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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. ^This^ OMG that's too stinkin' hilarious. 1:17 is the BEST part. The autotuning is a perfect fit. Thanks for that!
  2. To be honest, the tempo change at 2:21 didn't bother me that much, I thought it was ok, and even kinda cool, although it could have been signaled or transitioned into a bit better, it *is* in fact rather abrupt. The part I thought was the most awkward was at 3:06, where honestly, it seems like a whole different song begins. It is a totally different source and style, and could be seen as medley-ish by the panel.
  3. ^this^ Also, the string lead is too weak and unexpressive, and almost sounds like a pad when the guitars are playing over it, for example at 2:07. Backing strings like at 0:30 sound really good though. Guitar work sounds amazing. Drums sound great. Lead work at 2:20 is really nice, but totally buried. Oh gosh at 3:06, a new song begins. Joe's sax is lovely as heck of course. Piano sounds a tad mechanical starting at 3:31. For mixing, all the timbres seems to be mostly centered, except the guitars and the string lead/pad somewhat, and the piano which maybe doesn't need to be so wide. It seems like the entire second half could use a pad, with the piano narrowed and quieter. That's quite a power team for a collab!
  4. If it's got "Zelda" in the title, I will buy a Wii U for it, no questions asked.
  5. Joe, at least swallow that peanut butter sandwich before speaking. I assume you meant to say "happy birthday." And I shall join you in wishing OA a "happy peanut butter sandwich day."
  6. Ironically, I just got notification that the mix I was referring to here will Direct Post! Haha, thanks Larry! *gets ready for a bit more waiting*
  7. Would those be "technomandingos?" Take it easy, Big B. You've got 38 mixposts. Yeah I know you're trying to beat the all-time record, but some of us are trying to patiently await our "OCReMix Artist Profiles." It's just that it takes... a lot of... patience...
  8. I share your curiosity about this issue. *been waiting seven months to see a mix enter the judging list*
  9. ^This,^ also the writing is rather stiff and quantized for the most part. I agree that the main lead synth is quite bland. If you modulated the sound, or switched it up sometimes, bring in something that cuts through the mix better, that would add interest. Maybe add some fun percussion loops, wide panned and eq'd for mainly high end. Argle is right, the elements are there, soundscape is full, nice countermelodies and fills... it's just kinda... idunno flat somehow. Some "candy" might remedy that. A few surprising elements, sfx, percussion loops, glitching, automation of cutoffs and/or resonances, just interesting stuff to keep the listener having a good time. You've got wubs going in there, but even they are too tame. At 1:55 you are duplicating the lead writing with the bass, not sure that idea works. At 2:54 I finally hear some leads that cut through the mix enough. This song has a lot of great ideas... just needs that extra oomph.
  10. I actually did my first "composition" on a little Nintendo DS program called Rytmik. I downloaded it for my son, thinking he could make some music. This was in February 2011, and at that time I had absolutely NO thoughts about making music myself. Tom showed no interest in this program, so one day I sat down with it myself and slammed out a fairly complete mix of "Saria's song" within an hour. I showed it to my husband and he said "how did you do that?" I said "I have no idea." So he went to the computer, did a little bit of research, and bought me FL Studio for my birthday (April 2011).
  11. Words fail... this is sooooo strange... and wonderful... emotive cinematic intro, tiny fairy bells, glitching, grungy dubstep, wait what, jazz? You surprised me repeatedly. I LOVE THIS.
  12. I love what you did with that bass, great sound and writing. Background arp is awesome but gets a bit repetitive. Kick is a tad buried as T said, maybe some compression and some more high-end "click" content would bring it out. Drums generally sound very good, great snare, great drum writing. "Guitar" lead (sounds like a layer) sounds a bit boxy, maybe gently cut a few mids out of the lower one. Overall, really fun and well written track!
  13. Sounds like you've come here for praise and not feedback. In this forum, you'll get constructive feedback to make you an even better artist. Take it or leave it. Sometimes the feedback is an opinion, sometimes it is an objective critique, it is up to you to sort out which is which. But we take the time here to give you something. Just... generally not blanket praise. Not here. You'll need a sense of humor here, some humility and a nice, thick skin, and you'll get along just fine. So if you're completely certain your mix is perfect, why post it in a wip forum? You could just stick to the sites where you'll get nothing but praise. The bar is just that much higher around here, we hold ourselves to a very high standard, and all of us are trying to improve even more.
  14. Noooooot quite 77 yet... bwahahaha! But, yeah.
  15. I've only been at this for two years. I have two songs in the "to be posted" queue right now. I won't tell you my age. I'm leaps and bounds older than absolutely everyone here, though. It proves you *can* start late. It's never too late.
  16. Needs more sub bass. Needs wilder drum patterns. Needs to be finished. (gawd I love dubstep like this, want to learn to make it myself)
  17. I like what you did with the fadeup, but YES that sounds great too! Try it! OK I getcha, but I'd really like to just hear it higher, just to compare too. Ok? *please*
  18. T, I think that bass may sound quite different once you try raising the octave on that first lead. Please, for me, give that a go. Also, please change that downward sine gliss to a guitar downbender ok? I'm liking the bell lead a bit better now, with the saw support. Glad you're liking it, Chris!
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