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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. The game is now available https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/cool-clash/id427557757?mt=8 Check it out sometime!
  2. I'm going to disagree with this. I disagree quite a lot actually. First off, the only reason to really change time signatures at all is to accommodate a phrase's length or for a specific rhythm (like a waltz). There are many "progressive" metal and rock songs that have been written in mostly or entirely 4/4. Modulations are very easy to do as are tempo changes. Literally none of those things are difficult to pull off at all. Dream Theater writes a lot of incredibly complex, difficult to perform music that honestly bores the shit out of me. I respect its complexity, but complexity doesn't always equal more interesting and better. Specifically in that last link you share, the Stephen Anderson one...It's a great piece, but I'm not sure why you're mind blown by how "the ideas flowed out like that". The guy obviously just knows his shit when it comes to writing for orchestra. If you know your theory, writing complex music or whatever kind of music you feel like is easy. The hard part is playing it. For example, I am no where near as good of a guitarist as Michael Romeo; the dude is, in my opinion, at the fucking pinnacle of electric guitar technique. However, I can write songs like Symphony X. I know the kinds of scales, progressions, phrasing, and general composition techniques Mike and the band often use to write their music.
  3. I disagree. Context does not a style make. When you say "music for film" no doubt that you are referring to orchestral pieces like Hans Zimmer. Thing is, film has other genres made specifically for it too. Techno Syndrome by Lords of Acid (aka Immortals) was made to accompany the first Mortal Kombat game, commercials AND the film. Most people think that the song was made for the movie, but it was made and released for the game two years before the movie. By the "context" logic, the "Mortal Kombat Theme" is VGM, Television music AND film score as it was composed specifically to accompany all three. but we all know that the Mortal Kombat theme is simply techno music.
  4. Yeah, VGM isn't a genre. It's kind of like I never understood how "glam metal" is supposedly a genre of music. I love those bands and the music they made, but the only thing that they had in common was a gender bending image. Motley Crue and Winger are supposedly "glam", but they still both just sound like different bands playing rock music to me. EDIT: I mean, I guess the bands I mentioned kinda had an overall sound that was a bit different from other metal bands. It was a bit more melodic, lots of pentatonics and blues influence, pop-ish choruses, lots of big reverb on the drums and lyrical themes about sex and stuff, but I'd say that was more a trend in rock music at the time rather than a genre characteristic.
  5. Yeah. At its core, it is all the same when you really look at it from a music theory standpoint. The most influence genre really has is more in instruments used, rhythm style and types of harmony used. Jazz tends to use extended chords, the average rock song usually doesn't. A guitar in a country song typically strums the chords, metal implies the chords with dyads (power "chords") and single notes. Funk rhythms are often a steady stream of muted and un-muted sixteenth notes, trance basses often hit an eight note every off-beat. That's why you can take any song you want and turn it into whatever other genre you want and it should sound just as good or better than the original (if you know what you're doing). Style or genre is simply a matter of preference and personal taste. I don't like country music that much. I don't care for its choice of instruments, lyrical themes and general style, but I can still listen to country music and say "I don't really like the genre choice, but the song is very well composed and therefore it IS a good song."
  6. There are badly written pieces of music, but there is no such thing as a genre of music that is inherently worse than most or all of the others because the same concepts apply to all music.
  7. Romance of The Three Kingdoms is based on the novel from 14th Century China. The Devil May Cry games borrow a lot of elements of the Divine Comedy (See also, Dante's Inferno) The Prince of Persia games use some mythology from Zoroastrianism. Batman: Arkham City pays homage to Cain and Abel. In fact, the ending is given away in a Catwoman mission where you have to steal something from behind a painting if I recall correctly. That painting is a picture of Cain carrying Abel the same way Batman carries Joker's corpse in the end. The new Tomb Raider is entirely based on the lost kingdom of Yamatai and Queen Himiko. The first Fatal Frame game is a retelling of a Japanese ghost story. Resident Evil: Revelations' setting very clearly inspired by the Bermuda Triangle. Not all of those example are necessarily "re-tellings" of legends, but rather they draw inspiration from it. Close enough.
  8. Well it would be sexist if she took his last name as that is a tradition of patriarchy, but we really are ranting off topic.
