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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. Take it easy, tiger. First of all, no one wants to have to download a track just to give it a quick listen. You should upload your track to Soundcloud or Tindeck or Box, or some place where people can just click and listen. (making the link downloadable is always a good idea, too) Youtube is fine, but the quality is a little lower, as you know. So after a quick listen, your track sounds pretty good! Good trancey stuff, lots of fun little arps here. You've got some really good sounds going through most of this, and some really good modulation. Lots of good ear candy. Mixing is good. I like the vocal additions. The arrangement is close enough to the source to be considered a cover. Are you hoping to submit to OCR? If so, you should concentrate on trying to add some more unique soloing and arrangement ideas, to make it different enough from the source (but not completely original, ReMixes must contain at least 50% recognizable source). If you're thinking of submitting to OCR, here are the submission standards to help you out. Also, "mod review" is supposed to be used as one final set of ears to listen to your track before you submit it to OCR, so ideally you would wait until you've gotten some more advice first, and after you really think it's ready for OCR. Sometimes it takes awhile for people to review your track, but they will, and they are more likely to listen to your stuff if you make it easy for them to do so, and if you're really nice about it. Nice start, sounds good! Let's hear it develop!
  2. My story is one of the boring ones. I was looking around for Zelda remixes in 2009-ish, found the site. Joined in 2011. I was never a musician before 2011, so OCR has absolutely changed my life. (so I guess that's more awesome than boring!) But WOW Amy that's a wonderful story. I love stories like that, where a string of seeming coincidences leads to something life-changing in such a positive way. Thanks for sharing that!
  3. My son and I are about halfway through this game (downloaded on our PS3): . It's a cute looking little game, but after the first couple of levels it is WICKED HARD. Lots and lots of cartoon blood. Catchy, remixable music. Recommended!
  4. I don't know the original, but this is really lovely. Sounds really full and emotive. Piano tone is dark and lush. Maybe just a hair too much reverb? Bass comes close to being overpowering in some spots. Dynamite stuff.
  5. String sustains sound noticeably fake, and need humanization (automate some swells on cc11-expression). The arrangement is nice! I like the changeup when the drums enter. Might even be fun to very gently sidechain the kick to the strings (not so it's pumping, just letting the kick come through cleanly, and providing some movement in the string line). Can't hear the bass too well, the strings get a little too loud by about 1:18. Keep going!
  6. ^this^ and yeah, possibly the upright bass, but this bass sounds good, just need to bring out the higher frequencies of that bass so we can hear the plucks in addition to the nice lows. Nice arrangement so far! Yeah, soft drums with brushed snare.
  7. Wubs, yai-yais, chip arps, sine leads, ethnic plucked instruments, screamin' saws, choir, glitching, "guitars," lovely piano, kickin' drums, damn is that all ya got, I'm disappointed. I love this so hard.
  8. You are so right, my bad, dead is a terrible word... let's just say... the project is.... extremely sleepy. Extremely. Sleepy. In fact, it is a coma, on life support, with the family and a priest and the doctor hovering nearby, hand on plug. BUT... I still have hope that Theo and Emu will revive the project, I just have no idea when that would become a priority. But I'm always an optimist.
  9. Try to be happy anyway, but this project is mostly dead at this point, it is "on hold" until Theophany decides to raise it up out of its own ashes and start it anew. Sad, but true.
  10. Happy birthday, Cash man! Hope it was great! :-)

  11. Calm down, Will. Your music is awesome. That track is awesome. You are awesome. No need for anger, haha! (and you, Timaeus, and Argle are three of my five "highly trusted" friends)
  12. I hesitate to say I've gotten "good" at anything musical, because that implies there is an objective bar somewhere. I have gotten "good" enough at arrangement and production to have tracks passed by the panel here (and that Yoshi collab with Timaeus is a DP!), so I'm quite pleased with that. Yeah, that collab was a turning point for me too, and it remains my favorite track I've ever worked on. As per the feedback I get, I seem to have some decent arrangement ability. As for production, I'll say it is getting better, and I feel this is true when I send a track to five people I trust very much and they send back only minor crits. This just happened on my latest track I wrote. I'm pleased with that, it tells me I'm moving in the right direction, but it's not gonna make me lose my humility anytime soon. I just try to keep everyone's crits in mind, and try not to make the same mistakes again, while at the same time always trying new things... things I haven't tried before, things I'm scared of or feel incapable of. Why not, try everything.
