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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Why do you say he's a piece of shit? Why do you say he's the worst? I've seen nearly all of videos, I don't get that impression at all.
  2. That's my problem with this video, Anita didn't provide any ways to go about combating these issues. I agree with her points, but I'm not sure what do with the information. I want to decrease the use of damsel in distress, but how?
  3. Yeah, I thought about posting that Amazing Atheist video, but I didn't want to be the first one to do so. Anyway, I agree with his point about disabling comments. I agree one should be able to face criticism against one's ideas. Sure, they'll be some troll comments, it's part of the internet, but there are legitimate criticisms, as well as supporters. Disabling comments shows to me that she doesn't want a discourse of any kind. So you don't even bother to hear his reasoning before turning it off? Why? You should at least listen to his points before outright dismissing them. And of course the screen cap showed only the disgusting comments, she deliberately selected them to get her point across. Besides, I guarantee you most of those were troll comments (obviously doesn't make it okay). She obviously wouldn't show legitimate criticism or supporters, only the worst of the worst. Also, take a look at the comments sections of some of her other videos. I don't see many troll comments. I see support and discussion.
  4. Happy birthday! Hope you had fun today!

  5. Happy 21st Nonamer! I hope it's a good one! In honor of your avatar, check out this Golden Sun cake! By the way, the image is too big to post, so hyperlink.
  6. I recommend trying out FL Studio, there's a demo you can download. If you end up liking it, there are a couple editions you can pick up on your budget.
  7. My entry has been sent. I put my remix together in 2 days, so who knows how I'll do. Definitely better than the first FF6 competition. Hopefully all those Remixing the Stars episodes payed off!
  8. I'm not really surprised at being in last, I was also working on a remix for the FL Studio Remix Gauntlet. Even so, all I really care about is the experience. Anyway, I definitely enjoyed everyone's work!
  9. It turns I'm managing to make something to submit after all.
  10. I'm just competitioned out, between the FL Gauntlet and Remixing with the Stars, the thought of making another remix so soon is just bleh. I don't think I'll end up with anything for this, unless I somehow get the motivation.
  11. I forgot the deadline was at 2 pm instead of 10, can I still submit? I was finished before the deadline. I'm sure nobody minds considering the deadline was changed twice.
  12. I tried so hard to make my remix suck, but it just didn't work out. I'll just have to settle for the best remix ever. well, it's not actually the best ever
  13. The YouTube user was last active 2 weeks ago, maybe he can be gently persuaded to credit the original? I commented on the video saying McVaffe was the original author, and that it was posted here in 2001. Maybe that'll be enough?
  14. Cool idea, I'm down with this. I've never actually made an entire original track, but this compo would give me the motivation.
  15. Alright, mine is in. Looking forward to hearing what people came up with!
  16. Alright, cool. Just wanted to make sure before going crazy.
  17. Are we allowed to use automation clips? The feature where you right click on a knob and select "create automation clip"? It's my understanding that anything below the Producer edition does not have the automation clip feature.
  18. Was the voting deadline still tonight? I thought the voting was pushed back as well.
  19. That's how pros play. Seriously though, to me the keyboard is more accurate for the type of movement in Meat Boy.
  20. More FF6? Count me in! I should be able to find time to put something (or maybe multiple somethings!) together before the 28th.
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