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Everything posted by BaconProcurement

  1. After listening to the blessing of all you guys (especially Overclocked Assembled in the recent Talkback) regarding this idea, I'm going to go ahead and start taking names for which gym leader you want. Here is the Roster Sheet If anyone has noticed, I added Red as the champion of the Kanto Region. His source themes is the Last battle theme in Gold/Silver and Pallet Town. Because you know, he is from Pallet Town and that is in Kanto. I'll make a full update on further details on the first page when I get out of work tomorrow morning. For right now, I'm want to focus on the Kanto Region. This doesn't mean that you can't pick other regions, it's just that consider Kanto Gym Leaders before you jump to the other regions. You can still pick other regions if you want. Just know it won't be focused on yet. Since I'm a Magikarp out of water regarding making an album like this, any advice is welcome. Also, for now I'm calling this the Gym Leader Tribute: (insert region) Version, depending on which region the Gym Leaders are from. (Gym Leader Revengence is a bit silly.) Having it called Volume 1, 2, etc. is boring. Plus, I really don't want to answer those that say, "But Johto should be #2!" And yes, I'm going through withDarkeSword's idea and making this a fully vocal album. Bare that in mind.
  2. As a fan of both Harmony of the Hunter albums, this excites me. With 300 tracks in the Brawl soundtrack alone, best of luck to you! I'm curious, how many tracks from each series is going to be covered for this project? Is it going to be the same size as the other albums?
  3. The only one I really want to get is Articuno, Scizor, Slowking, Kingdra, and Rhyperion. Basically, to finish the Pokedex. But the one I really want is Articuno and they are difficult to come by.

  4. There wasn't anything specific. Just felt like sharing a Snorunt since I was attempting to get female one with the right nature (and possibly a shiny) but ended up with several on my hands. Plus, I was going to give you a Munna. Don't know if you have one or not.

