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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I'll pretend I can rap over anything anyone gives me.
  2. because valve gave me explicit permission to use the companion cube image as my soundcloud av I won't get on him for that he's just a dirty filthy horrible terrible miserable dark-souled example of the worse in humanity and his mother was hitler
  3. disregard capcom acquire hats
  4. Hopefully soundcloud gets around to caving this guy's skull in. seriously.
  5. He has a few released EPs, and if they are his own work, they aren't too bad... I'm no great critic, but they sound good to me. :/ But I'll never download anything from him cuz he's a plagiarist. Which doesn't even make sense, he seems to have a bit of a following already :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3Kp4Fzq4KU&feature=related (do note, there quite a lot of blood in this... quite a lot)
  6. Dropped some comments for you BGC. I really wonder if any of his work is original. :/
  7. I must now consult with my brothers of the cloth and discuss this possibility with them and find a song to do
  8. I'm making better music than all of you with beepola there you go finger, happy
  9. Haha I didn't even know there was a team Though, just to satisfy my curiosity, how do you "create" a team and enter one of those? And how long do they run?
  10. I'm definately going to do something for this. Though my production skills are s*** and I know you value that really highly. So I'll just lose
  11. You are. A lot of the guys here are friends of neko, and he was an awesome musician. I don't really care why he's leaving, I'm just kinda sad that he is.
  12. Just a quick word, and maybe this has been addressed already... But I would take those cymbals and make them hats, and variate between open and closed. It would add to the piece a lot.
  13. My face is a retarded nerd scene I think I did that wrong
  14. I listened to Espergirl, and I must admit, I didn't really enjoy it. I mean, it was obviously a job to make, that thing is bloody crazy, and I'm sure the production/tracking skill involved is astronomical, but I just didn't really like it much. I felt like it was too disjointed and didn't have any forward motion. And usually I can get into weird-sounding chipmusic (I'm quite a fan of Henry Homesweet), but I just couldn't dig it.
  15. From someone who knows nothing of chiptune composing... those kicks don't sound much like a gameboy. But I could be wrong. EDIT: danimal cannon is now a ninja :/
  16. Oh god this is so amazing I look up to your skill and wish that I was anywhere near to as good as you.
  17. They're gonna take your music add a few songs and new art and call it "Ultimate Street Fighter: The World Warrior Remix Royale: Arcade Edition"
  18. holy carpmonsters Now I know why I hate all the music I make. And how to fix it. By one of my favorite chip-musicians. It's like a thirsty man being given water by baby Jesus and Santa Claus that's in a glass made of fairy tears and love.
  19. This is a thread for people to share methods of guitar recording. Electric? Acoustic? Bowed? Lute? Sitar? Broomstick-and-yarn? It's all welcome... I guess :/ this is totally not a ploy to pick peoples minds about guitar recording techniques kthxbai
  20. democracy has triumphed once again
  21. Yes, I've never really felt like the jews are anything to get overly whipped up about, and certainly not worth an argument. </sarcasm>
  22. I believe that it means that you can't just have lsdj or famitracker, you have to have more than just that. Dunno though.
  23. There's a reason that I've never submitted anything and probably will never do so while most people might say it's because all my music is s*** the real reason is ... Oh wait, all my music is s*** I guess most people are right
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