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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Here is a new version of the song. I didn't change any tuning stuff but I did change the drums significantly and I did more mixing. Please criticize, as always, to fullest scrutiny. PS Also got rid of the guitar in the bridge because it sucked and I'm glad it's gone.
  2. You would think, but you shouldn't. The next one will be out by 2014 (tentative possibility).
  3. Improve the graphics of Earthbound. It would have been better received and more noticeable by the western public, arguably. I still love the game, but it still looks like an NES game
  4. Haven't played it yet, but, reviews don't really mean anything, even coming from friends. If they say "it's a good game because it does X, Y, and Z, well", that may have SOME merit, but saying it will have profound effects ON YOU is all subjective. Reviews and criticism should be based closer to objectivity. I've learned to follow the rule "Play the game on your own accord or don't have an opinion on it." Learn for yourself. Have the existential crisis, or don't. It's how YOU see it and stuff, man.
  5. I think everyone watches Retsupurae. I enter a room and yell "TELEYPOR" and everyone else immediately yells "TELEYPOR"
  6. , and here is a manual. It's generally trial and error with how your arranging and set-ups will work, there's no formula. It's about how you work with the interface. You generally don't stop learning.
  7. Feelin that, too, I can understand if you guys are busy, but a quick note telling us they're currently under evaluation, or not sufficient, would be nice.
  8. destroyed my hope in man
  9. I agree entirely. I am hoping it doesn't end up being about fixing video games. I like opinion pieces. I hope I continue to like it.
  10. Agreed. However, unlike others in this thread, I hope she doesn't get all "here's how we fix the industry" like a lot of other philosophical/informative video game shows tend to do. I like the history lesson, as well as the opinion piece, but I don't need the hackneyed revelation.
  11. I generally enjoyed the informative nature of the video, and it offered a more understandable approach of the idea, coming from a woman herself. That said, the use of the word "patriarchy" turns me away for her videos. It makes me feel like a villain for existing.
  12. It is his personal observation, as a supposedly privileged white male, that women, in his experience, have not been driven away by games.
  13. Again, a maybe. I'll see how my schedule works out with my ideas.
  14. Fire Emblem and various other tactics games that follow the "you're dead, sorry" rules are some of my favorites in regards to dealing with death. Essentially, if a unit dies, you don't get him back at the end of the battle. He/she is dead.
  15. Would I be able to do Pokemon TCG or does Pokemon Pinball fulfill the not-main-series Pokemon quota?
  16. I may throw something together for the File Select song, but I can't guarantee. If I have a WIP soon I'll send it, but I'm not certain.
  17. If you could, that would be positively radical, I'll PM the track.
  18. The pitch correction, which didn't even know existed, so thank you, worked for my lead part, but it's registering all sorts of wrong notes for my rhythm, so I'll do what I can. Thanks!
  19. Yeah, that parts been giving me trouble
  20. Here, this one ISN'T out of tune as far as I know.
  21. It could be youtubes quality, but I feel like the hats that you use are a little to sizzly, but otherwise I like this a lot! It could serve to be longer, though, and that's never a bad thing!
  22. Updated version, please continue comments and criticisms
  23. the thing is, the string would detune every couple minutes since it was looser, so it could be the final one I used wasn't tuned soon enough. I'm gonna get my guitarist to borrow my extra strat and rerecord it. Also I'll check the effects I'm using on Guitar Rig and see if any of them have a pitch bend or detune.
  24. More than likely. My guitarist's D string broke so he just tuned an extra G string to a D. It sounded okay when recording, but in mixing it does seem wonky. I'll get on rerecording that.
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