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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. >opens FL

    >places a bass kick

    >names file "cidwip"


  2. Two things come to mind when I listen to this: Around what is kind of the third part of the main wub part (I'll map a specific spot in your soundcloud) the lead sounds really weird. some note lengths seem to be screwed up, and it confuses my ears when I hear that part. Probably some editing of that part is necessary, but just to fix it. Also: bring back the drop out when the voice clip drops in. Without the dropout, it doesn't have the same feeling as it would otherwise. The starkness that it had was really good, and I think it should come back. It really accentuates the drop more as well.
  3. No one experiments with indie rock sounds around here. that I'm aware of, that is. there's an idea for you all.
  4. GET IT BACK. seriously, don't leave this. for me.
  5. I have stated interest in this, correct? :/ cuz i'm pretty friggin interested
  6. I dig where this is going. I'll give some more comments when I get to my good headphones, but I love the glitchy instrumentation in the beginning. Though I do agree that those pauses might not be necessary. EDIT: After listening in my headphones... mmm that bass :3 it makes me happy inside. I love the trashy lo-fi-ness of the intro even more now. I still think that the pauses might not be necessary, but I really like this right now. The synths are really nice and glitchy with that meaty bass :3
  7. Y'know, I made a gerudo valley x daft punk mashup. shoulda sent it in Edit: SENT IN SO POST IT OA :/



  9. It changed one instrument lol
  10. All I did for that is the really terrible guitar solo that sounds stupid It all comes down to the fact that I hate everything I've ever made :/ Also, on the subject of I Dreamt Of A Man With Two Heads... here's Amph's alternate version, the "Sexytime Version". Listen here. It is very sexytime.
  11. but that means that you have one of my songs and thats wrong
  12. As seen by people's favorites, I have won no favorites. My faith in music is restored.
  13. >One of the best remixers on OCR makes a team with two of the best remixers on OCR >Doesn't expect to win yeaaaaah Also, I liked The Fall. A lot. And a lot of other tracks too. But mostly The Fall.
  14. C'mon Yahtzee... Review SH:Downpour. You know you want to...
  16. I'm getting on it I had a lot of work the last couple days, but I'm free now, so I'll make em up. There's NutS's. Jewbei's next. EDIT: Jewbei done.
  17. That sub is beautiful. Really adds to it imo. I'd say even a little more modulation in the second and third/final wub sections, but that's just me. And I'm just a lonely soul around here with a flair for the dubstep and the minimalist. I'd get some more opinions :3
  18. Listening on my mixing phones, it is a little weak in the low parts, imo. But that's just me
  19. The problem with remixing Lavender Town is that it's going to be repetitive. I know you can fix this by modulating those wubs some more! The only problem I have with them is that they are the same every time. Second and third drops, fiddle with it some more. Also, maybe I just wasn't catching it, but it needs some really woofer-rattling sub-bass layered underneath there. This mix will be good if you take a creepy song and make it feel oppressive, it's really close, and I think that a massive sub-bass could get it even farther. but that's just me
  20. My ears just cried and ran into the bathroom
  21. I ate a small puppy the put a shape on my head and started stalking insane people pays the bills I guess
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