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Everything posted by Cash

  1. A birthday full of happiness to you!
  2. I can't wait to hear your songs for this album! The Christmas preview of Secret Library was just amazing, quite the voice you've got there!
  3. Hmm, I don't know. It didn't seem all that easy to me...
  4. Awesome, no drop outs! Can't wait to hear the entries! I tried out a different style, hopefully it pays off. I was getting bored of straight up techno/electronica.
  5. I'll sign up again, as a novice. First time 'round was fun. I use FL Studio; I mostly make 'electronica,' but I experiment with a bunch of other stuff. My most used synths are Sytrus, Massive, and FM8. Links: From round 1 of the GMRB Remix of Gato's theme I like communicating via skype or email.
  6. That would be anticlimactic, to win a competition without really competing.
  7. Jakesnke17 indicated that he probably wouldn't be able to put together a mix early on in the week. When Neblix said he didn't put anything together, there was still a couple days left for mixing. At which point I wasn't finished, I didn't put as many finishing touches on as I otherwise would. In this context, my statement made sense. I didn't have to assume anything, I already knew ahead of time. I'm not really happy with my theme choice either, so that took away even more motivation. It was still fun though.
  8. Honestly, I'm sick of advancing by default, winning really doesn't matter to me. I'm more motivated to give it my all when I know I'm competing against someone.
  9. I figured you wouldn't, but that's still good to hear.
  10. *crosses fingers and hopes Prophecy doesn't drop out*
  11. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I'm not happy with the instruments, which always seems to be an issue for me. I actually used the section of Grizzly's theme starts at 0:32. That section is covered in my remix between 1:18 and 1:26. I definitely agree it should be longer.
  12. Here's my entry for round 1 of the GMRB. http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-ostriches I adjusted the volume of the instruments. Also added some reverb and wetness to the main Overdrive Ostrich lead, I hope I didn't overdo it.
  13. @SuperiorX and shadow24, Thanks for the feedback guys! I liked the ideas in my latest submission, but I agree my first one was slightly better. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post my first entry in the workshop, but I think I will now.
  14. I definitely hear the dissonance, I think I overdid it. The section at 1:20 was my own arrangement. I made a last minute bass change, which was a poor choice. I'm glad you enjoyed some of it!
  15. I voted in the last few minutes because I was working on my remix and school stuff, though I did listed to the mixes early. This competition definitely seems emptier, a fair amount of dropouts.
  16. $50 from me! Thank you guys for the effort and dedication put in to come to an agreement with Square-Enix. Hats off to ya! I'm really glad you guys didn't call it quits. I'm so looking forward to the album, and the FF7 bonus.
  17. I use Gold Saw a lot, and occasionally Platinum Saw. Square purity is nice, I'll try the others ones as well.
  18. Do you have a favorite or most used preset? Or do you make your own? I've made a few sytrus presets, but they mostly suck.
  19. And round 3, here I come. Again by default, but hey, it's better than losing, right? EDIT: It looks like BlackPanther is also moving forward by default for a second time.
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