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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I don't have shreddage II, the guitar is just a basic Jackson and a Line 6 POD HD. =D Sweet. Thanks! I've been working on it a bit more since people seem to like it.
  2. I just realized that the most common type of comment I get on my musical style is "it reminds me of anime!" Which is odd, because I don't like anime.
  3. Here we go! YouTube Soundcloud Musicians: Me - Guitars and Arrangement. Argle - Mixing XPRTNovice - Piano sequencing and live Saxophone Chernabogue - Strings Source Tracks: I'm quite satisfied with this remix. I think it turned out great and I consider it a personal milestone as I think it's the first composition I've done of this level of complexity entirely within a DAW and felt completely comfortable doing so. Anyway, give her a listen and hope you like it! Glad that the Argle, XPRT and Chernabogue could contribute to it. They are all very talented!
  4. Well.....now I'm going to go make an angry thread in community. That will show you, you motherfu- Nah, just kidding. I agree with all of your points. Like I said though this was mostly for the hell of it, but who knows? Perhaps I could turn it into something moar awesome at a later time. Thanks for listening, Gar =D
  5. I wouldn't say that I have just one definitive style, really, but I guess in recent years there are a lot of similarities in my tracks in terms of instruments. I like a lot of music that uses synths along with more traditional instruments like guitars, orchestras, pianos and ethnic instruments. I also like forms of electronic music that emphasize melody instead of the usual rhythms. Not saying I don't love me some dance music; I certainly do. Composition and arrangement wise, I'd say this remix I did with Timaeus is probably my favorite track I've worked on in a long time. It has all the elements I was talking about. I also do like blending heavier kinds of music with more "pop" sounding styles.
  6. So I had this thing kickin' around for a while, but since I regained the use of my arms I figured what the hell and added a couple new guitar parts this morning and called her a day. Basically, for fun I made a guitar cover of Gon's theme from tekken with a few of my own parts thrown in plus 1 oz. Jin. Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQZPkM4NSgc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fPQgslL5Cc My version https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tekken-3-gon-fishin Gon is the coolest dinosaur ever. Littlefoot and Barney can suck it.
  7. I've been, for fun, kinda sorta off and on been working on a remix of Gon's theme from Tekken 3 that I'll probably never finish. I call it "Gon Fishin'" I'll post it in workshop tomorrow.
  8. I personally think this is their best work in years. A Moment of Clarity is righteous as well. Possibly my second favorite track on the album.
  9. I know you're joking, but I still don't really know what "this nizzle went ham with that kawaii swag" means lol. What is a nizzle and what does it mean to "go ham"?

  10. Someone, anyone...make a new Jet Moto game with the characters from Jet Moto 2 plus some new ones. Damn, if the team who made F-Zero GX remade Jet Moto I would totally lose my shit. That would be the most epic racing game ever.
  11. So far I love the hell out of it; listening on Rdio. Haven't had a chance to listen to the whole album yet, but it sounds great so far. That first track is epic as hell. What do you OCR metalheads think so far?
  12. Well, in the popular music world I know that it often stems from being a song that the songwriter was often demanded to write by the label (See also: Korn - "Ya'll Want A Single?"). To use Cherry Pie again as an example, the album was finished. It was called "Uncle Tom's Cabin", the single to promote it was supposed to be Uncle Tom's Cabin (great song) etc. It was a much heavier album than Warrant's debut but....the label wanted a "rock anthem" or some shit like that and so Jani wrote Cherry Pie. Next thing he knows, he's the cherry pie guy; he's in pie eating contests, marries and divorces the girl in the video and his legacy is now this one cheesey song he didn't even want to write. I mean, I'd hate to be one of these big rockstars that actually cares about music and you believe that you've improved over the years and composed better songs than your "hits", but when you hit take stage night after night the only thing people want to hear is that one fucking song you wrote 20 - 30 years ago.
  13. Seriously though, he'll be the worst Batman ever.
  14. Jani Lane (R.I.P.) said that he could've shot himself in the head for writing "Cherry Pie".
  15. Yeah. Also, I actually find it way more difficult to make an OCR style remix of something than it is to come up with an entirely original piece. Because, unless you're working with some source that might just have one or two melodies, you've got to work on taking this whole, structured piece and working it into something completely different. Which means you just about always have to sacrifice something about the original piece to substitute with your own idea. So most of my own, non-collaborative remixes tend to wind up sounding more like traditional covers. So my problem is that when I'm done with the arrangement, it's either way too close to the original because I didn't want to change it too much or way too liberal because I got rid of too much from the source and replaced it with my own composition.
  16. About a year ago, I did this Mute City guitar cover and put it on YouTube. Just a couple weeks ago I signed in and was like "holy shit". It's up to something like 1100 views and all these good comments. 13 likes and 0 dislikes. I'm like, I didn't even try to promote this thing, totally forgot it existed, isn't that great of a track and people love it
  17. In your face, rest of the world. We get it earlier. Not that I actually care since I'll wait probably 6 months to a year after it launches to get one.
  18. So I'm writing this track and it calls for some funky scratch guitar. I want to get a sound close to the guitar in something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enPiw1nsrVI I got the technique, but can't seem to get a tone that's quite so..."bright" and punchy though and yes, I do have new strings on this guitar and am using the bridge pick up. I'm thinking perhaps I just need to change up the amp sim or something. Basically, what kind of settings and/or gear would you recommend to get close to that sound with a POD HD and Strat style guitar? If you play funk music a lot, what do you use? Here at home, I only have one guitar and the POD. If possible, I would prefer to just use that. If not, I can go over to a friend's place where we can experiment with just about every Jackson model they make as well as ENGL brand amps. However, I'm not convinced that is necessary at this point.
  19. Well, if it helps at all, Timaeus and I did remix some music from Street Fighter X Tekken. Not full Tekken, but hey it's close. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/aco-timaeus-tenchu-street Hopefully it will pass the panel. We submitted it quite a while ago. Anyway, I do agree. Tekken Tag 2 has some epic music in dire need of the OCR treatment. This is the best Tekken mix I've heard in awhile, but it's not on OCR. https://soundcloud.com/joshuamorse/tekken-remix-competition-entry
  20. I know people who will hum or sing a melody they heard into their phones and then when the get home they'll write it down or record it into a DAW or something.
  21. This, honestly. The guitars in music stores are almost always setup like shit. Not only that, but once you get into the "high end" gear it all starts to sound the same anyway. I know all these people that have such a boner for tube amplifiers and just about all of those amps have the exact same parts under the hood. I've gone into music stores, found the most expensive guitar they have and play through their most pricey "high end" amps and 9/10 products I'll try all sound just as good to me. I've heard insane tones come out of lower end guitars run through Guitar Rig because the guitarist is good, the composition rocks and the mixing and mastering is top notch. I am now among the (few) guitar players to hold the belief that all you really need in the 21st century is a decent guitar and a Line 6 POD. It's up to the musicians to make the most of it from there. Until quite recently I was an elitist asshole about it.
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