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Everything posted by Cash

  1. This again? We've been over this already, multiple times. Do you not understand that she plans to make multiple videos? Seriously, read her kickstarter. Do you not understand that initial goal was $6000 dollars? She didn't ask for 160k. What do you suggest she do with it? What do you want from her? Yeah, that's all bullshit.
  2. Sorry if I came off as a defensive jackass, but I really am sensitive to issues facing women.

  3. Happy birthday Aeroz! And also happy birthday to Final Kingdom!
  4. On second though, I'll repost my previous question in the PPR thread. I apologize to anybody responding to my question.
  5. Can you provide some examples of this bias on male roles? Also, what are considered "male roles?"
  6. All set! My entry has been submitted! Good luck everyone! By the way, my source is from Majora's Mask.
  7. Only MP3 for this album? There's usually a flac version. EDIT: Nevermind, just saw the disclaimer! I'll post album comments later...
  8. Hmm, that's an interesting way to look at it, like old, racist cartoons. Cartoons like this: My sister is also a gamer, and she's always happy to have the choice to play a female character. Most open world games (Skyrim), as well as RPG's with moral choices (Mass Effect), give you the option to be female, which is nice. I agree the metal bathing suit armor is silly, it's not really practical to go into battle with skimpy armor. Or to walk around in snow. I also didn't say women are the sole arbiters of sexism. Obviously women aren't because the word sexism refers to both sexes. I'll take into account opinions of men, myself included, but I feel that women would know best on this issue (within reason of course, perhaps not the best word choice). Perhaps there are more women in here, good point. Though I get the impression that there are mostly men, but I could be wrong. As for few responses to female input, I only said that because Vilecat posted earlier, in relation to why Anita talked about Mario and Zelda, yet no one really seemed to address the post. That was my impression, maybe I'm wrong.
  9. You completely misinterpreted my post. You added on ideas that were not present. I did not say all women agree with Anita, nor did I say we should treat women differently. However, I would say a woman's opinion has more weight when discussing the treatment of women in video games. Just as the opinion of a gay man has more weight when discussing gay rights, than a straight man.
  10. I thought my point was clear, it's a bad thing that very few people responded to the limited female input. Maybe if more people actually acknowledged when a woman posts, more women would participate in these types of discussions.
  11. This thread is still going? I swear I've seen the same points being made over and over again. And still almost no input from women. Why does that always happen in threads relating to sexism, women, and video games? When a women does post, very few people respond. It's a shame.
  12. This is true, they could have easily changed the story to avoid her capture. I agree it's stupid that she was captured right after her reveal. I see your point that it's even more frustrating because up until that point, Zelda was strong. Kind like a tease for female gamers, here's a strong women, but oh wait, just kidding. Still, Link would have gone after Ganon anyway had Zelda not been kidnapped. The purpose all along was to defeat Ganon, Zelda's kidnapping was just added incentive. Plus, Ganon really only took her for the Triforce of Wisdom. Maybe I'm grasping at straws here... When you think about it, why didn't Ganon take both of them and just win? Link clearly couldn't stop Zelda from being taken, why not taken him as well? Doesn't really make sense. I think an interesting twist would have been to have Zelda rescue Link. So instead Ganon grabs Link, and have Zelda storm the castle. I'd imagine that would have been more entertaining for Ganon.
  13. With Ocarina of Time, I thought Zelda was strong throughout the game. She managed to escape the clutches of Ganondorf and remain hidden from him for seven years while link was in the Chamber of Sages. She disguised herself as Sheik and managed to help link along the way. Yes, Zelda was captured after she revealed herself, but that was at the end right before entering Ganondorf's castle. If you remember, when she was taken away in that crystal thing, it happened right in front of Link, and he was powerless to stop it. Then after beating Ganondorf, Zelda helps you escape, as well as helping you in the final battle against Ganon. I never got the vibe that Zelda was helpless, she seemed to be a strong character.
