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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. So I've conquered the three main Ninja Gaidens now as well as Metal Gear Rising on the hardest difficulty. I need some games similar to those to try to beat next. Ninja Gaiden so far has been my favorite. What are some other tough-as-nails action games out there that I should try to defeat? Preferably games available on PS3.
  2. Damn.....................

  3. Basically, I had a different version in the works that Chernabogue was collaborating with me on. I came up with this arrangement in literally 24 hours; it just kinda happened. I showed it to Chernabogue, but he decided we should stick with the collab version as the deadline was fast approaching. I also finished my Cross A Fear mix just a couple days before the cutoff. So that one is pretty rushed lol.
  4. Hey, you play Doa5 online right? What's the online attendance like on that platform? Almost no one is online on PS3 it seems. =(

  5. This is the scrapped version of the Rondo of Blood main theme I wrote for the Vampire Variations 2 album. It was my attempt at combining waltz with EDM. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/a-dance-for-the-damned I apologize in advance.
  6. Yeah, that's what I said. According to Relyance though, the island blows up in the end. It would all be worth it though.
  7. DOA5 Ultimate is only on Xbox, PS3 and soon will be in arcades. It's a shame more people aren't playing the game as I honestly think it's one of the best fighting games right now. The Halloween stage they released is truly impressive. Oh yeah and the music is epic.
  8. Also, DOA5U http://www.thisisxbox.com/360/dead-or-alive-5-ultimate-edition-halloween-dlc-costume-pack/ They released the Halloween costumes and stage today. Dat Momiji mummy costume.....
  9. I agree, but I would not call him an "excellent" self taught guitarist if he doesn't know those things. Being largely self-taught myself, I would say that the amount of self-taught musicians who actually know their shit compared to those who don't are vastly out numbered. I think that a lot of "selfies" we shall call them tend to have this attitude of "I'm too good to have someone teach me...man". I buried myself in music theory books, videos, read sheet music and learned from other musicians whenever possible to learn everything I know. Most seflies I know have no interest in that and many of them have the balls to say that music theory is "useless" knowledge. What's sad is that a lot of this theory which will help you write better music can be learned in just a day or two. I personally refuse to jam with any local musician in my city who calls theory "useless", talks about how genre X doesn't have "feeling", or any other bullshit, hippy philosophies about music because it is almost always a clear sign that this person has no respect for actual music and I'm sorry, but I do. You know what's crazy though? In my experience, it's ALWAYS rock/metal musicians that are like this. Holy shit, I'm sorry for ranting.
  10. Guitars & Electronic music is what I think of when I think of Pendulum.
  11. Well....shit. Meh, at least it would have been a death on a freakin' island surrounded by hot girls. It's a lot better than dying in Resident Evil or something.
  12. Cross A Fear has been sent to thee. It awaits some of that Chernabogue touch in terms of drums and orchestra. Also, it needs better mixing than I can provide it with. Other than that though, I'd say it's a pretty bitchin' arrangement.
  13. All I know for sure is that now I feel inspired to make a metal remix of Paparazzi
  14. How: I really do feel that an Increased understanding of music theory, becoming a better guitar player and writing with notation rather than with DAWs helped me realize my musical ideas more than anything else. In regards to the latter, I've often mentioned that I was a music technology Luddite until 2010. At that point, I started writing most of my music using the piano roll or playing it in via MIDI keyboard in real time. Though I certainly feel I wrote decent music in that time, I believe it was nothing compared to what I wrote, but never recorded in the times before then and now. I've returned to writing with my guitar, tab and notation and I feel it is how I write best. The reasons why are many and varied. - I'm much more familiar with using sheet music and guitar tab - It removes the distraction of searching for the best sound to compose with. - It allows me to practice playing the piece I have written in its entirety before I record it. I believe this is the best way to improve technical skill on an instrument as well. - It gives me an easy to read, visual representation of everything that is happening in the score. This allows me to better understand how all of my instruments will work together and makes it easier to write counter-melody. - I find it easier to plan and layout a composition and/or arrangement with notation software than with a DAW and many more. Turning point: I'd say I was the best guitar player I ever was when I was 15-18 years old. If I wasn't working, partying, or skipping school, I was playing guitar. One summer vacation, I didn't hang out with any of my friends or go on any trips. I just played guitar till my fingers hurt and kept auditioning band members or jamming at open mic nights. I had no interest in doing anything else but playing and writing music. Looking back, if I would have taken the plunge and moved to a city with a better metal music scene like I always talked about doing....good things might have happened. Turning point 2: Age 18. I got tired of most members of bands I'd play with never being serious about actual music and decided to just do shit on my own and see if I could break into writing music for video games. This is when I started to write other genres; mostly electronic and funk music. Around this time is when I found the OCR forums and some members here told me about FL Studio. This is a turning point because obviously, this is when I learned about virtual instruments, DAWs etc. and how I could make recorded music, collaborate and learn from others across vast distances.
  15. Sweet. Sucks that you haven't got more feedback on here. I'd offer more, but mixing isn't my area of expertise. Most don't give a shit about this part of the site, sadly.
  16. Girls Generation kicks ass. Especially when you add in that guitar! Great arrangement in my opinion.
  17. I totally would! That's totally my style of rock right there. Totally
  18. Recording the final parts for bloodlines as I type this; should also have cross a fear to you Friday as I'm lucky and get thursday and friday off work =D
  19. I think I'm definitely going to try to tackle something from DOA5U Probably this track. or Both are epic.
  20. That clicking sounds to me like what happens when you have two or more cut samples that play one after another without first returning to the zero point. But it sounds to me like you used a decent sample library/VST plugin and I don't hear it in other parts of the track... "Comping" I think it's called. Look, I'm not an audio guy.
  21. I checked, and it turns out my drivers are up to date. So that is not the issue, sadly. It hasn't happened again, so I'm just hoping it stays that way lol
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