune. Personally, I don't have any complaints about the composition itself. However, there may be a better kick drum out there for this tune. The lead tone is a bit.....flat? It sort of lacks any hard rock "scream" to it. That's just my opinion though. I could totally see this in a shooting game!
  22. I love how online, people are like "OMFG God Capcom! You greedy bastards are charging us another 40$ for a game we already own!" Lol......just lol at how hard they miss the point. The DLC, which is like 15$ is for people who already own Super SFIV. The disc, is for people who don't own Super SFIV at all. If you already have SSFIV for your ps3 or xbox, why in hell would you buy the AE disc? That's a fair deal in my opinion.
  23. Coming from such a talented musician like you, that means a lot! Indeed, I may expand this into a full song though if enough people like it. Thanks =D I been workin' on the tone.
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