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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. FFIV cuz that's what I started on. And I also think that the SNES games are the ones that really brought Final Fantasy out. Mystic Quest was literally designed to introduce people into the genre, so maybe that one.
  2. Baaaahh I CAN'T! It's not on any of my TV services right now - it was taken off Netflix and it's not on Crunchroll either. I ended up starting Gardenia on the Verdurant, or whatever that title is. I enjoyed the first 4 episodes and I think I'll continue. I'll definitely check out Log Horizon. I liked Sword Art Online, but I thought it was a great example of how to complete a wonderful story arc in a really satisfying way...but then continue anyway for 8 episodes with 70% less tension.
  3. I really liked Eva except the last episode. I even enjoyed the movies, but I recommend not being near any sharp objects while you do so. I just finished the available Attack on Titan episodes an Sword Art Online and I'm looking for a new series. I might try Darker than Black - anyone seen that? I follow Yoko Kanno around because I'm a groupie. Any other recommendations welcome. Some of my favorites have been Trigun, Death Note, Code Geass. Stuff I couldn't get into were Guren Lagann, Last Exile, Mushishi. EDIT: One stipulation is that it has to be complete. Attack on Titan is killing me inside.
  4. I feel like any weight change under 5-7 pounds is negligible; it's almost impossible to replicate the same circumstances under which you weighed yourself. You might have just had to poop or something. As a wrestler, I used to weigh myself every day around the same time, so you can trust me when I say that weight fluctuations happen daily and somewhat randomly within a given range. So I wouldn't worry too much.
  5. Just nobody buy me any more saxophones, please...
  6. Hey, you do what you want! I may not even get to this Thanks for considering me though.
  7. sorry, download should be fixed

  8. A saying about saddles outspending their horses come to mind...
  9. I have re-uploaded and enabled downloads just for you.


  10. I'm not familiar. Can you vouch that this is as amazing a deal as it looks?
  11. Hey Zoltan, let me know which of those boss themes you aren't doing. I wanted to try a XG theme for BA3
  12. the price on XB has halved recently; ebay copies are going for 50-60 bucks. The gamestop near me even has a copy that has remained untouched for several weeks. Re: Last Story, I think I'll probably still try it. But Pandora's Tower ( I still haven't played past the first dungeon) so far is a total joke. I'll put another 1-2 hours in it, but I'm not confident.
  13. For all those Baltimore Based OCR folk: I'd go if it wasn't on a Thursday night. Too long of a drive for me.
  14. My favorite variation is to throw myself at the ground, literally take my feet off the ground for the entire descent. It's probably not good for my shoulders or wrists.
  15. Alright, I think I can do that. I played through the first dungeon already and it hasn't changed my opinion, but I'll give it 2 more. If not, I'm stuffing Pandora back in her box!
  16. It is only when you don't really fit in pants anymore that you can wear them and have DA enjoy them.
  17. So, I bought this game yesterday, and I've never been more turned off to a game in the first 30 seconds. I'm wondering if someone can open my mind to a reason why thousands of people petitioned to get it over to the US (or if it was just tacked on to Xenoblade). Like, I didn't know you could make games with plots that shallow anymore. The opening sequence didn't even have sound - it was just ripped off classical music while something blew up and three people ran away. You learn absolutely nothing about anyone or anything in the one minute sequence. Is this game going to get better, or is it just a poorly crafted hack-and-slash in which the core narrative conflict is that this chick is a vegetarian?
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