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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. NEW GAME BY THE ELEBIT GUYS!!!!! It's called Dewey's Adventure and it is a platformer. THe game looks great too. http://wii.ign.com/articles/760/760682p1.html
  2. little bizzump Interest in PSP rising... They are releasing a CV:SOTN and Rondo of Blood package with a Rondo of Blood remake and originial and its not the SNES Dracula X. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3156904
  3. OMFG JUST BEAT HOTEL DUSK!! Such an awesome game. The story is one of the best I have ever read like ever. I'm going to have to beat it again just to get the best ending. I can't wait to see what Cing is going to make for the Wii.
  4. THe music in the Sonic trailer makes me want to shoot myself in the head. I might play the game in mute.
  5. Hotel Dusk is pretty awesome. I'm only on chapter 6 part 2 but the story is awesome and I can't wait to find out everything.
  6. Well, my bro and I decided to get LTTP. My SNES controllers are busted up and I really don't feel like looking for a really good conditioned SNES controller. I can't wait for Super Metroid.
  7. I don't feel like reading graphic arguments, but I think art direction matter a lot more than graphics. I don't care if a game looks as realisitic as my backyard... but if a game looked like my backyard it would be the most boring game ever.
  8. I really don't care for multiplayer Metroid. If they want to make a new franchise that is an FPS do that, but leave Metroid in the way it should be and JUST RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY!!!! Anyways, I have read on the internet that Super Paper Mario is coming out in April... Anybody with the new Nintendo Power can confirm it? Also I read it has new screenshots of the game. Also I hope Fire Emblem comes out this year... the game is a direct sequel to PoR and Sothe was the green haired dude and the girl is his sister... I just can't wait for that game and it's even longer than the GC one. FE:GoD is supposed to have 44 missions... which is a lot more than FE:POR.
  9. WTF my local gamestop doesn't even know what Hotel Dusk is... They don't even have the game in the system. I really want to play it too.
  10. Wow... I thought most people here hated that game other than me... I really liked Baten Kaitos and I actually beat it. I usually don't beat my games because they get boring, but the battle system was awesome. BK:O's battle system was really different, but I liked how much faster it was and the voice acting was like fifty times better than the first one. I do like BK:O more than BK, but I still need to beat it.
  11. Wow, Balthier is going to be in the FFT update on the PSP... http://img106.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=21222_viploader396284_122_417lo.jpg http://img23.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=21227_viploader396285_122_358lo.jpg Also... Dark knight looks cool kinda... Also. FF1 and FF2 are being "enhanced" for the PSP... the game looks the same with new spites. http://img11.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=03668_iup316820_122_382lo.jpg lol gg square enix... at least try with the ports. I think its the freaking GBA game with updates sprites.
  12. I think Sonic Wii is coming in March and so is SSX Blur. Blur looks pretty good and I hope this Sonic doesn't blow.
  13. Never really played much of this game, but it's kinda interesting... KNYTT http://knytt.ni2.se/ You like look for you UFO pieces and stuffs. here is an image
  14. Marjora's Mask is like the best Zelda ever and Diddy Kong racing is freaking awesome too...
  15. I use the save jingle from Phoenix Wright.
  16. Finally, someone posts rolleyes! We need the big one to commemorate DS.
  17. That is so freaking awesome I'm going to have to quote it.
  18. It really was kinda dumb to delete the forum at the time... Darke was the only mod and after he got off Smoke had to handle everything by himself. Anyways, I hope you keep making music Darke, you made most of favorite mixes and you're the only guy who made the awesome Metroid Prime ones...
  19. My last one, my lil bro told me to make these
  20. lol guess who that is Here's another sucky one
  21. The review has the link to the first episode... First episode is pretty good. I like it. It isn't bad and the trailer led me to believe that Afro was going to spew nothing but ebonics, but it was nothing like that, cept for maybe his follower.
  22. Yeah... I really want Hotel Dusk. The game just looks awesome. I want to try Trace Memory, but whatever. Is the Toys R' Us year end sale still going? I want some 10 dollar DS games.
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