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Everything posted by Cash

  1. In general, I like the arrangement. I know you plan on putting this in front of your brass quintet, so I won't comment on the sample quality. I think this would translate well to your brass quintet, but my one comment would be that the first part of the track is rather repetitive. The buildup just plods along and seems to last forever, and actually gets pretty boring. Maybe it will sound fine when played live by the quintet.
  2. New version is up. I tried to deal with the thinness in some sections. A few EQ tweaks, and added another section at the end. This will be my last update before going for a mod review. All feedback is welcome! V2 https://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/sigma-has-an-electric-fence-1
  3. I would say the pattern could use more variation. The kick sounds buried, I can't hear it very well. I think that's more because the kick seems too boomy, if that makes sense.
  4. Yeah, I really enjoyed this one. I had fun, tying for second place was cool. You were a worthy opponent! I love the chilled out feel, and there is really nice depth. To me, the percussion is a bit lacking though, it seems a bit too weak and repetitive. Also, I'd say the first and last minute of the song drag on too long, though it may just be a trait of the style. Overall a great mix!
  5. I didn't expect the source to be so hard, but it turned out alright. Yep, you were pretty useful I would say. Unlike that ectogemia guy...I kid, I kid. You were great, ecto. Thanks, glad you liked it! You didn't do too bad yourself! Yeah, my source was tough. It went from 3/4, then 4/4, then 6/4, and finally back to 3/4.
  6. Tied for second! I didn't expect that. I had so much trouble with my remix, I didn't get any inspiration until the last five days or so. I was not feeling the source this time around, not that the source is bad. I don't really like my entry very much. But hey, I'll take second place! Lol, I love how the title of the winning mix was "Are You Kidding Me?"
  7. Yeah, you can remix this round. I've remixed from lots of games I never played, choose a source you like, and go for it.
  8. I plan on submitting my entry from episode 3 at some point. After making a few changes and putting it up for Mod Review.
  9. I'll probably be starting mine within the next couple of weeks.
  10. Submitted. Thanks for the help, SnappleMan! You were a good star. Source: Chrono Cross - Termina (Another World) ~ Termina Theme #1
  11. I can go next, I have my eye on the from the first Final Fantasy on NES.
  12. I voted, at least I think I did. Prophecy, you get my vote? Hope you finish! I'm sure you will. Not as fat as your beats. Oh, wait...
  13. Yeah, I was planning on adding another verse. I threw that ending on to finish in time for the deadline. Thanks for the feedback and praise! EDIT: Sure, you can whip up an example. Why not?
  14. Yeah! I remember this from the workshop, such an amazing remix! So upbeat and relaxing, it always puts me in a good mood. The guitar work is so expressive, I love it! Gotta love that whistling as well!
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