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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. The way I look at it is this: If you are an artist of any kind (video games being multiple artistic mediums in interactive form) and you put a lot of effort into your work, you intend for it to be seen in its entirety. When I write a 3 minute song, I have the goal in mind that people will listen to what I've created for its entire duration. If they can't endure those three minutes; I've probably failed. For me, if I enjoyed a game but did not complete the story in a game where the focus is the story, then I both have and haven't got my money's worth. Sure, I enjoyed the game, but at the same time I did not get the full experience. It's like Dream Theater writing a 20-30 minute song. Sure, they're impressed with this thing they've created that is packed full of content and months were spent creating, but everyone else says you're just "wanking" and can't get through the whole thing.
  2. I read this article about GTA V today http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/09/20/what-percentage-of-players-will-actually-finish-gta-5/ I would say that many of the games I own, I have never completed for the reasons stated in this article. In fact, most of the longer games that I have beaten, I was only able to do so because I had a walkthrough open much of the time. It brings to mind my complaints regarding many classic RPGs like Final Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I like Final Fantasy, but I have finished very few entries in the series. Usually what happens is I: Can't beat a boss and eventually give up and move on, get bored of the game, or simply don't have the time to finish it. I'm sure this conversation has popped up before, no doubt. Still, I feel it's worth discussing as technology allows for games to become bigger and bigger. Basically, I'll ask the question the article sort of puts forth: Do you think it hurts games as an artistic medium if most people aren't finishing the game?
  3. I love the organ you have added to Bloodlines! Timaeus' track reminds me of Noisia's DMC soundtrack. At least, it does from that preview.
  4. My cousin is a police detective. For a few years she was in the unit that focused on crimes against women and children and investigated a lot of homicides. She's seen some super crazy shit. She got transferred out of it because of how bad her nightmares were getting. Anyway, to be on-topic I actually don't play a lot of hyper-violent video games. The most violent game I played in recent times was Metal Gear Rising and I would have said that it was way more over the top than necessary, but they did get pretty creative with how precise you could slice things. So that was cool. Then there are games like Mortal Kombat where it's just violence for no good reason. I swear that the violence is the only thing that sold Mortal Kombat. Honestly, the older games were some of the shittiest fighting games I have ever played.
  5. Sweet trailer. The game looks great. Still no release date though. Just "This Winter......sometime......probably"
  6. http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/13579.html December 19th in Japan
  7. Well, thanks for all the tips. I never figured out why it imports the samples like that, but it's nothing typing in "2" in the semitones box after the fact can't fix. On another note, so far I love the shit out of this Reaper thing.
  8. Well, gonna give her a submit and see what happens. We should find out about a year from now. Glad you like it! To be honest with you, I'm not really much of a Dream Theater fan though I do like a handful of songs from various albums of theirs. I'm more into Symphony X, Pagan's Mind or Circus Maximus for my prog.metal fix, but those bands are of course probably influenced by Dream Theater. Just about every prog. metal band is lol There are actually no odd time signatures in this track though; it's all in 4/4
  9. So I've been trying to write music in Reaper because I like its method of recording stuff better than FL studio. I tried importing a sample into the samplomatic thing and then began writing music. All went well as planned. That is until.... I loaded in a VST plugin to record a lead over my rhythm track when to my horror, I discovered that my backing track was a whole step lower than what I thought I was playing and what the piano roll MIDI data shows I played. What the hell is going on? Why does it pitch shift my samples even though I didn't tell it to do so? Just to verify it wasn't a problem with the samples themselves, I tried it in FL Studio and the pitch is correct.
  10. Kind of a weird question. I think that enjoying music is just something humans do. I've never met anyone who flat out didn't like music. The first song I ever really loved was "Achey Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus when I was like 2. When I got older, I found all of my mom's 80s metal records and still blast them today. I was never good at things like drawing, but I think I'm at least decent with music. So basically it's the only art I have any skill in.
  11. This is pretty cool. However, I do feel that the transitions are rather weak. At 0:22, everything literally just stops and then the new part begins. I don't think that bell melody even returned back to the tonic - it just gets right to the strings. Same kind of thing at 1:57, where that sweet ambiance outro happens. Again, the melody doesn't cadence as it should and the final drum hit isn't nearly as powerful as it should be. I would have added a crash cymbal or something there as well. The strings around 1:00 are staccato, but as I recall they were not so in the original source. Other than that, I'd say the drums over-power most of the instruments.
  12. Glad you like it! I have no idea what library the organ is from as it was provided by Argle.
  13. Argle actually wound up replacing it with one of his own. He has the Trillian bass as well?
  14. I don't think it was ever supposed to be "music without limits" really. A lot of the early bands just wanted to take their genre further than the pop standard. For example, Rock music was typically just 4/4, pentatonic, twelve-bar blues tunes that went for 2-3 minutes. Prog. bands thought "Hey, what if we used scales, harmonies, song structures, instruments and time signatures that you don't usually hear in this kind of music?" Like people said here in this thread, it was "progressive" for its time, but is now just what you expect from that kind of music. It's no longer an "idea" really; it's just another genre.
  15. What you're basically saying is that you want to compose music where the genre's most identifiable trait is its complexity, but don't want to put in the effort and time to achieve that complexity.
  16. Updated first post links with the last version. New title, some new parts and improved mixing.
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