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  1. Like
    Cash got a reaction from The Distortionist in OCR02633 - Donkey Kong Country "Submerged in Ambiance"   
    Another Aquatic Ambiance remix? Haven't we had en......WHOA. Nevermind, this is full on awesome! The skin of my face is in a puddle on the floor. 2:24, very creative, love it! Just when I think I never want to hear AA again, OCR proves me wrong!
  2. Like
    Cash got a reaction from YoshiBlade in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
  3. Like
    Cash got a reaction from YoshiBlade in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
  4. Like
    Cash got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 46: Age of Empires II - "Shamburger"   
    I listened to the entire Age of Empires II soundtrack last night, some really great tracks in there.
  5. Like
    Cash got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 46: Age of Empires II - "Shamburger"   
    I played this game for many, many hours when I was younger, definitely making something for this. I never knew this song was called Shamburger, I like the bass.
  6. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Geoffrey Taucer in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
  7. Like
    Cash reacted to lazygecko in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    That's more of a different thing than what I was refering to. I'm talking about the mindset that somehow Zoe and Anita are just as bad, they are opportunists who relish in the attention, etc etc. Mostly just comes down to thinly veiled victim blaming in my eyes.
    It's both disheartening and fascinating watching both this and several concurrent social trends unfold the past years. That includes stuff like the countless internet lynch mobs out to shame people and even ruin their careers (anything from Zoe Quinn, to that poaching dentist, to that "dongle incident" at a tech firm), and the rise of xenophobic attitudes shedding their taboo with the European immigrant crisis, etc. Perhaps in 15 years or so we can look back at these things as a whole with some historical clarity and put it in a better understood context. What I find particularly interesting about both gamergate and the immigrant crisis (and I suppose also MRA) are the connections found to extreme right wing organizations, how they actively fan the flames and use these sentiments as a means to boost recruitment. In particular with gamergate they have better success at reaching out towards young, liberal-leaning men who would otherwise not sympathize with their ideologies.
    Inbetween the downtime of this thread there was also an interesting video series released which I think did a good attempt at dissecting the underlying psychology behind the gamergate movement

  8. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Garpocalypse in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
  9. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Chernabogue in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
  10. Like
    Cash reacted to timaeus222 in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    OCR Talkback #54: Return of Talkback
  11. Like
    Cash reacted to Garpocalypse in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    A well advertised monthly one with a few featured remixers would probably see more patronage than the weekly format the show had.  
  12. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Jorito in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
  13. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Geoffrey Taucer in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
  14. Like
    Cash got a reaction from fxsnowy in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
  15. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in OCR Talkback Live! (Saturdays, 9PM EDT!)   
    Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
  16. Like
    Cash reacted to Fishy in Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History   
  17. Like
    Cash reacted to Flexstyle in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    1. Gravity Antonion (MMX8)
    2. Cyber Geometry (MMX7)
    3. Blizzard Wolfang (MMX6)
    4. Flame Stag (MMX2)
    5. Volt Catfish (MMX3)
    Get ready for the Desert Catz: bLiNd, Flexstyle, and KingTiger. 
  18. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Troyificus in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Trism, Supercoolmike, and myself are on a team. We are Wily's Rejects.
  19. Like
    Cash got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Trism, Supercoolmike, and myself are on a team. We are Wily's Rejects.
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