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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Your advice of tuning the guitar doesn't make any sense, it IS tuned. If it sounds untuned, I don't get how. Also, the guitar IS hardpanned
  2. HEY WHAT THIS SONG CAME BACK WHUH-OH (link removed) Should probably clarify this is A VERY DIFFERENT SONG but it is A) Based off the same track Made for the same album and C) The same genre so I just used this thread again.
  3. //
  4. Someone hasn't seen how companies respond to something that could potentially get royalties.
  5. Pretty much this. Kirby's Adventure is one of my favorite games ever. It has almost nothing story-wise, and is a couple hours long. BUT. The mechanics of Kirby fit for that, because choices in the game will affect your playing experience. This is also where Return to Dreamland messed up. Everything was linear and usually based around one/two powers per level, so the fact that the game was short, linear, and limited in gameplay made it not as fun. It's not how much time a game has. A game could last 3 seconds and as long as the gameplay was enjoyable and allowed for multiple play-throughs, I could care less. This is where many games go wrong, that they spread their game too thin to give a veiled sense of accomplishment and value when someone bothers to play through 3 discs for 90 hours that frankly has repetitive game-play. People don't stop playing games because they are long, it's because they are boring, and don't intrigue the player.
  6. I think we could all take a moment to feel the sunshine, I can't say I'd contribute but I'd love to see it happen
  7. I agree, it would be nice to have the option at least. And it could add to conversational humor. Not an epidemic, but it would be nice.
  8. A little bit too focused in the higher ranges, even the bass has some twang, which contributes to it, and the bass doesn't have much thump power to ground the beat. There's no sizzle, so it's managed well, but it's a matter of volume. As a compliment to that, the leads are too loud, and could be served to be lowered. It was short and sweet, though, enjoyed the arrangement.
  9. To be honest, in a top down RPG, 3D isn't even a feature striven for. Shin Megami Tensei uses 3D. Pokemon does not. Final Fantasy 13 would use 3D. Final Fantasy 1 would not. Pokemon using 3D IN BATTLE is actually a cool concept, and a lot of people have issues with constant 3D use so hey I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a "it doesn't really matter so it's whatever man." So yeah It doesn't really matter so it's whatever man.
  10. Let's hold our horses here, Serebii isn't the most reliable.
  11. I find for more strategic games, like SMT4 or any RPG, the 3D helps quite a bit, but for things like Zelda or Kingdom Hearts 3D, it got to be a little more than I could handle. I don't like games with too much happening, and the 3D is something that can push it passed the line. That said, 3D is not useless. I can understand people springing for a cheaper console that doesn't require the forethought of "will I ever use the 3D?," being that the original 3DS was a gamble on a fiscal level and a hardware level. I'm fairly impressed the 3DS survived, and even more-so that it's thriving, and I think the 2DS is going to sell well. Nintendo is being more open about hardware possibilities, and it's on a level far greater than just memory space, and these possibilities can win over buyers in the future. Nothing gets people to like a company more than options.
  12. http://nintendo1ds.com/
  13. I could see Nintendos next ACTUAL handheld being a tablet, and this design would test the waters
  14. Because nobody has any reason to be worried. It's Bryan Cranston. I hope they get Lex Luthor in his tighty whiteys somehow.
  15. Wait, Batman and Ben Affleck... I think someones playing shenanigans
  16. I'm all hype for this Hype-y birthday Stevo
  17. Not that uncommon, every kid thinks a regular Pikachu is as godly as Ash's, so they'd spend hours catching six of them in Viridian Forest. I felt no sympathy.
  18. Here in the states, my age group has a majority playing Pokemon. College rocks.
  19. started a rock band when I was 8, named Gravel, played bass, didn't work. started a ska band at 16, didn't have a name, didn't work. I just sorta make things in LSDj and I fool around in FL Studio now. Still play bass sorta pretty well. All the local scene is emo folk or noise stuff, not really motivated for a band. I'd say I haven't really started aggressively arranging, but I have been passively arranging stuff since 15 really.
  20. I get the feeling everything is just tooooooooo sizzly. The bass, the snare/clap, the lead, and the backing synths occasionally. I think you could serve to clean the lead for a more distinct sound, maybe give the snare more of a flat oofm to it. I like the arrangement so far!
  21. Thinkin about a chip punk version of Super Pipe House, could whip up a WIP soon
  22. The issue is that at higher ranges you barely hear the tone and hear more of the attack, so I could work around, but it's a little tough to avoid. And yeah, panning isn't built in to LSDj, and I haven't done any post excluding limiting and high/low cuts to reduce some sizzliness, so panning can and should be done, I just didn't have the patience to do it right now PS I really didn't mean to make that reference with the name but okay whatevs what can I do nothing thats what
  23. Chiptune I made in the past week, take a listen and criticize to fullest scrutiny https://soundcloud.com/ajshoop/el-juego
  24. Okay, well maybe it was less your brain and just my first part, your ears adjusted to the bass part moreso than an untrained ear after sleep.
  25. An addition to what I said, you probably psychologically desperately wanted to achieve a certain sound at 3 in the morning so your brain tricked your ears into thinking it sounded right because that was the only thing between the brain and sleep. So in shorter words, you didn't hear it, but your brain did.
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