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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Agreed. The game is really a commentary on modern war shooters, done through the narrative and mechanics. Extra Credits did a two part episode on the game.
  2. Here is a remix of Gato's theme, let me know what you guys think. I need some fresh ears, mine are getting stale. It started as drum and bass, I guess its electronica now. Genre isn't really important to me. Link: V1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/chrono-trigger-gato-wip-v1
  3. I'm not any sort of expert, so don't stake too much on my comments. They're just an opinion, someone with more experience (or not) may disagree. Hmm, it actually sounds fairly cluttered to me, for an intro. It doesn't feel like I'm being led into the song, it just starts abruptly, at least in my opinion. It doesn't take enough time build up. To my ears, they sound awkward, and don't seem to fit. I realize that, I was merely saying I don't like it, again, just my opinion. To my ears, things sound a bit muddy, but I could be wrong. The bass, to me, sounds too loud at some parts. Again, others may think differently than I. I know, but when I'm giving feedback, I tend to mention everything that comes to mind when I listen, even if it's an issue you already know about.
  4. I haven't touched my remix since the start of summer, but I'll be getting a break later this week, then I'll make some progress. How is everyone else doing?
  5. Overall, a good listen. Though I noticed a few issues. Issues: -the song just starts, not really much of an intro -there seems to be a timing issue at the 3 sec mark, not sure if that was intentional, but it just sounds off -I'm not a fan of the first lead, which plays through most of the song, the guitar sounding synth, it feels subdued, almost buried, perhaps too much reverb, it also gets to be grating -the bass is a bit overpowering at times, for example, at around 0:35, also at around 1:22, the temptation is to boost the bass, but it's easy to overdo it, which you have done here -the chiptune parts sound sporadic, they come in for a few seconds then disappear, which happens several times -as for the drums, the kick seems to get buried, I mostly hear the snare, and the timing of the hats sounds off, they don't really fit with the kick and snare, really noticeable in the first 15 seconds of the track -the song sounds muddy, too much going on I think, really pay attention to separating those frequencies, especially during the busy parts, they sound like they're bleeding into each other -also, needs to be longer -a better transition to Heart of Fire would be a good idea as well What I enjoy: -the backing synth that plays between 0:17 and 0:38, and later on -the organ was a nice choice -the 303 arp has a nice sound to it, though it could stand out more -the current arrangement is a nice variation on Vampire Killer I think this is a good start overall, but does need work. I hope my feedback helps! Keep up the good work!
  6. Well, even if it doesn't get accepted, I think you should keep going with it. It would be a shame if you were to quit, you have talent. Either way, good luck!
  7. This is really well done, I'm impressed. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Question: If this mix makes the cut, will you continue making more, or have you decided to stop regardless of its fate?
  8. Thanks for the feedback! I agree with everything, the drums and a few of the synths could have used some tweaking, but the deadline for the competition was fast approaching. DusK did the final mastering, I'm not sure what settings he used, but we'll look into it.
  9. Hey, This was DusK and I's entry in the ReMixing with the Stars competition. DusK recorded the guitar and provided feedback. We came in sixth, though we did get a few first place votes. Posting here to get some feedback before making improvements. Link: http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-feat-dusk-upon Source:
  10. Congrats everyone, especially the winners! I'm really happy that I got some first place votes, that's a big confidence booster.
  11. Cash

    Thanks, and nice to hear from you! I'll probably need some luck, the Mega Man battles always seem intimidating. :)

    And no worries about the lack of visitor chatter, I haven't been too vocal either. :-o

  12. 1. Overdrive Ostrich (MMX2) 2. Tunnel Rhino (MMX3) 3. Blizzard Buffalo (MMX3) 4. Volt Catfish (MMX3) 5. Chill Penguin (MMX)
  13. I concur. Well, it wasn't easy, but I sent in my vote. Good luck everyone!
  14. Ooh, Forest Temple is a great source. I like the hip-hop vibe you got going here. The bass is sounding nice. I hear a crackling sound in the background, it sounds like popping, a production problem. If it's intentional, it doesn't sound good. It's distracting, and really shouldn't be in the entire track, except in the intro/outro. The drums are a bit boring and repetitive, I suggest you change them up some. In fact, the entire track could stand some more variation. The track is rather sparse, not much is really going on here. A good start, but needs improvement. Hope my feedback helps, good luck!
  15. I remember seeing this in the workshop forum. Loved it then, love it now. Amazing lyrics, incredible atmosphere, and excellent arrangement.
  16. I prefer PM voting to a social group, I don't like to see how other people voted when I vote. I know that I don't have to read other votes, but it's hard not to when you have to go into the thread. I think you should post how many votes each song received, but not how each individual voted. I think we should have the right to maintain our anonymity, plus seeing how other people voted may create a negative bias. As for making a rule that says we can't exchange project files, that seems a bit too limiting for my tastes, which seems to be the consensus. I really don't think having the same DAW gives too much of advantage. People often have different samples at their disposal, which complicates file exchanges. The advantage is that novices (and maybe stars as well) have access to specific advice and help in their DAW, but I think the advantage is somewhat balanced out by having different sample libraries.
  17. Alright, DusK already posted the source. First I want to say that all the remixes are really well done, good luck to everyone! I chose the Yoshi's Island title theme, it just sort popped into my head. I wanted to take advantage of both our strengths, so we decided to make a synth/pop rock style remix. I put together the bulk the track, I sent it to DusK for feedback a few times. Once the track was finalized on my end, I sent a wav file over to DusK. He added a few finishing touches and recorded the guitar parts. Overall, I think we made a good team, plus he was available most of the time, which made things easier. I learned a lot about myself in terms of workflow. I'm now more comfortable and confident putting together a remix, thanks in part to DusK's feedback. I discovered that when I have a deadline, I tend to have more motivation to actually finish an entire song. I have a bunch of half-finished projects lying around. This was a fun competition, but it was also a good learning experience. I think I covered everything.
  18. DusK and I are finishing things up, it should be done and submitted soon. I can't wait to hear everyone's remixes! EDIT: Submitted!
  19. 23 year old male, usually 2 hours a day. That will probably change when I get a job.
  20. Why not use the $100,000 and donate it to charity? Not sure why a failed game developer thinks he'll make that kind of money though.
  21. Things are going well, but still more work to be done.
  22. Sorry, I'm not going to donate money to him. It's not clear how his company will help poverty. You're better off donating to the Red Cross. Why, because people don't want to donate to a guy with a sketchy website? And look at the comments on the video, it makes me trust the guy even less.
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