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Everything posted by BaconProcurement

  1. Alright then! Did you want to claim a gym leader or contribute in another way?
  2. There isn't any Dark type gyms unfortunately. Only three members of the Elite Four specialized in Dark types; Karen (Gen 2), Sidney (Gen 3), and Grimsley (Gen 5). There is a fairy type gym leader though. The duet could definitely work. But for now I want to keep Janine and Koga seperate for the time being. I'll consider the duet idea if no one claims either of them or one gets claimed over the other when the rest are claimed. Right now the sources I picked out for Koga was Viridian Forest (because you get poisoned there a lot) and for Janine is Lavender Town (all the ghost pokemon in gen 1 are also poison type). Since Fushia City is the same song as Cerulean City's, I figure some variety is in order.
  3. Even though it is in the second game it's still something to poke at. You can still play with both the lovey aspects of her character along with her toughness with the lyrics. With Misty, you have a lot to work with since she is a pivotal character in the anime. Personally, I would lean toward toughness as Gym Leaders act as an obstacle towards the player but again it's ultimately what you have in mind.
  4. The Saffron City part is only optional since it's a carbon copy of the Pewter and Viridian City Themes. It's up to you if you want to include it or not.
  5. Lorelei is part of the elite four so I'm grouping them together with the rest of the Elite Four. Their themes is the Indigo Plateau and Battle vs. Gym Leader theme. Sabrina is available and the source I chose for her is the Silph Co. theme since Sapphron City shares the same theme as Pewter and Viridian City. (I wanted to move away from reusing the same sources again and again.) I made a spreadsheet on the first page to make it easier to listen to the source tunes, so look over them when you have the chance. Oh, and welcome aboard.
  6. Anorax put it quite elegantly. Yeah, this is more about the Gym Leaders story. She could be singing about being in love but it's going to be about her doing the singing. Also, I'll point it out before anyone else does. If you made a love song to MIsty, it may come off a bit creepy. Because you know, she is 10 or 12 years old in the anime (No idea what her age is in the games). Just letting you know.
  7. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "putting together requirements first". Do you mean vocal skills or the details about the album idea? The help is very much appreciated. Networking is unfortunately not one of my strong suites. However, I have no problem with directly speaking with people to invite them on this project. Writing is one of my strong suites. I definitely taken what you said about the vocal album being heavily scrutinized to heart. It definitely will be at the back of my mind during the process. Right now I'm thinking I might need a co-director but I might be over thinking things. I'm still going to focus on the Kanto Region first. Only 10 gym leaders and the possibility of Red and the Elite Four. A decent size album. I have a rough idea who I will pursue so if anyone has suggestions on someone that could contribute either vocally or as a arranger just PM me about it. I will obviously be doing the heavy lifting.
  8. The first time I listened to track on the album, I immediately thought of the God of War soundtrack. It has this epic grand of scale feeling to it that has a lot of energy. It sounds like an epic battle is about to take place on a battle field. Awesome job on a amazing remix!
  9. Definitely some sound advice from you guys. Anything is much appreciated. Going into this, I didn't really do my homework on project production, mostly because I'm not really aware of the behind the scenes aspects of any project that is released on OCR. I don't really know the length of time the idea is pitched to when it gets released to the public or the activity being focused on by directors or others not directly making mixes. That part of each album release is obviously absent. That being said I definitely need to switch gears and focus away from micromanaging to do the things necessary steps towards recruiting. What is said so far is being heavily considered on what I should be doing to get the ball rolling. So far the only star-dom I have is people liking bacon. To add to that, I definitely think popularity of the franchise may also have an impact of those wanting to contribute. If I had said, "There should be a Code of Princess album project!" people will be like, "What the heck is Code of Princess and why should I bother to remix music from it?" Chances are people are less likely going to help in that regard. Urdailywater, when I listen to Slateport City, I always think it's a bit Christmas-y. It does have a cheery mood to it and the beginning part of the track has a Christmas feel. Also. Darkesword, I don't know if you are serious about making a Twitch Plays Pokemon album (It definitely didn't seem like it in the recent OCR talkback. ) I just think the whole Anarchy vs. Democracy thing would be better in compo form. You know, a democracy bracket and a anarchy bracket. Just my two cents that I'm not really sure where to put it. And no, I'm not running that thing. I don't think I'm qualified to run such a thing. Someone else can take that idea an run with it. You have my blessing on that (or the helix fossil's, whatever you prefer).
  10. Point taken. I just wanted something for the first post as just plain text looks a little bland. *slaps own forehead* You know, that never crossed my mind when I started this. I'm a terrible marketer... I need to fix that.
  11. I see what you mean. Not sure what would be better, the region map or the town that the gym leader is from. I'll see what I come up with when I get out of work tonight.
  12. So I took a second look at the sig and didn't like it. So here is what I have made instead. Figured Red/Blue would be a better color choice and removed the text saying the gym leaders name as it really isn't needed with the picture. Also added the one Pokemon they are most likely to use in battle. Gives it a nice touch, I think. Also make one of Iris for the hell of it. Thoughts? Also to anyone that already has expressed interest to this project, do you want me to put you down for the Gym Leader that you are thinking about doing?
  13. I added you Gario. You can find my DS code on the 3DS thread. For some odd reason, mine still has the 7 missing at the end. My friend safari is psychic type with Drowzee, Natu, and Wobbuffet. If you are looking for a specific Poke, I'll help you out. I pretty much have a ton I'm willing to part with.
  14. Yeah, I noticed that before I tried to upload the file. Thankfully, my deviantart account, which I woefully neglected, didn't have that problem so I will start uploading there instead. Didn't think to go there first considering art is their forte.
  15. The font I used for the bottom text is suppose to be the same text used in the FR/LG games. I believe "pixel-centric" was something I was initially aiming for. Figure it would go well with design since is was nice and compact. If it looks wonky or fuzzy, I could change it to something else. I was going to use the text seen in the original Red/Blue games but it ended up being too long and it just looked odd. I'm trying to keep the design "Poke-centric" as you can tell.
  16. How is it now? I had to do the run around in order to actual upload this as a png file. Tried facebook and my RT account both ended up converting it to jpg automatically. Thank god for my deviantart account as it was able to keep it as png. Feel like I downloaded dropbox for nothing now.
  17. So I made a sig. Not sure if orange is an appropriate choice for Kanto. (Took the color choice from the google doc headings.) This may be more appropriate if a Pokemon World Remix Tournament were to happen as rough ideas for this design was taken from various compos. Since I'm currently majoring in web graphic design, any critique is welcome. If anyone wants one let me know.
  18. If anyone needs song title names, I shall offer my services. Here is some I've thought of.. Misty Stole My Bacon Brocks Rocking Mountain Adventure For Blaine or Flannary - Lost My Heart in a Volcano Janine - Ninja Sex Party Giovanni - Taking Over the World, Of Course! Sabrina - For Those About to Fight, I Will Mind Blast You Lt. Surge - Sexy American If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
  19. Rule 63 of Sabrina in musical form, um okay. I always imagined her in a deep and sultry voice so if you think you can pull it off then go for it.
  20. That sounds like an awesome idea! I'll put you on the list. And don't worry about time right now. There isn't a deadline set for anything yet. If you can get Brandon Strader or Sir_Nuts on it, I think it might become a magical piece of music. Just throwing names out there nilly-weedle.
  21. First page is updated! Check it for spelling errors, err, just check it! "Oh my Arceus! What in Giratina am I doing?" - some guy on Victory Road.
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