  9. Bleck is the kind of guy who goes around screaming "you're sexist" at everyone else, but probably is sexist himself by some definition. As I recall, he's married to a woman? I have no idea how she'd put up with him. So I'm sure that if a sexually attractive woman ever walks by while he's out for a stroll in the park he doesn't look at or think about her. He's probably never looked at Playboy or some picture on the internet and been aroused by such barbie dolls who cater to "male power fantasies" or something like that. If you do, you're no doubt a sexist who likes to reduce women to mere sex objects in Bleck's eyes. There is no way Bleck has ever done or even thought of anything that, by any definition, dictionary or his own, could even vaguely be considered sexist. If she did rip them off, which it looks as though she did, nothing will happen to her unless the game publishers themselves get pissed about it I'm betting.
  10. Thought this was great video game related news. It's a few days old, but I just heard about it now. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57596842-1/10-year-old-saves-family-in-errant-car-credits-mario-kart/
  11. No. See, this is you putting words into peoples mouths again. What I'm saying is that if there was/is some biological reason for some of it and if there is/was evidence that says so, then that doesn't mean it's totally socially created now does it? For example, I've heard the theory before that the gender role of men working while women tend to children at home may have stemmed from the early days of humanity when disease and shit was rampant. The men hunted and gathered because women were necessary to produce more children (which could very likely die anyway) and hunting animals and shit was dangerous and if you're going to choose one of the sexes to gamble on such a task, it is only logical that you would sacrifice the men. I also imagine it would have been difficult to adequately hunt and build shit while perpetually pregnant. Over time that just lead to men doing "work" type things and women being caretakers as civilization advanced. Problem is, such a system was no longer needed by that point. Now, I don't know if that theory has much archaeological evidence to support it, I'm just saying I've heard it and it makes sense in theory. However, if there is indeed some evidence to support such a theory that gender roles originated out of biology, survival tactics or whatever; such evidence of its origin shouldn't be refuted and you can't just say "oh it's all socially created". But even if it does have a biological explanation, that doesn't mean it's okay.
  12. Is it actually even possible for you to ever just simply disagree with someone? Or do you just have to be a condescending asshole about it all the time? I would agree that there is a biological root to a lot of it, actually. However, most of these social "scientists" seem to refute any evidence that stems from the natural sciences. It's like when I took some sociology and communication courses last year most of my teachers didn't believe that human nature is a real thing in any way. The thing is, that if there are some gender roles that could possibly have a biological explanation somewhere along the line, no social scientist I've met is willing to give it a chance. That's why I dropped out of social science type courses. Because unlike natural science, there are no real, concrete answers. Only flawed theories that often have little to no compelling evidence to back them up. but anyway, I'm just gonna back away slowly and exit the thread like I said I would.
  13. I agree with you about the message of video games.

  14. Nah, I'm just gonna go back to watching you "academic" types fight it out. Meanwhile, I'll be here, playing this video game and won't let whether what I just saw was sexist or not keep me up at night.
  15. Yeah, and I argued that those tropes are cultural and not the result of time. Just like everything racist or sexist. Just because people started paying more attention to the tropes at a particular point in history does not invalidate the fact that the tropes stem from culture.
  16. No, it should not be okay. That's what they call a "double-standard". It's hypocrisy all the way around. You can't say to someone that "race is just a social construct" but then turn around and call someone from your own "race" a racist name and then say that someone from a different "race" can't say that same word. Because "race is just a social construct and doesn't really exist".
  17. Not sure why you put that on my page instead of here in the thread.
  18. Gender equality, tropes and sexism are cultural; they are not a product of a particular time in history. It's not a modern concept at all. In Ancient Egypt, women could participate in politics, own land and even initiate divorce. There are some cultures in the modern day where women can't do any of those things.
  19. Glad you like it, Kristina. I figured the sources may be a bit hard to recognize at first. So I should probably do this: The entire piano line except for the outro is the same as the piano in the Resident Evil Save room theme. It's just sped up (a lot) and some of the last intervals in the phrase had to be adjusted time-wise so that it would be in time. The orchestral break and the super saw synth are both from Jill's MVC3 theme which in itself is a remix of her theme from RE5. The orchestral part is obviously the intro to the MVC3 theme, but the supersaw is the same intervals as the synth lead in the MVC theme, but played with a slightly different rhythm.
  20. Thing is, those examples are all electronic music. That's the equivalent of saying "This part of my track was death metal, this part is power metal and this part is folk metal." They all have so much in common stylistically that it's almost like you didn't change genres at all.
  21. Was this the Plants Vs. Zombies track you originally suggested when we did the Metroid mix? Turned out great so far. I can't offer any feedback on the mixing, but I just wanted to say "epic as fuck"
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