  13. OMG people, if you haven't heard this yet, please give it a listen. You'll need to set aside 9 minutes but man, is it worth it. <3
  14. Thank you kindly! There are several other Chimp/Tim remixes on my Soundcloud as well, just sayin'.
  15. Unbelievably awesome track, Jason. Thanks for sharing it here! We will look forward to seeing it on the front page too! And I'm super excited to hear that you'll be reviving OoT! Woohoo! (yes, I'll be patient awhile longer, haha!)
  16. I also use FL and I have also had that happen on an Omnisphere preset, a pad. It was conflicting with a TruePianos line I had going at the same time. I solved it by rendering them both separately, though. What rhodes preset are you using? And when you render, does the render click and pop all by itself, or only when you import the wav into your song?
  17. Oh? Then you'll love some of the samples I just sent you. Lots of spooky stuff. Also, there's one chime sweep in there, I made it myself, it may not fit though, I think it's too short and upbeat. Try freesound.org, or I can try to make a slower one.
  18. But you subbed it already? Yeah you can always send in a revision. (at least you have your place in line saved, haha!) I'd add more (and more realistic) birdsong (in addition to what you've got), distant birdsong and maybe even a solo bird here and there (like one up closer and the rest in the distance if you get my meaning?), some frog sounds, babbling water in some parts (not all the way through), and possibly wind here and there, I have a nice "gentle wind with rustling leaves" sample if you'd like it, very peaceful. It would feel like taking a walk in the beautiful forest. Maybe some crickets for a brief nighttime interlude? I have a few things I could send you, actually. And freesound.org is a wealth of sfx, I'd type in "nature sounds" or "birdsong" or similar and just see what comes up. You could go another way altogether and use ocean sounds, seagulls and whalesong! And for the pads, I think they could evolve a bit more, they are very tame which is fine but could be a drop more interesting. Just a drop... and maybe even less if you fill out the soundscape more with sfx. What about some chime sweeps or soft, gently-gated white noise sweeps too? This is lovely but I think it can be even LOVELIER and then I can't see why it wouldn't pass with flying colors.
  19. This is really lovely, Argle. Especially that vocal part. Super dreamy atmosphere. Top notch production. I personally would have added more nature sfx, and possibly some more modulation on the pads... it is a bit empty... but still gorgeous. I wish you the best success with the sub!
  20. Brandon, you certainly have the enthusiasm, the dedication, and the ability. I think you'd make a fine judge. If my vote counted, you'd have it. *casts vote for Brandon into the wind*
  21. Ok, Tamer of Lions, glad to hear it, we'll try to be a little more patient then. Good luck.
  22. I'm really, REALLY sorry to hear this. I personally feel very sad that the normal judging queue has become such a problem... I can understand judge burnout, though, I really can. But I'm wondering, is the ride over? Should we give up on individual submissions? Projects seem to be still moving forward, generally, should we just put our efforts there? Or, will new judges be coming along anytime soon? The eight months is just the first part of the waiting to have a song judged and posted. There is still quite a long wait after that, too. It has become quite disheartening. There's just gotta be a better way!? edit: I'm just going on record here publicly to volunteer for any part of the process that would be helpful. Anything at all. I've got time for it.
  23. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who checks the "in the judging queue" post every day to see if the date has moved forward. The "subbed on or before" date has been stuck at February 9th now for several weeks. This is very close to eight months ago now. I realize everyone is busy and has their own lives and projects to do, and I also realize that judging is a time-consuming and not-so-glamorous job. I can only imagine the drudgery of having to weed through all the initial submissions, wow huge respect and appreciation to Larry and OA and whoever else may be doing that job. I can also imagine that other projects are more important than the regular judging queue. So my question is genuinely asked with understanding and with all due respect. But are there plans to improve this process? Or is it really time to stop submitting single remixes and just focus on projects and compos? I'm not leaving OCR anytime soon, I LOVE IT HERE... but I will probably adjust my writing direction based on the answer to this question. Again, all due respect... no hate... I know you guys are busting your butts every day with the stuff you're working on... I'm just really curious, and I'm sure others are as well.
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