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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Happy Birthday XPRTNovice! I hope it's a good one! I really enjoyed "Not the Taxi You Whistled For," great work. I look forward to hearing your work on the upcoming FF6 album. Keep doing what you do!
  2. I was basing my track on the Kirby's Dream Land version of Green Greens, but it's the same song anyway. How many rounds are in this compo?
  3. Submitted last night. I spend a lot of time on my remix, hopefully it pays off!
  4. I'd be happy to now that I'm not busy. Check your inbox. By the way, Chump Change is a neat name, I might use that as an artist name one day. Seriously.
  5. Looks like everybody had a ton of fun. I'll have to go to Magfest one year, I wanted to go this year, but it didn't work out. Finding a job comes before fun.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I definitely agree that a few places are a bit thin. As for the ending, I was running short on time, so I just sort of threw it in. Glad you enjoyed it so far!
  7. Update: new version, 2/3/13 My entry for ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 3, third place this time. I'm happy with it, though I'm sure it could be improved in some areas. Let me know what you think. All feedback is welcome! A shout out goes to ectogemia for being such a good star. Link: V1 https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sigma-has-an-electric-fence V2 https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sigma-has-an-electric-fence-1 Sources Elec Man Sigma 1st, MMX6
  8. I just submitted mine. Good luck everyone, can't wait to hear the entries! Thanks for all your advice ectogemia, you were a big help.
  9. Sounds good. Neat. Prophecy, go ahead and put down our name as "Wild Cash Dinosaurs."
  10. @ Rex and wildfire, this is a really stupid name, but how about Wild Cash Dinosaurs?
  11. Little delay, had to reinstall windows today. Not to worry, my data has been saved.
  12. The way I understand the rules, each team member gets a week. If we started a week later, I would have greater availability to choose in which week I could remix. I don't mean to say we should have more time to remix. I also agree with taking a week off for Magfest. Rex and I.
  13. I say we start a week later, that would give me two weeks when I could remix instead of only one. What are other people's thoughts?
  14. FYI to anyone who wants to join our team, I'll only be able to mix in week 3.
  15. Happy birthday to OCR! Great music, great community!
  16. Before spending lots of money on fancy software/equipment, I'd suggest learning how to make music with the free or cheap stuff. If you go out and buy the expensive stuff when you're still inexperienced, you'll just end up overwhelmed.
  17. I definitely want to join this project, but I haven't decided which track to choose yet. So many good choices... I'll post with a choice soon. Good luck with the project!
  18. I'm going on vacation from Dec 21 to 31, so I'd only be able to be the remixer in the third week. Is there anyone who wants me on their team? I'm willing to join you.
  19. I prefer solo compos, but that idea sounds neat. I'd be willing to give it a shot, if you can generate enough interest.
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