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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Yikes, embarrassing. I generally don't read YouTube comments though.
  2. I had no idea Rare reused that theme in Blast Corps, I just assumed the theme was exclusive to DK Land. Oops. Yeah, I heard your remix over in the workshop! Good stuff.
  3. I just assumed he edited his stuff. I'm with you on this.
  4. I laughed out loud when I first heard this guy. He's great! I don't care if he uses voice correction or not, or if he lied about it. I enjoy it, good enough for me. By the way, where does he say he doesn't use voice correction? I'm not saying he didn't actually say that, I just want to know where.
  5. Oh, missed that. Anyway, that's what I'm listening to at the moment.
  6. Has anyone come across a YouTube user named SmoothMcGroove? He does acapella arrangements of VGM. His most recent arrangement is the from Mega Man 2.
  7. Not much I can add here, but in terms of competitions, I highly recommend ReMixing With the Stars. It's a competition geared specifically towards beginners. As the name suggests, each "novice" is paired with a more experienced remixer, or "star". The novices are the primary remixers, with the "star" providing advice. Well, you can read the description. It's a great way to not only improve your skills, but meet new people as well, and possibly new friends.
  8. Kate, there is a quality to your voice that I can't describe. Just...wow, so gorgeous. The violin work is excellent as well. Definitely one of my favorite remixes from you. Can't wait to wait to hear more!
  9. I also missed it until just now!
  10. Surprised no one posted ...Maybe it's not that dramtic, but damn, LucasArts made some cool games.
  11. Another Aquatic Ambiance remix? Haven't we had en......WHOA. Nevermind, this is full on awesome! The skin of my face is in a puddle on the floor. 2:24, very creative, love it! Just when I think I never want to hear AA again, OCR proves me wrong!
  12. Friend request accepted!

  13. Happy birthday Kristina, aka chimpazilla! I hope you enjoy your day! Since I know you like Mario and Zelda so much, have a Nintendo cake!
  14. I agree. I made a joke at the beginning, but when you responded as if it were serious, I caught on. Made the April Fools joke more fun.
  15. The music is so great that I take back my previous accusations. There's no way the music could be this good with a whole lot of money. Bravo!
  16. The other Overlords must had a reason to keep you in the dark. Quite a conspiracy we have going here.
  17. You thought the money went to the album? Don't be so naive. It went straight into the pockets of the evil OverClocked Overlords!
  18. Yeah, rabbits laying chocolate eggs. And also happy easter.
  19. Great first season everyone, stars and novices alike! I'll sign up as a novice again, please!
  20. My votes are in. I just want to say that everybody did really well, huge improvements all around! (and hopefully me as well! ) I'll post reviews when I get around to it.
  21. 24, no wife, no kids, no girlfriend.
  22. Yo, happy birthday! Yeah, I know, off by a day, but I was at PAX East yesterday.
  23. Not sure, there were so many tangents.

  24. Yep, you caught me. I would hardly label what you said as "critique". Besides, what does the kickstarter money have to do with the actual content of the video? If you use the fact that she got extra money as a criticism, you are grasping at straws.
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