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Everything posted by Cash

  1. I just sent in my entry, I had no more ideas. Jakesnke17, I hope you had time to put something together!
  2. Whoa, almost forgot to vote, better do that now. EDIT: Votes are in, one was at 2:01, hopefully it'll count.
  3. Hope you make it back in time! If not, I guess it's another default "win" for me.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. This is a reoccurring issue for me, I tend to have trouble selecting my instruments.
  5. Here's my feedback for the X bracket. I didn't talk much about source usage because most of the music is unfamiliar to me. Not to worry though, I listened to the sources before voting. Superior X - Vicious Liquids (Rainy Turtloid vs. Shieldner Sheldon) Not much stands out for me, but not bad. The lead synth gets tiresome after a while, which is not helped by the song's repetition. I did like the chiptune elements, as well as the drums. Phonetic Hero - Shell Bros (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Rainy Turtloid) Good intro, fun tune once things get going. All the elements fit together nicely, well done. Slightly repetitive, but not too noticable. Tuberz McGee - Snail-Gator Jive #5 (Wheel Gator vs. Crystal Snail) I like the style, a nice jazzy vibe. It gets repetitive, but never to the point of boredom. A good listen. Jakesnke17 - Sluggish Revolution (Crystal Snail vs. Wheel Gator) Nice intro. Complex, interesting synths. Everything works well together. I felt that Wheel Gator should have had a little AMT - A Good Question (Flame Stag vs. Blizzard Wolfang) Great guitar playing, especially in the last section. I also enjoyed the lyrics, though they may have been over-compressed. Nicely done. Mr. L - Blizzard (Blizzard Wolfang vs. Flame Stag) This reminded of Daft Punk's more ambient stuff, especially the intro. I liked the feel of your remix, nice and chill. It gave the feeling of walking through a forest of freshly fallen snow, at night. Well done. BlackPanther - Lone Journey (Blast Hornet vs. Vanishing Gungaroo) Very chill, excellent choice of style. Really well done, not much to complaint. The drums were rather repetitive, and the ending was abrupt. Still an excellent remix, to be honest. urdailywater - and what Comes around, will stay down (Frost Walrus vs. Optic Sunflower) Nice ambiance. I like the dark, sinister vibe you got going here. The song is definitely repetitive, I think it could have been shorter, by at least a minute. An enjoyable remix though. ladyWildfire - kuwangawanga (Boomer Kuwanger vs. Magna Centipede) I'm really digging the style and direction of your remix, nice work. Trance with some dubstep and chiptune elements, I like it. I think the kick could be stronger and stand out a little more. The dubstep bass was too weak for my tastes, it needs more presence I guess. Basically just production issues. Even so, it was still a damn good remix. Benjamin Briggs - Beetle Brawl (Magna Centipede vs. Boomer Kuwanger) Great funk going on here, awesome chiptune elements, as expected. Nothing really to complain about, except maybe the snare. Fun remix. Prophecy - Vector Point Engineering Volt Buffalo (Volt Catfish vs. Blizzard Buffalo) Obviously on the short side, but well done. I likey.
  6. Agreed. I think you guys were evenly matched in terms of source usage, as well as overall enjoyment. I then turned to production, which I felt you did better, so I voted in your favor. A close match though.
  7. All my votes are in, I enjoyed every remix, great job everyone! I'll post feedback on each song soon.
  8. I agree, the synths were sounding odd in a few places, but I didn't have time to fix them.
  9. Yeah, I definitely agree, this competition has made me a better musician. I meant "test" in the sense of seeing if my skills had come far enough to be able to advance to the next round. I did advance, but based on factors other than the quality of my remix.
  10. Thanks. Hmm, I was looking forward to testing my skills, I wanted to advance on my own ability. Still, I'll take a "win" where I can get it, even if it is by default.
  11. Noob question: how do I actually submit my file via PM? Do I have to host it somewhere and provide the link?
  12. Well, as soon as I finish my remix for the Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012, I'll put more time into my BK mix.
  13. My remix is coming along nicely. I put together about a minute of material between Sunday and Wednesday. Yesterday, I reworked the whole song, it sounds much better now. Watch out Neblix! Nah, you'll probably beat me without breaking a sweat. Good luck! I hope you're able to put something together.
  14. This is great, I'm really finding very little to complain about. The repetition doesn't bother me at all, I expect it with the genre, plus the song is so excellent that I'd be disappointed without the repetition. The textures never feel static or get old to me. Awesome comeback, FFmusic Dj!
  15. I'm really into to FL Studio, I'd recommend checking out the demo. As well as trying out the others while your at it.
  16. Yeah, I even tried multiple times, but kept getting bored of the damn sailing. I like sailing as much as the next guy (or girl ), but not THAT much.
  17. I started mine yesterday, did some more work today. I hope I can put the two themes together and make a coherent whole. I'm having fun so far, along with some minor frustration. Good luck everyone!
  18. Congrats! I wish you and your family the best, through the good times and bad. Here's to great health and great times!
  19. Thanks for the feedback! Hmm, dubstep is an interesting idea, I'll play around with that. I'll mess around with mid range instruments as well.
  20. I like it, short and sweet. The performance didn't sound too mechanical, though the balance and volumes of the instruments seems to be a bit off. The flute sounds too loud to me, it kind of steps on other instruments. Orchestral music is not my strong suit, so I don't have specifics. A well done remix so far.
  21. Damn dude, this is great. The transition from orchestral to chiptune to dubstep is awesome, I'm a fan. The ending is rather abrupt, it just stops. Great remix though, looking forward to the next update!
  22. First, the good. I enjoyed listening to it, you have some interesting texturing going on in the remix. It has a nice ambiance. Aquatic Ambiance is always a good source, no matter how times you here it. My other thoughts: -the wobble bass is neat, but gets boring pretty quick, not much variation, and by the end the bass just sounds annoying -kick does seem to have too much reverb -the drums don't have much variation either, it's mostly the same beat over and over again, plus they're too weak for the style you're going for, very generic as well -that shaker thing, the one playing in the first 30 seconds or so, in the background seems off, timing wise -the whole song is repetitive, not much variation, except for small amount of arrangement, as it is now, the song goes on for too long -the bass is a reoccurring issue, it really starts to be a distraction, I suggest manually adjusting its wobble, if you can -the ending is kind of abrupt, it could be drawn out more -the intro could be extended, I think it could use some more build up, don't be afraid to draw it out, this is trance after all This is a fairly good remix, but could be improved. I hope my feedback helps! Keep up the good work!
  23. Nice chilled out feel, a couple interesting synths. Good start for a work in progress. A few synth choice are iffy, drums need improvement, and it could have ended a little sooner, as the others pointed out. My thoughts while listening: -the pad in the intro and outro is too loud and grating, it also seems left heavy -that buzzing synth in the background is abrasive -the lead between 1:12 and 1:38 sounds bland, it starts to get annoying about half way through -weak, repetitive drums, need more variation and presence, especially in the middle section Keep working at it.
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