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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. In a lot of that kind of music, it's more about the illusion of complexity rather than actual complexity. If you really pay close attention to bands like Dream Theater, Pagan's Mind or Symphony X, there are lots of repeated parts that just have some minor, but noticeable change to them. Most commonly, the drums allow you to create complex sounding pieces just by changing what beats are stressed. It can make it sound like you changed time signatures or tempos when it actually didn't. For example, say in the verse you have this bassline which is just steady eighth notes and a back-beat on the drums and the whole thing is like 8 bars long. On the last 4 bars, just try getting rid of every second snare drum hit and diminishing the eighth notes to sixteenths and then a gallop rhythm the next bar etc. Little things like that can make it sound a lot more complicated than it really is. Yeah, this.
  2. People complain about Japan's age thing but never talk about South Korean plastic surgery. Tons of women there have had eyelid surgery and shit. Which, when it goes well, has sexy results. Dear God, whom I do not believe in, please say none of those women are actually men.
  3. That just reminds me of this picture I saw last week.
  4. Pfft, the boob physics technology was there. You know like Mai in KOF or everyone in DOA
  5. This is actually why FFX was great. The world map that allows you to go off wherever you want and do whatever you want does not help make you feel like you are in the "role" of a hero In FFX, you're put in Tidus's shoes AND his responsibility. You can't just say "hey, I'm gonna go off to some random town for no reason. Sin is going to kill us all!" The game makes it clear that you have a job to do and people are depending on you. Or perhaps more accurately, they are depending on Yuna. She's basically the only person anyone believes is capable of destroying this monster and oh shit you realize you love her. That sucks. You must defeat this evil, but it will come at an extreme cost. So why the hell would we go visit some random town for no reason? Why would we back-track if we don't have to? Why would the world suddenly become all miniaturized when we step outside the city limits? Being able to go out onto a miniature representation of the world and be all like "You know what? Fuck it, I'm gonna fly this school half way around the world and play a stupid card game with whomever I feel like. Ultimecia can wait!" Doesn't make me feel like I'm in the role of a hero. It makes me feel like an apathetic douchebag. Being placed in the shoes of a person who's stuck in "damn if I do, damned if I don't but I MUST do something" scenario in a world that must be traversed by traveling a believable path on the other hand....
  6. Apparently, the game will make an appearance at TGS http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/09/04/square-enixs-tgs-line-up-has-final-fantasy-and-wolfenstein/ So I'd expect they will address the delay rumors there. http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/09/04/square-enixs-tgs-line-up-has-final-fantasy-and-wolfenstein/ and I'm betting they'll do so by not having a release date.
  7. "Kougar" is without a doubt the most badass name ever. He probably attracts more super-hot older women than you can shake a stick at. Seriously though, badass name and happy birthday.
  8. So Argle has been adding some of his own composition and new drums to the track as well as a hammond organ (very Black Mages sounding). There are also some more strings in the ballad section. One thing I'm thinking is that a live bass guitar would make this even more bitchin'. So if there is anyone out there interested in layin' down some bass. PM me and I'll share the WIP with you; see if you're up for it. I'll probably post an ad in recruit/collab too since that may be more appropriate.
  9. Either my ears are broken or you're huffing glue, but the slides sounded fine and in time to me. Either one is a possibility as I've listened to this so many times it's retarded. So yeah, I nuked it from Youtube and Soundcloud for the time being, but possibly for eternity; time shall tell. I notice that the Staccato strings didn't repeat as they did before, which might have been an error when I rendered the stems to Argle. Toodles.
  10. Well, I didn't really make it with the panel in mind to be honest. In fact, I almost never do Still, when or if there are updates it's probably worth seeing what a workshop mod thinks. If they're like "yeah send 'er in", that's cool. If they're like "you fuckin' suck, man" that's cool too.
  11. Well, we can't have a healthy relationship if we don't talk about our feelings. Anyway, I think Argle might be doing some adjustments to the mix? Stay tuned.
  12. I actually don't see it as jarring to be honest with you. The phrase ended just fine, the guitars slide out and a new part in the same key begins just 25 beats faster; from 150 to 175. The part after the solo sections goes from 175 down to 79 (nearly 100 bpm difference) in the span of a single beat. Sudden tempo changes without gradual deceleration or acceleration are pretty common in this sort of music. http://youtu.be/R8t8-tmByBw?t=4m13s
  13. Just for shits and giggles, let us have this thing mod reviewed.
  14. Happy Birthday, Mickomoo!

  15. I wasn't comparing games that had rough launches. I was comparing MMORPGs. I'm not really sure how one could say FFXIV isn't the biggest mmorpg in years. The last "big" mmorpg I remember is Guild Wars 2 and it's concurrency peak is currently at 460,000 if wikipedia is to be believed. FFXIV: Do-over has been out for like...not even a week and is over 230,000. That's half of Guild Wars 2's peak in less than a week. Sure it could fall, but more likely, it will continue to rise. It is, indeed, over 9000.
  16. I'm surprised more people haven't responded to this. It's a great offer.
  17. They're just banking on the idea that it's Final Fantasy and the hype will last forever. Pity them, for their plight is tragic. I don't know if that's true. There was a stupid amount of lame, free-to-play MMOs over the last ten years or so and from what I've seen and heard "FF XIV: Sorry for fucking it up so bad before edition" seems to be the biggest deal in that genre since WoW. FF XIV is so damn popular that I read last week that Square Enix was halting digital sales because their servers could not handle the pressure. On top of that, the game has been getting lots of great reception anywhere I've looked.
  18. Well, at present there is still no official confirmation. So as it stands, it is just a rumor. I'm not sure. On the one hand, I wouldn't at all be surprised that it would be delayed since we're just a few months away from the end of 2013 and still no release date. but on the other....no official announcement. It seems odd to me that if they really were delaying it that they wouldn't have made a formal announcement right then and there instead of a couple of reps just saying shit to visitors. It also seems odd to me that Squeenix hasn't bothered to comment on such a rumor after this amount of time. It all seems highly unprofessional. but you never know with this company....
  19. Argle says he's down for doing the mixing so you know that will be awesome. Also, XPRTNovice just laid down an awesome saxophone lead for the last part of the song which is about 2 minutes long. The total track length is about 5 minutes, 10 seconds. Chernabogue is also up for upgrading the string samples. So the arrangement is now finished, but I'll post the finished thing once the strings are done and Argle has it mixed. I really am pleased as hell with the arrangement and live performances so if you like this kind of music I don't think you'll want to miss the finished product! Oh, I also added in a keyboard/guitar solo section that is based off one of the Final Fantasy X-2 battle themes. So the track has FF X-2, XII and XIII sources. All the most hated FF games!
  20. I emailed you some stuff. I'm going to re-string and re-setup the guitar and re-record all the parts though.
  21. Damn Also, I was at Ebgames (gamestop) the other day and they had this huge cardboard thing of Tidus and Yuna out front to promote the game and I felt like I was in 2001-3 again. Nostalgia.
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