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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Here's my thoughts. -the timing sounds off through the whole remix -the mixing is muddy, it's hard to distinguish the sounds, everything blends -I think that glitching bass thing is stepping over everything -the strings are the thing that actually stand out, but do need some humanization -the synth leads, as others have pointed out, do not fit, especially the one playing between 0.44 and 1.09, it actually sounds a bit silly -weak drums I think this mostly needs more attention to EQ, and different instrument choices. I would say keep the strings though. I know I gave a lot of crticism, but I really do like the direction you took, nice stylistic choice. If you can work out the kinks, this has potential. By the way, three people in this thread have the same Sonic avatar. Just thought I'd point that out.
  2. Hey dude, this sounds very accurate to the original. I would say this was a successful ear training exercise. I wish I was this good at doing things by ear, I really need to do more ear training. Anyway, production wise, the soundscape is basically just an enhanced version of the original. There is nothing fatally wrong here, the mixing overall is a bit loud though. The instrument choices are generic and low quality. I'd say choose a better sonic palette.
  3. First, I just want to say I very much enjoyed what you have here. Nice chilled out and relaxing atmosphere. I did notice some areas where you could improve. I noticed something strange about the kick. From 0:00 to 0:27, I hear a good punch/boom on the kick. Then from 0:27 to 0:50 the kick seems to lose that punch. The punch then comes back from 0:50 to 1:09. The kick loses that low end punch once more at 1:09 until the end of the song. I think I may actually be mistaking the bass for a punchy kick, in the 0:00-0:27, and 0:50-1:09 sections. I'm not sure though. I hope I'm being clear enough. Aside from that, I'm not liking the guitar synth lead. It sounds too dry, maybe add some effects such as reverb/delay, chorus, phasing, etc. Right now it sounds bland and doesn't stand out enough. Also, the ending is currently abrupt, it just sort of ends. There is no winding down, or decrease in energy. Keep up the good work!
  4. I wouldn't say anything needs to change per say, it just doesn't really have much build up. The whole remix maintains the same energy level throughout. I don't hear any climaxes or breakdowns. I think the best thing you can do right now is to make a new section with higher energy. Make a climax first, then add in the build up to that climax. My advice is probably a bit vague, so feel free to ask me to be more specific.
  5. Here are my thoughts while listening. -treble on the bass is a bit much, the rattling sounds odd to me -I also think you put too much treble on the kick -abrupt ending, do plan on extending this remix? -the guitar sounds convincing enough -the snare is also convincing, the kick not so much -the arrangement is conservative at this point, based on a couple listens to the source I think what you have so far is sounding nice. I look forward to hearing more!
  6. I don't have much to add here, I'll just post a few thoughts. Good -the orchestral work is fairly convincing, doesn't sound robotic -I enjoy the atmosphere that you've developed Needs work -the build up doesn't really go anywhere at this point -overall, everything is mixed is too quitely I'd say you're off to a good start, this has potential I think. I look forward to hearing more!
  7. My entry is in! Since my mix last round was terrible, I made sure to put in a ton of work this time around! I'm definitely happy with my entry this time. By the way, forgot to vote yesterday, sorry guys! I'll post reviews to make up for it!
  8. Dude, I didn't know you did electronic stuff! Great job with "She's a Squirter"! Love it!

  9. Cash

    Hey man. I'm really digging your latest remix! Nice to hear some more dubstep on OCR! Keep doing what you do!

  10. No problem! Just glad for the reply. Yeah, I hope the FF9 album is nearly done, can't wait! At this point, dreaming is all you can really do. :smile:

  11. Yeah, get ready, mine is coming together nicely. Don't be fooled by my last entry, I put in enough time this round. EDIT: By the way, DarkeSword, is the art in the first post meant to be a signature? Also, any chance we could get a separate image for each team?
  12. Hi people, This is my entry from the most recent Remixing With the Stars. It's a remix of Costa Del Sol from FF7. And of course thank you KingTiger for your feedback during the competition! Let me know what you think! All feedback is welcome! Remix: V1: https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-feat-kingtiger V2: https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sephiroths-sunny-vacation-v2 Source: Update: I have a new version up. Looking for more feedback before a Mod Review at some point.
  13. Hey there, just wondering if you got my last PM (about a month ago). No pressure to answer or anything. Thanks!

  14. I'm loving this album, perhaps not every song. I'm not too hot on "The Game of Love" or "Instant Crush", but they're certainly not bad songs by any stretch. My favorites so far are "Give Life Back to Music", "Within", "Lose Yourself to Dance", "Get Lucky", and "Doin' it Right". RAM is obviously different than Daft Punk's previous albums, but to me it's a welcome change. Don't get me wrong, their past albums are great, I just like when artists try new things. In this case I think it pays off.
  15. If I have the time, I'll turn something in. I'm currently doing the Mega Man/Sonic compo, so I might not have time.
  16. Damn, forgot to vote. I was still recovering from being sick yesterday, it slipped my mind. EDIT: The deadline is now today (or maybe was the whole time?), nevermind.
  17. Weird. Anytime I log in when my internet goes out, Steam asks me if I want to continue in offline mode. Most of my single player games work. I believe you, I was just pointing out that Steam is supposed run offline.
  18. You do realize Steam has an offline mode, right? You can still play single player games without being connected to the internet. Even so, a bad idea implemented multiple times is still a bad idea.
  19. Like I said, I ran out of time to do anything descent. For a while I didn't think I'd even submit anything, I threw something together at the last minute. Though of course your criticisms are completely valid.
  20. Thanks for the reviews! I just didn't have enough time to spend on my remix, this week should be better! I threw my mix together without much thought, I wanted to at least turn in something. That's why I named my remix "Quicker Than Marbles", because I made it so fast.
  21. My entry has been submitted. Not my best work, but I was crunched for time. Too many competitions at once, plus my brother's graduation yesterday. By the way, I accidentally put "Sonic Team" instead of "Blue Blurs" in my submission PM. Probably not an issue (I hope), but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
  22. Take it from here, Luke. In all seriousness, I did actually enjoy the battles once the game progressed enough. Still didn't like the game though.
  23. Happy birthday! Have a good one!
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