  14. Well, I didn't say men aren't qualified, I can't speak for anyone else though. I was just clarifying the concept of male privilege. You hit on a good point though, just a bunch of dudes arguing over sexism towards women. I know there was a woman (Annie Felis) who posted earlier, but I haven't noticed more. It's kind of sad, and a little bit hilarious when you think about it. I'm curious as to why so few women have commented here.
  15. I have to ask, what does it mean to "check your privilege"? As for the concept of male privilege, you also have to take into consideration race, sexual orientation, social class, and disability status.
  16. I want to be perfectly clear here. I am in no way legitimizing or justifying any form of trolling. I did not say it is unimportant, I think it's a problem. I no longer use voice chat when playing games online because of all the garbage I would hear. I only use voice when playing with friends, even then I still mute other players. Saying something for the sole purpose of making another person angry doesn't sound like an optimistic motive if you ask me. What is the proportion of the hate comments though? I took a look at her kickstarter YouTube video, there are more than 14,000 comments. I scrolled through 10 pages and could only find a few disgusting comments. From what I see, the worst comments are in the vast minority. I don't know, I've heard death threats, rape threats, and threats of violence before in an effort to anger. Those types of comments are certainly not outside the realm of trolling. I think it's naive to assume trolling has limits. Again, this does not suggest that it's no big deal, or it should be tolerated. My point is that people will say anything to get a rise, no matter how misogynistic or threatening. I guess my point is that it is impossible to determine the seriousness of threats from anonymous comments. We can argue all day about whether this is trolling, or something worse, but at the end of the day it's all just speculation.
  17. Hmm, seems legit. To be fair though, cobaltstarfire's description of the study wasn't entirely accurate. And this study didn't use the type of extreme comments seen on Anita's video. EDIT: The comments in the study were merely rude and did have some content, they were not disgusting and threatening, and void of content.
  18. Do you have a link to this study? It sounds bogus to me. Right below the end that quote from me, you'll notice I said my points do not excuse those types of comments. I was discussing the reasons behind trolls. I in no way implied nasty comments are acceptable.
  19. For some people, sure, but who can say how many? It's difficult to verify. In the case of online games, the competitive nature can account for a lot. People say all sorts of things in anger. As for say, YouTube comments, I think people many people enjoy eliciting some sort of response. I think it gives people satisfaction to know they have the power to manipulate others with their words. Absolutely some people really do have violent, misogynistic, anti-semetic, and racist tendencies in their actual thoughts. However, I argue that those people are in the minority.
  20. There's tons of people out there on the internet who say crazy and offensive shit just to get a reaction. Ever played a shooter online? I used to play Halo 2 online back in the day, it was rare to go a game without a rape reference or racial slur. The whole point of that is to get a reaction, not with any sort of seriousness. It seems to me to be a not unlikely possibility. Ever played a game on Xbox Live, you hear that shit all the time. Anonymity allows anyone to get a reaction out of people without risk of repercussions. Anita Sarkeesian is talking about sexism against women, of course the trolls will make misogynistic threats. Obviously this doesn't excuse those kinds of comments, but people will say very disgusting things just to get a rise. If you put yourself out there, you will face nasty comments, no matter who you are.
  21. The criticisms raised by Charlemagne earlier seemed legit to me, and didn't sound sexist or fanboyish. As for other alternative reasons, I'll have to think about it for a bit.
  22. I never claimed to disagree with her, and in fact I don't. I'm simply questioning your claim that criticisms arise either from fanboyism or sexism. What about the possibility that they are trolls looking to get a rise out of her? I don't think very many of those people hate her, but simply they enjoy pissing people off. Especially those who paint themselves or a particular group of people as victims.
  23. Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel. So anyone who has a criticism is automatically a sexist? Agree with her or you're sexist, is that what it has come to? EDIT: I guess I missed the fanboy part, but still that's the vibe I get.
  24. Well, I have a completely different impression of him. I find him to be against misogyny and xenophobia. As for classicism, I'm not sure if that was the word you were going for. I don't have anything more to say at this point. Without specific examples, all I can say is I have a very different impression of TJ and his videos.
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