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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Perhaps you should have some bright-eyed young chap organize a cooperative sf compo for the noobs and Txai to run while you guys have all your fun in your super-special club. eck, I'd be up for it. My music is always crap anyways, and I like to organize things.
  2. >Implying that there are street fighter fans who aren't fans of Cammy Well, are we talking about her or her hindquarters? I have a feeling most male street fighter fans are fans of her hindquarters. That's kind of why they exist.
  3. Last I checked, Inafune left before the WCRG, so your argument doesn't make sense. Or maybe I'm just forgetful. Also capcom must hate me 1. they kill my favorite series 2. they kill it for a stupid milk cow of a rerelease (which I like, unfortunately) 3. they don't let me enter their compos **** you capcom
  4. I would probably say "Why should they want to help the consumer? Their first goal is making money, not being nice to people." While this is slightly annoying, it's not a dealbreaker for me.
  5. Maybe I'm just thick, but... It looks just like the last one.
  6. I've stopped caring about Capcom acting like an arse like this. even though it is rather silly to call it "downloadable content", now isn't it?
  7. 9 sucker eat it
  8. there's going to be a pc version? :3 :3 :3 really? :3
  9. I listen to a lot of Sabrepulse and Henry Homesweet, some Fighter X and Smiletron, and Je Mappelle.
  10. I would recommend cloning, but the sheer amount of glorious synth solo-y-ness would more than likely cause the universe to cave in on itself and come together into a single point, where only a single solitary synth note would exist... forever ringing... That is, until Chuck Norris comes and saves it so that we can return to worshipping will
  11. http://soundcloud.com/zerothemaster cuz everyone cares so much about mine :/
  12. I guess the next AC game is set In America. I'm totally not sure if anyone gets what I'm referencing
  13. That doesn't even make sense silly *sacrifices goat to a image of will in a toga*
  14. I sudddenly really really want to play Assassin's Creed. :3
  15. It took two hours for me to download the mixtape which is a lot for my comp it was all worth it
  16. I stick with the Yahtzee interpretation. virtual reality with kids in dirty basements forcing rats and blind birds to attack each other and collecting "badges" from hobos seems legit
  17. You can keep me in mind. In case this (somehow) gets past my grasp once it starts When is GMRB, does anyone know?
  18. RACISM: 1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2. racial prejudice or discrimination DICTIONARY MAN... AWAY! (and for future use) SEXISM: 1. prejudice or discrimination based on sex; Especially: discrimination against women 2. behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex edit: also I am offended by any game with overly muscular space marines
  19. I'll probably try again, but I'll be out first round, no doubts. Barring a no-show :3 But I have no clue what I'll do for my theme. gads, I don't remember my faves from MMX, maybe Flame Stag or Storm Eagle. just to annoy lucavi X3
  20. that is the greatest character in any fighting game ever. period.
  21. Just to say: if you want remixes of lesser-known songs, enter. Don't rely on us, because we like all the popular ones. They'll never get remixed if you don't do it! :3
  22. I voted for a steampunk dating sim. cuz im hipster like that
  23. but i have math on my side your argument is invalid and fun fact metal man has only been picked once. 2010 by Cerrax. not to mention I took an adventurous stride what am i chopped rush bolts
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