  5. I think I've come up with the perfect name for this project: Gym Leader Revengence followed by (region) Version Also need to find the right place and time to further hammer out details timaeus222 and anyone else that wants to help. Ocr's chat, PM's, are fine by me. Since I work overnight, the times I can really be reached at are early morning to 1pm-ish.
  6. Sorry about that. Try it now. So I finished the Roster Sheet. Took quite awhile to complete. Things I noticed while making this, I thought Kanto was the only one with towns/cities that shared the same theme. Gen 5 was the first to have unique themes for every town/citiy. The city where Crasher Wake's gym is at shares the same theme as Solaceon Town. (The only city that I'm aware that did that in Gen 4.) Clair has her own theme song. Wallace and Steven share the same theme songs for some odd reason. Cynthia's theme is a beautiful piano piece that makes me picture her with a phantom of the opera mask playing on a giant organ. Also, the Unova Region has the most Gym Leaders with 12. Kalos Region was the simplest list to make. Let me know if any of the links is messed up in the spreadsheet.
  7. Sounds like a sound plan. :3 I cobbled up a spreadsheet of the rosters of the Gym Leaders of Kanto with sources I think would fit them since many towns share the same track. Noticed Johto has the same deal so I'll work on this when I get the chance on Sunday. If anyone has any counter-arguments for my picks or offer suggestions, I'm all ears. I just went by what I think fits best for each Gym Leader. Gym Leader Roster sheet I also add the Elite Four if someone really wants to pick them. For now the focus will be with whatever region everyone wants to go with. Whether its Kanto or Kalos, it doesn't matter. Now I have to think of a clever sounding name for the album. It'll come me eventually.
  8. There is no set genre, it's more or less what you feel the best genre to represent that character. If it's hip-hop, go for it! Again, no set genre. Regarding which Gen to start with. I think having everything open for selection and which ever one gets the most representation will end up getting focused on. For instance, if out of 10 people, 4 of those chose a Gen 1 Gym leaders then Gen 1 it is. The more I think about it, it would be better to break up the Gym Leaders into regions than per Gen mostly because of gen 2 giving you the option to explore Kanto after you beat the Elite Four and replacing two of the Gym Leaders, namely Blue and Janine. That being said, since Blue is the champion of gen 1, that would mean he would get two songs if champion themes are added. Iris would also end up with two as well since she is a gym leader in Black and White then becomes champion in Black and White 2. Regarding the Elite Four, I would make that optional considering that 4 vocals are going to be needed and most likely be more involved than the Gym leaders. Breaking up into Regions would definitely be better. Any objections or additional thoughts?
  9. No one picked, Sand in Your Butt Zone This makes me a sad pancake.
  10. That's entirely subjective but I will admit, the tracks in Gen 3 tend to be more "catchy". Just look at Petalburg City where Norman is at. It made me raise an eyebrow when I first heard it playing the game. Gen 5 has some great tracks too, like Castelia City and Driftveil City. After listening to that theme, it would be a really interesting challenge consider your musical style. It would definitely be a bit slower track but doable. I got the feeling that would have happen anyway. Especially, with the inclusion of vocals. Now that the subject of vocals has been brought up, has there ever been an entire vocal OCR album before?
  11. I get the feeling that is going to happen anyway as most people are going to be drawn towards one Gen over another. Since Gen 1 is so nostalgic for a lot of people, that Gen would probably go first anyway.
  12. Now I'm re-listening to "So Easy" on the Milky Way Wishes album.
  13. Now that you mention it, that could definitely work. I figure that whoever picked a Gym Leader they could do whatever they felt represented that character in their own way. Now they can do it in the style of Ninja Sex Party's and Egoraptor's Starbomb album or like Weird Al! (Both of whom made Pokemon songs.) I wonder what Giovanni is going to be singing about? Taking over the world perhaps...
  14. The Gym Leader Tribute Project The Concept Pokemon, it really needs no introduction, as it has become one of the most successful franchises in gaming history due to its innovative design and gameplay. One of the staples of this series is the Gym Leaders, Pokemon Trainers tasked with testing the battling prowess of up and coming trainers. All of which specialize in a certain type of Pokemon. Defeating them is no easy task and they stand in your way of becoming a champion. And they have stories of their own to tell. This project’s aim is to create musical vocal interpretations of each Gym Leader based on the track (or otherwise) of the town they reside in. And it seems like the Elite Four and Region Champions want in on this unrequited love too. Genre and Track Guidelines There is no set genre restriction for this project. Rock, Hip-hop, Reggae, Latin music, and yes, even country music is fare-game but they must have vocals in the ReMix. Here is the list of Gym Leaders and track sources associated to them. For the most part, source #1 is going to be the main source for the track, whereas the rest are optional. Other sources you can use are the Gym Theme, which plays in every single Gym in every Pokemon game (I don’t think I really need to post a link to that.) and Battle Against Gym Leader theme in the respective games they appear in. Other sources that are okay should relate to the Gym Leaders primary Pokemon type. What I mean is that if you choose a Gym Leader that specializes in water Pokemon, the surfing theme is acceptable. Grass and Bug type Gym Leaders can also have forest themes. Just pick sources within reason and in the same games they are from. Just remember that source #1 is the “meat and potatoes” of the ReMix. Don’t go over board with adding as many sources as possible. It should have some consistency to it. And yes I’m aware that some of the Gym Leaders have the same town/city theme in the earlier games. So what I did was pick tracks from the same game to offer variety and in some cases actually work better for them. (Like Sabrina having the Silph Co. track instead of the same track used in Pewter and Viridian City.) Claiming Tracks Its first come first serve regarding claiming a Gym Leader. Just simply post your claim in the thread or PM me and I’ll add you to the list. If you aren’t a posted remixer, I’ll need some sort of samples of your work before quickly placing you on the list. Having trouble writing lyrics? Here is the complete list of Gym Leaders on Bulbapedia to get rough ideas on their personality. There are also episodes of the anime available to watch on-line that feature battles against Gym Leaders to get a feel for them. Also, don’t knock off the Gym Leaders within the Pokemon Adventures Manga either. Most notable differences between the manga counterparts than the games and anime is that Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Koga are all members of Team Rocket, Lance and the Elite Four are the main villains of the Yellow arc and there’s Pryce. (Just know that his role in the Gold/Silver arc is spoiler territory and proceed with caution if you don’t like spoilers. ) Hopefully, this will get you some ideas but you don’t have to follow them closely. Your own imagination about them is just as good. Regarding the lyrics themselves, it can be emotive or silly. Again, no set preference. Who is needed? Arrangers - to well claim tracks and produce the music. Lyricists - to write lyrics that compliment the Gym Leaders. And most importantly, vocalist. If you can sing but don't have the production chops, get in contact with someone who has claimed a track to help out. Hey, you never know until you ask politely. About me: Been a gamer for most of my life (since I was 4 years old). Pokemon is without a doubt one of the franchises that I cherished as a kid and as an adult. I probably can't even fathom the amount of time I sinked into this series. Just about every aspect of the this series I love. The battle system is surprisingly deeper than I thought, the art desgins of the Pokemon are excellent, and I love learning about the inspiration of said Pokemon designs. I highly doubt I'll abandon this series anytime soon. (BTW, Glaceon, Mismagius, Mawhile, and Luxray are some of my favorite Pokemon. Favorite Gym Leader is Misty.) Current News: (Artistic representation of the project) Right now I just want to focus on the Kanto Gym Leaders so if you want to claim a Gym Leader consider them first before jumping to Sinnoh or Unova. If you really want to claim Roxie or Clement I’ll put you on the list. Just know that it may take awhile when we get to that region as this project is going to focus on one PokeRegion at a time. That way I can call it the Kanto Version of the Gym Leader Tribute! As of right now, there is no WIP deadline but if there is it would probably be March/April of 2015. Again, I'm just going to focus on filling the Kanto slots until I figure out a solid date. Also if you are interested in contributing but only have vocal chops say so and I’ll add you to a hand and dandy list that will make it easier for someone that wants to collab with you. Need male and female vocalists to contribute. If you have anything else to contribute, like possible artwork designs for sigs, or other suggestions I may need, I’m all ears. Since I have never done this sort of thing before, any help and advice is welcome. 4/1 update: Just asking around and looking for potential folks to contribute. It's a process that has been fruitful so far. Current Kanto Claims: Amphibious - Misty Wildfire - Sabrina Ethan Rex - Giovanni Possible vocalists to consider BrothaDom (M) Orangedragan (M) - baritone Xarnax42 (M) Wildfire (F) MangaMan (M) Natalya Zarraga (F) angaros (M) - preferably towards rock/metal arrangements Furilas (M) - bass Analea (F) - soprano Miscellaneous XPRTNovice - willing to collab as long as a part is written for a sax, clarinet, guitar, etc. Founder (and master spreadsheet maker): BaconProcurement Production Consultant: Timaeus222 (Mad Genius: DarkeSword)
  15. Thanks for the update! Figured I ask since it looked like it was near completion and then got stuck in limbo for awhile.
  16. So, is this project done? Haven't seen any activity as of late...
  17. Wait, didn't Sir Jordanius make a montage about lizards and pancakes? Well anyway I'll definitely participate in the voting this time around. All that pancake talk made me think of that video that's all. It surprisingly holds up pretty well.
  18. I feel bad for getting excited for this as I didn't really follow the first sonic zone compo. I sort of just dismissed it thinking it would never be as great as the Mega Man ones. After the compo was over, I downloaded all the entries and find myself really enjoying what everyone created. Then I watched a montage about a wagon full of pancakes. That part was amusing. So now I am really excited for this compo now as I've grown to appreciate the fine music that the Blue Hedgehog games have produced over the years. I have my fingers crossed for someone picking the Sandopolis act zones and a return of the Aquarium Park as I'm really fond of those tracks. Cheers for the potential of more excellent mixes!
  19. The beginning for the most part is very quiet but it gives off a really nice atmosphere. When it starts to pick up around the 2 minute mark, it really groves. In my opinion, Fear Factory is my favorite track in the DKC soundtrack so this is a nice surprise for the new year. Awesome mix!
  20. Psychic? For some odd reason that disappoints me, however, two rare Pokemon is better than none so I'll take it anyway. Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully, Wobbuffetts become valuable members for you.
  21. Okay, I added you as well. I'm actually looking for a Shuppet so this works out good for me. :)

