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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. A friend of mine pointed out something about this that I thought was interesting. In Wind Waker, the game this guy modded, is Princess Zelda not Shiek? Isn't shiek just Zelda in disguise? Isn't Shiek like, tough as hell? Seriously, I'm asking. I don't know much about Zelda.
  2. Yeah. I agree with his intent and all, it's just I question if his method is really the best in the long run as I think amphibious pointed out. Which is really a large part of why I posted this. Inspirational? Perhaps, but is essentially "lying" about an existing character really the best way to go about it?
  3. I know this is gonna start something but http://ca.shine.yahoo.com/blogs/shine-on/dad-hacks-zelda-video-game-change-boy-superhero-195839715.html Seriously? His daughter can't even read yet, and he goes through all the work of modding the damn game to read that link is a female? Clearly this guy isn't aware of all the video games featuring a female protagonist. What do you think about this?
  4. Guitar Pro is awesome. I don't like GP6 though, it seems to have so many bugs. I personally find that writing MIDI as tab and/or notation is more effective than just hitting record in a DAW and recording; I constantly take flak for writing that way, but usually I find it produces better results because I can really study the notation and go about harmonizing it easier than just blocks of MIDI data or live recording.
  5. I've been working a little bit on FF XIII and XIII-2 remixin'. Doubt I'll ever finish 'em though. There are many great remixes of newer games out there, which are usually not on sites like OCR. I'd say a far more common reason for there being a lack of remixes of newer games is that most people around here don't even attempt to figure out songs by ear. Therefore, there is a lack of MIDI files floating around the web to create remixes off of for the newer games. Anyway, good luck with gettin' someone to make the liberi fatali mix. Saw the song performed at VGL on the weekend and it was epic.
  6. So I've gotten rather bored of rock/metal and trance inspired music lately and want to do something else. Problem is, I'm not sure what. Jazz? Soul? Reggae? Hip Hop? Country? Disco? I dunno. So how many different styles of music do you compose, remix, play or otherwise participate in? Do you have favourites? If so, what makes that genre(s) a favourite of yours? What kinds of software, hardware, virtual instrument libraries etc. do you use to create the genres you do and what would you recommend I should do if I want to make the same kind of music you do?
  7. It pissed me off royally to see this mix sitting in the "to be posted thing" for so long. At least now I know why it was there for so long. But anyway, this remix still owns.
  8. I'm not really a fan of the drum style, but overall it sounds good to me. Congratz
  9. Hey that's great, how bout some examples or something? Ya know, so people actually have a vague idea of what to expect quality wise.
  10. Yeah, but just make sure that the chord changes actually harmonize in some intelligent way with the melody. Remember, the chords beneath the melody in the original song were chosen for a reason.
  11. Holy shit Gar, that mix is pure awesome!

  12. I disagree with the whole "the theory isn't that important" mentality. Yeah, theory isn't a formula for creating great music, but the more you understand it, the easier it is to understand existing compositions. Being able to thoroughly analyse and understand what is going on in your favourite songs is useful as hell because then you will be able to break down and figure out what the composer did and why it worked. Then, you can apply the same concepts that you learned to your own music. That and it makes communication with other musicians easy.
  13. Pretty much sums it up. With any luck, they will push the release date back and spend more time on it. Unlikely, I know, but I too have yet to see a forum or anywhere in the gaming press that is just flowing with positive feedback for this game. EDIT: Oh wait, apparently it has been in development for years. Just give up.
  14. I believe it comes out next month. Isn't Seth Killian the guy who's actually lead designer for this game? I say we blame him, damn it! I fully expected the game to have ring-outs...Seems to me that they are trying to make it less like Smash Bros by removing things that make Smash Bros great instead of adding and expanding upon the overall Smash Bros formula.
  15. So, there are a few days left for the public beta. Googlin' around the internet, critical response to the beta has been mixed at best. I'm not sure what I think of it. It seems kind of stupid that the game doesn't offer any alternative to defeating opponents. You must always use the super moves. It can be difficult to tell where your character is on screen and the characters in the beta are about as balanced as Captain Jack Sparrow on a unicycle. I want to be excited for Playstation Smash Bros. and I know this is only a beta, but I can't say I'm super hyped about it any more. What do you people think of the beta version of the game so far?
  16. Probably nothing. I'm not even handing out candy this year. Halloween has pretty much become a thing of the past now where I live, sadly. When I was a kid, this city was crawling with Halloween spirit. Now, I drive around and there are hardly ever any decorations, trick or treaters etc.
  17. My favourite Bond themes are still Golden Eye and The World Is Not Enough. Really didn't like the "Skyfall" theme. Very repetitive, boring song in my opinion.
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