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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I know there is a after that sentence, which may indicate sarcasm, but I still disagree with those words. Because this implies the only way to show musical skill is through production. By that logic, anything made in a time before the technology existed to record music, sucked. I'm probably just reading it wrong though, I just got back from having to put my dog down, so my mind is kinda cloudy. However, I do agree with the last part of Timaeus' post.
  2. If I could "like" this post facebook style, I totally would.
  3. I thought it was Noisia and Combichrist doing the music? They are different bands right? Regardless, the music to the game is brutal.
  4. I beat the 2nd Ninja Gaiden for Xbox 360. That's something I'll never do again. My dad used to able to beat (the awful) Street Fighter 2010 on NES like it was nothing
  5. I just don't really know what do with it is all. I'll try experimenting some more on the weekend.
  6. Sounds great, but the lead guitar is a bit dead-sounding. Perhaps more bends and heavier vibrato in some spots?
  7. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, it is kinda all over the place, but I think that's me struggling with a simple source tune. I'll try the idea of a longer build-up and cut the synth/techno-ish bit. Rock orchestra is probably the way to go like you say.
  8. Posted a bit of an update now. Really not sure how I'm going to expand on this =/
  9. Source: So, basically not sure what to do with the remix so far. I know the production sucks, but I'm talking arrangement wise. I plan to stick with my synths/guitars as I usually do, but that's as far ahead as I have planned. Perhaps some orchestra? Currently it's not much beyond an intro that goes off into some speed-metal kinda stuff. There is also no actual bass guitar as of yet. WIP 2: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/assassins-creed-remix-wip-ii WIP 3: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/assassins-creed-ii-remix-wip Any tips, comments and feedback in general is appreciated.
  10. I thought I was probably just over-thinking things. Thanks for the help!
  11. Okay, so I never thought about it until recently really: I notice that it is most common in rock and metal music; there isn't really a simple sequence of chords, instead most would call it "riffs" right? Well, you can usually still find a way that you could break it down into a simple sequence because of chord tones within that phrase. In metal music, it's often done by changing up the pedal tone on the lower strings. http://youtu.be/yRXk98QtjWA?t=2m22s Consider the solo section there in that link at 2:22. This is what I'm talking about, it's not a simple sequence of chords, in fact it's only fifths, but you can still hear the rise and fall as if it were. I always thought I understood the concept and I've done similar things in my own music, but I don't really know what it is called. It's more like an implication of chord progression is it not? Is it similar to when you do have a simpler sequence of chords and the bass plays various different chord tones and non-chord tones? What is all the theory behind that? Is there more I can read up about it? Here's another example:
  12. I got a frozen yogurt machine and a tablet. However, it turns out the tablet is bricked right out of the box so I have a frozen yogurt machine and a snazzy little, space-age lookin' plate to put the bowl of frozen yogurt on.
  13. Thing about music: It tends not to pay very well or offer lots of rewards beyond the satisfaction of doing music, even for people who are very good. So why the hell do you two expect "something valuable" from someone on an internet forum?
  14. http://youtu.be/MOOassM6f0g I know I like all the FFs no one else does. Like VIII, X-2, even the first XIII. But damn, this looks like hell. It even has "ass" in the URL
  15. Happy Apocalypse! Again! Can't wait until the next one.
  16. Love this album, both the music and the cover art. That cover art is sweet as hell.
  17. 1) Save your work & close the DAW 2) Save your work & close the DAW 3) Not a problem for anyone who plays an instrument. Just figure out the song by ear and then you're all set.
  18. So...why do you need anything other than the DAW to be using sound when you're making music?
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