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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. If I had an NES, I'd get it. But I'd be weary of 60 bucks for an NES cart. I can barely afford modern games, let alone one that will almost certainly be bought out of novelty.
  2. Good news: I bought KH3D today! Bad news: My brother dropped my 3DS is some water while I was gone and now the thing is buggy and I don't have a warranty. He's drying it with rice right now and he'll pay for some of my new 3DS if its broken, but still. Fuck.
  3. http://soundcloud.com/ajshoop/golden-nights Finally got some new mixing phones and got this EQd better. Please crit!
  4. I theorize that at one point in time that was the release date and someone who didn't get any memos in the last few months accidentally launched a prototype of the game. Or Square just don't give a fuck bout nothin
  5. If only a certain group of people buy it, then developer support will never come. Niche consoles aren't what the people making consoles want. They want to make something everyone can and will play.
  6. My biggest issue with the OUYA is it being made for indie games, but most of it's launch material is from Android phones. Like, touch screen phones. With a huge gameplay mechanic being touching. Do I think it could revitalize gaming? Sure. Would I ever invest in it without trying it out.?Never have with a console, never will. It's too much of a gamble. Except the GameCube. That was guaranteed gold.
  7. So if that place was in friggin Morocco (presumably, we only know it's not in the US) and Bruce Wayne got back in a matter of hours with no ID, no transportation, no visa, NOTHING, how exactly did he pull that off?
  8. It combines Pena Duro of Banes story, an impossible to escape prison that was eventually escaped, with the Lazarus Pit of Ra's story, a pit that will bring life back to those who enter. And since it is moreso in the al Ghul part of the Nolan story than Banes, the latter is more correct, in my opinion.
  9. I've noticed music is faster when I'm hungry.
  10. Aaah no :c I work that morning!
  11. Aww hell yeah I love vidya casts
  12. FL Studio is fuckin with me, I'll have somethin soon.
  13. Goddamnit, I was *this* close to calling Godwin's Law on you before I realized Nazis actually worked out in this comparison.
  14. I agree with Mike all the way, and also you may want to lower the reverb and lower your pads/pianos. The song sounded like it just started, I want more!
  15. If the issue is Kickstarter, and things end up sloppily, Kickstarter isn't the ONLY crowd-funding service. Extra Credits did one on a non-Kickstarter site when Allison broke her arm, and that was before crowd-funding got popular.
  16. This thread is now spekU8ion general
  17. So they were both born in the pit?
  18. Well then explanations as to where BANE was born and how he got in the pit woulda helped.
  19. Very well as that may be, I doubt the Lazarus Pit was in the Caribbean Isles.
  20. Another question: Why does Bane have a British accent if he spent nearly his whole life underground?
  21. I don't understand what you mean by "confused" and "break." I am trying to make a song, not break it I need a little more to work with in that concern. I am not seeing the issue with that part, I think it gives the song more glitch-groove feel to it. It's just a little flare/stylistic choice. While I can work on the lead more, I think you should either give it another listen or define the "noise," because I think the background is well filled. Truth.
  22. Oh! Almost forgot! After the football field was completely destroyed, and there were many bombings, did the jumbotron at the stadium still work, AND focus on Bane??? I just it was weird. Also, if there was a safety rope for the Lazarus Pit, why didn't anybody just climb THAT?
  23. The intro thing is a thing I'm definitely thinking about, and yeah I had to mix on some shitty Skullcandy's at this point, so the bass and treble were probably quiet on them. It's nice to hear some positive stuff thrown in too!
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