    I think we both have to be online for this to actually register each of us. Since I work overnight, the times I actually play the game is in the morning and a couple time before I go to work which is around 8pm that I usually get up. When this registers, please tell me what Pokemon and type is there. I am really curious what's in there.

  22. Don't know what yours is nor do I know type is mine. I've been adding several people but only a couple of people added my friend code. So far with those that did add me, Vilecat has a Fairy safari (this is where I got my shiny Mawhile) She has Kirilia, Mawhile, and Floette (yellow) Level 99, aka Stevo has Fire type, Ponyta, Charmeleon, and Braxion Cecilff2 has electric type, Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika Not entirely sure if the same three pops up for everyone else. If anyone wants to add me go on ahead, let me know so I can help you out with your Riverquest Safariventure.
  23. So I began playing Code of Princess recently after becoming Pokemon'd out. The thing I liked the most about this game, the soundtrack is unbelievably good. I highly recommend listening to it as it has rock, piano pieces, funky beats, and a last boss song that can rival the uber popular One-Winged-Angel. (It's not that epic but still, they came close in terms of the way the song is composed.) That being said, I'd like to hear Ali's Theme remixed. As well as Baku Juppongi's Theme since this song kind of reminds me of the Shinobi soundtrack from the Sega Master System. If someone remixes this song, you win the internet or brownies or something. Humble hashtags? Let's go with that.
  24. Since I'm all Pokemon'd out, I decided to play a game that I have neglected for awhile, Code of Princess. This game is pretty damn good and the sound track surprised me on how well it is. My favorite being this one.... . Love the guitar work of that one and has a very well spaghetti western feel to it. Also some good rock music .And who could forget this track . The first time I heard it, I went "wtf?"The story is as anime as anime can anime. It doesn't take itself too seriously and the humor works really well given the characters that are present. I wish the voice actor who did Baku Juppongi voiced audio books. I would definitely consider listening to one if he did as that character. I know the main character has a very revealing outfit but she is the only one dressed like that and several characters point that out to her. That's okay right? Right?! This game is surprising me on how much this game just does whatever with no real care. The gameplay is a combination of beat-em-up and rpg as you level up and purchase new equipment. The combos are fighting game reminiscent but I find myself using certain move being more effective than others. It feels a bit generic in terms of gameplay design but the presentation is what really impressed me. I know it's a bit old and may have been discussed before, I still think it's worth a look. (Noticed it's about 25 dollars on Amazon so it may something to tide you over for awhile.) It is somewhat short but a lot replay value is had here. I may go back to Pokemon eventually but right now after being close to completing the Pokedex, I just don't feel like going back just yet. If anyone adds me I do the same to help you guys out in friend safari acquisition.
  25. I know this game gets a lot of flack for some reason but in the off chance that a remix project gets launched for FFX, I hope this game also gets included as I highly doubt that X-2 would get it's own featured remix album. That being said, I hope I can see this song get remixed some day: It's has the potential to be something really great but as it stands so far, the piano version is the only beautiful version to listen to. I just think this song has potential outside that genre.
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