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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. Good luck Brandon. Btw you're jamming everyone up against Christmas, New Year's and Magfest... how about you do your next compo in June?
  2. Go to Magfest (gonna have that one accomplished within the month, yay!) Get better at production, and learn different types of production (electro, orchestral, jazz, ???) Have at least ONE of my passed mixes hit the front page (ok so that's dependent on djp's time schedule ) Have at least five more mixes pass the panel or DP in 2014 Learn Cubase Begin piano lessons with my son Start a mentor program on OCR Good luck Amy, gosh PTSD... sorry to hear that...
  3. Would any of you guys be interested in some kind of mentor program? I have been thinking of starting one. I'm not sure how it will work yet, but I'd love it if I could hook up a couple people with each other, either for a length of time or for a project or even just one remix... in a NON-COMPO type of situation (NO deadline and NO judging). No one should be getting steadily worse. Sometimes you just need one dedicated person to guide you in a couple of specific areas. Anyone got any ideas how a nice mentor program could be put together? Wanna help me set it up?
  4. Mine's done, just gonna do some final tweaking and a few drum variations tomorrow. This one is... interesting!
  5. Garpocalypse and MindWanderer and also Tuberz: Your tracks are hard to choose between, you are well matched for production and writing. Garpocalypse: Your track confuses me a bit. It starts out so soft, a pad and harp, then a synth and some very rock-style drums, then with no warning, whammo... guitars and super fast drums. The guitar parts actually sound pretty good, but I don't think you've chosen the best synth timbres to go with them. Back and forth from super-soft/slow to very hard/fast sounding sections here... with no warning or signaling... need some transitions! The ideas are solid, they just have to flow better. MindWanderer: Nice intro pad and flute, white noise sweep is really loud and dry... that first lead synth that comes in is quite loud and the glide parts aren't sequenced well. The second lead synth suffers from the same problems. Transition at 2:00 is really abrupt and has no warning that the track is slowing down, so it feels awkward. Tuberz: That choir sounds really nice! That's the wordbuilder? I have to mess with that, I just got Symphonic Choirs myself. Makes for a really lovely, soft mix. Pretty track!
  6. Gosh isn't that the way it always goes? Haha we're all plugin/library HOARDERS. *forms support group*
  7. Damn you, Native Instruments! I've just bought the Komplete 9 upgrade, that was a no-brainer. Is Alicia's Keys a must have? I've heard good things about it but I have so many pianos already... thoughts? The two things I'd currently like aren't yet on sale: Action Strikes and Kinetic Metal. Those look cool. But I'll wait for the sale later on. Action Strikes has an interface like Action Strings which is cool and easy to use (I picked up Action Strings in their last sale). Did I mention "damn you, Native Instruments?"
  8. OMG so yes.... (also reminds me I have to hit up Deia again for some girlie OCR shirts... dammit I really want one or ten)
  9. New arrangement is 85% done. Again the themes are blending well. This one's gonna be short but sweet, about two minutes of very silly happiness.
  10. Avaris & ShaggyFreak - Wow them's two really cool tracks. And two really tough tracks to integrate, wow that Sazh theme, glad it ain't MAH THEME haha! Avaris I think you did the slightly better job of integrating the two themes, and your mix keeps me entertained until the end. I think the high lead is ok as it is. Nice kick. Not sure I'm sold on the panning hats, but I like them better when the centered hat comes in. I think you could drop out some of the snare breaks near the end, the ones that don't lead to a big climax (like at 4:01 and again at 4:30, maybe replace with a huge reverse crash?), other than that I say it's probably good to go. ShaggyFreak, those drums and ethnic instruments are da bomb, and you mixed everything really well. Possibly a touch too much reverb. I hear Sazh very clearly. But for a good part of the track it feels really empty! Huge section in the middle with just drums, no theme at all! I enjoyed it! Anyway! (sorry, channeled Garpocalypse for a moment) I will get to the next voting pairing soon...
  11. How does one account for all the "Bronies?" Was that a marketing ploy or just a fluke? 'Cuz that's some pretty girlie material right there! lmao!
  12. Flesh and blood everybody needs help today.
  13. Looks like this is gonna be expensive afterall... is this a good one? Looks like it might even plug into a daw as well?
  14. Interesting article, I read the whole thing. Interesting history of the video game industry, and about marketing programs and paradigms. I'm female and I have loved video games since Pong came out (yep, that old). I played on the first NES when it was new, and I also remember going in to work on the weekends specifically to play a forbidden copy of "Leisure Suit Larry." (not because it was sexual, but because it was just a cool game, where you typed what you wanted Larry to do at the C prompt... wow such freedom!) I don't even mind the shooting games, even though they are targeted for males... my problem arises when the story gets black and depressing like the Grand Theft Auto series. Do we really have to have a 30-something guy killing an old lady? Is that what males want? Anyway that is where I draw my line, at gratuitous human on human violence. That's where the fun stops for me.
  15. Hey guyzzz. My husband and I are thinking of getting our son Tom a digital piano for Christmas. He is nine years old, and he and I will be taking some piano lessons next year. We are looking for a stand-alone keyboard that makes its own sounds (does not require a daw), and we don't want to spend too terribly much but it should have weighted keys, is that right? It would be great if it could plug into a daw at a later time, but that isn't super important now. Any suggestions?
  16. Brandon, how will this work at the end of the current round? Light and Dark will each have three winners. Will you combine Light and Dark, for an even matchup? And if so, will there be a one week break while the mixing and voting catch up? Looks like no matter how you slice it, you end up with an odd number of mixers at some point... just curious. (or will you just count on some people dropping out, or like you said bring someone back in?)
  17. We actually sat in the front row, just feet from him. He was so funny. I think it was about a year before he died. My husband and I still talk like him when it is appropriate. We will start another thread dedicated to our favorite Mitch lines. It will be funny. (please, read that in his voice ok? You did, right?) /Mitch tangent, back to regularly scheduled programming
  18. OMG another Mitch Hedberg fan! Wasn't he the best, why did he have to go and die? My husband and I saw him live one time. He was hilarious.
  19. Not too many people voting on this round... maybe some people will vote tomorrow?
  20. Garpocalypse! I love this reviewing style of yours! No matter what is said! It always sounds pretty upbeat! Even when what you have to say! Is not so nice! Or that it wasn't cohesive! Or that it didn't jivemaster! Or whatever! Or if you liked something! Even in the middle! Of a sentence! Always with the exclamation points! Everything sounds so amazingly happy! Everyone should do critiques just like this! No one would ever again be upset! The world would be a better place! And thanks! For taking the time! To do a detailed review! Of every song! So nice of you!
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