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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Garp, these are are awesome, thanks. Do you, by any chance, have video of me and DaMonz jamming on the Super Mario Brother 2 theme? I was on guitar and whistling and he was on melodeon. EDIT Or Melodica, or Melonin, or whatever the hell that awesome thing was
  2. .... Sonic USB stick! http://tech.woot.com/offers/4gb-usb-flash-drive-sonic-6
  3. www.bodeefit.com is free and bodyweight only you won't bulk up, but you WILL kick your own ass in 20 minutes or less.
  4. Dude I got suuuuuch a kick out of playing that mario theme and having you accompany on melodeon. That was so epically perfect!
  5. Well, rather than do that...and this may be a ridiculously stupid suggestion...could we possibly rent out a conference room or banquet hall at the Gaylord itself?
  6. That's a fantastic idea and I fully support this. It's like an OCR Banquet.
  7. Thanks - but like Rozo said, if you're just looking to pimp your music and say "here's my album!" then it's cool to post albums with the Album/Other tag, I think and see if anyone wants to talk about the music. But if you're looking for critical reviews with help in your mixing and arranging, then one song per thread will help you get there - just don't go overboard and post a ton of songs at once, since that's essentially the same thing. That's the critical difference that I neglected to post in my first response, I think.
  8. MAG was fantastic. Much love to everyone. I was stoked I got to stay a couple nights this year instead of just popping in and out.
  9. I get that; I was just offering some advice as I see lots of people throw down "Listen to all of my stuff!" posts and they never get anything back. But I see the difference between a released album and WIPs, now.
  10. Hey there, Welcome to the OCR workshop forums. You'll be much more successful in getting feedback if you follow the forum guidelines. This also includes posting one song per thread, which is another sticky you should read at the top of the remixing forum. People generally don't want to listen to an hour of music critically and give feedback. Good luck!
  11. It did! I was away for the holidays and came home to it. Thanks, it was perfect. And amazingly it wasn't one of the games I bought in my Vita spree, but still looks awesome. Thanks!
  12. Ooh, I'm tempted Meteo. I have a tin whistle that I play but getting one in every key is like a $200 commitment or more for a decent set.
  13. This is what I would recommend: don't just practice, but practice with goals in mind. I always used to tell my students "practice makes habits - perfect practice makes perfect." If you practice being bad at something, you'll be really awesome at being bad. I learned this the hard way with piano; my practice habits were bad, so I basically learned how to do things poorly and I am still spending time un-fornicating my technique.
  14. ZOMG How did you even find this?! Of course Everyone could benefit from a little Strader wisdom.
  15. All: If you have not received a MOD REVIEW and your thread has been marked as such, please BUMP your thread in these forums and I will get to it ASAP. I'm trying to start clearing out the old ones and make sure they're returned to "finished" when the modreview is complete. If I don't see a bump in your modreview thread within the next week or so, I'm going to return all threads to "finished" states so that the queue is fresh. If, after that, you still haven't gotten a modreview, change it back to "modreview" and bump and we'll take care of it. Thanks for helping us clear the backlog. rozo edit: Shortcut for recent mod review marked tracks. Because it seemed like a new thing to some of you. No names. Link now updated for the new forum version.
  16. KH remix 1.5 HD for $20 on amazon lightning deal http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BKWQA2Y/ref=gb1h_tit_t-3_8462_59a45513?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_s=top-3&pf_rd_r=0ZP9CSAMRBCS744CXHJ9&pf_rd_i=30&pf_rd_p=1670588462
  17. This turned out a lot better than my studio building project, I think, which ultimately resulted in a desk that reflects sound all over the place come build my studio
  18. Hi there - couple of things. This forum is for remixes - there is another for originals (even if they are 'inspired'). Second, if you want critical feedback, try posting via soundcloud or some other site that hosts MP3s. You'll get a higher quality listen and therefore higher quality nitpicky feedback. Lastly, since source incorporation is a requirement if you're going to submit to judges, always include a link to the source (a YouTube link is fine there). Thanks and have fun! I've gone ahead and moved this for you to the correct forum.
  19. I stumbled upon this yesterday for the first time, and I love it. It's like you can let the whole thing wash over you. Excellent mix.
  20. "The Jazz Theory Book" and "The Jazz Piano Book" by Mark Levine - giant thick tomes of jazz theory.
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