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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. But if you don't say anything, no one will get to know you. D= And just ignore neblix, it's just nebby being nebby
  2. I have my doubts that Deadmau5 has mental capacities past that age Don't get me wrong, love his music, but he's not exactly socrates.
  3. Oh god not jpgs. Sorry, but they're just artifacting really really badly. Remake and save as a .png, that way the text won't turn all pixely, hopefully. I love the art, but the .jpg-y-ness needs to go.
  4. welcome to the weird, wild and wacky world of Egoraptor. ... THAT IS TRUE
  5. I like electrolisystem's better. also all hail the o craps
  6. Woah, you're from MN?

    Gads, apparently it's a hotbed of VG music fans out here :/


  7. I'll admit that I fail to see the difference. I was speaking about sig images anyways.
  8. I mixed my last song with Apple iPhone Earbuds. True Story. well the mixing is probably s*** but that's not what we're talking about here
  9. I've always been a sucker for big banners? I always thought that anything under 150px is way too small to make anything really cool, but that's just me. While Rexy's sigs were great (are great :3) I thought they were rather minimalistic, and I'm not a very minimal person, I guess.
  10. Changed image color and added the compo's shortened name. And I'll just use another portrait for Viper and Oni
  11. fixed name and added some shadow. And due to the blue background on which the text is, it kinda has to be black or else it's really dull and lifeless. Also doing the SF4 ones is gonna be hard.
  12. I'm sure I can improve on it, but this is at least something to start I'm not that great at the whole graphic arts thingy. EDIT: oh crap blackpanther has akuma not phonetic hero errrr sorry fixing now
  13. At least he didn't think that drum sounds come only out of drum machines. there might still be hope
  14. iPod Nano 3rd gen cuz 5th gen is s*** also iPhone all hail apple
  15. Their next plan is to come to your house, capture you in your sleep, and auction you off to slave traders in the street fighting underworld. Just fyi
  16. no one dares to challenge me. My awesomeness scared them all away
  17. I'm toying around with some ideas for sig images, just fyi. I'll see if I can make anything decent.
  18. You're making one very big assumption that I have a wii XD I will, however, watch some LPs of it. That's at least something (unless there's a GBA version... which is my only console =D </sarcasm>)
  19. I've never actually played the game, so I can't say. What little I know about it did seem so to me, but I am quite biased And I don't know anything about those that Manga mentioned, I'll look em up.
  20. If everything goes right, I'll make, like, 6 mixes and submit maybe two. and one that I make will be dubstep filthy bitcrushed dubstep just to troll flex
  21. o crap it's the OCRAPS
  22. I would just like to state that there would need to be some kind of continuity in the styles. You can't just change everything about, say, Tatl's style inbetween episodes, so the changes can't be too abrupt. and there should be an overarching style of some kind to keep things together and stuff... I recommend operatic, ala Les Miserables, but that's just me.
  23. !!!OETOM YADHTRIB YPPAH!!! ...derob yrev ma i read it backwards
  24. I actually have a nice skeleton for a track right now... won't be over-produced, but it's kinda fun :3
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