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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I've never heard of it. But just because it's made in the same city as ableton doesn't mean that it's going to be anything like ableton... heck, I live 20 minutes away from where Adam Young makes music and I don't make anything remotely synth-pop-y. just saiyan
  2. Thanks, I'll look at it later.

    I must admit, I'm astounded that anyone really actually believes that. I just find it freaking hilarious. Besides, I've listened to it so many times I should have hung myself months ago :P

  3. I thought to myself "That's probably ecto being a troll." turns out I was right fancy that ididnosuchthinglol
  4. I remember one compo where the guy used the drumline as the only connection to the source
  5. ...I never said I believed it. And I don't, I just love me some urban myths when I feel like it. And I actually do like the song. And I'm curious about the original that spawned said myth. I think it's just as much bull as you do, but I like urban myths, as I said. ending off topic discussion, pm me to continue it if you wish let's give the man his topic back
  6. I would really really like a copy of that. Where did you get it? I'll echo Rex and say that it definitely needs something different in the clap department. I think a really tight snare would be a lot better. Also, I would distort the drums a bit, but that's just a personal thing, try it and see if you like it. Just a personal thing, I would probably make that lead, the arpeggio part, just swirl around my head in a giant pan. But that's just me. Also, extend the song a bit, with some more variation and some new parts, variate the wobbles some more, and change that brass to a synth or something. That's all I have for now. I really like the ideas here, just needs to be fully realized :3
  7. Answering because... idunno, because I'm here. Yes it can be any genre. I've seen anything from jazz to dubstep to ethereal to metal 'round here. I've seen mixes that have barely anything to do with the source. The only thing is, people probably won't vote for said mixes. I would say that just one day on a mix is rather short, if you want, I'd be happy to give it a listen and some production tips (as if I can produce anything lol) And OH YEAH I CAN MAKE A BONUS MIX! I should totally do that. Also, bunde, you might want to link this too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Wright:_Ace_Attorney instead of the dutch wiki page XD
  8. That's not the original tone. The original was a lot more effed up. While I don't mind the starkness, something different would be cool.
  9. Well i didn't mention that there were only two other entries and neither were exactly amazing. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC214 still it was my first true victory at anything, so I guess I'll take it for what its worth which is equivalent to three Canadian pennies and the head of a dead horse :/
  10. I'll get on it dis afternoon, mein kampf The last song I made for a compo, I finished mastering with a pair of Apple earbuds with a bad left bud. Won the compo
  11. hahahano Guy's name is Smartguy33 or something... I want to say it was from Mugenguild, but I'm not positive. He also made the C.Viper sprite. I suck at artwork
  12. That's all for today. And yes the pic of oni is a bit ugly but it's only pH's fault for choosing a fighter without any images that don't have weird things flying around him :/
  13. oh yeah that im on it captain EDIT: viola a mastierpiece OA - C. Viper
  14. silly bunde that's the wrong game it's the ORIGINAL
  15. well hey, my first real victory huzzah I hope I didn't offend anyone with my reviews, I just said what I thought should be fixed. :/ Source incoming
  16. but that game is bollocks (i actually like crisis city kthxbai)
  17. suddenly i am very interested
  18. so if I eat my vitamins and drink lots of milk, will I be as awesome as you in a year?
  19. I did like a chunk of the songs on 4x4=12, but it's not too hard to please me
  20. I would call him pretentious too
  21. I really enjoyed it. Don't know if it's different from the source at all, but sounds really pretty.
  22. Have a happy birthday. Hope you remember it tomorrow
  23. Mickey's got swagger. That is all.
  24. welcome to the internet
  25. Can I count Girlchan in Paradise as Anime?
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