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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Who's Going to BitGen 7? We all know Otakon is in a month or so, but in just less than a week, BitGen, a VGM Rock festival, is taking place! I know me and my friends are going, are any of you guys? The Megas are having their first post-History Repeating show, and a lot of cool bands are playing! For those interested, it's in Baltimore, MD, at the Sonar.
  2. I never said that, I said I liked Sonic Heroes even though it had flaws, and gets a lot of shit when it's definitely an enjoyable game to some people. If they didn't try, you'd get things like, well that. Also, http://cube.ign.com/articles/449/449162p3.html and a 72% from Metacritic.
  3. We're getting things figured out, and we might be getting new members, but me and trumpeteer Mike are researching good ska recording and practicing non-stop! Also my singer/guitarist Steven loves Sonic Boom with an undying grace. We've been going back and forth about what our next song would be (it was either going to be Bob-Omb Battlefield or Magnet Man), but I think this would be a great chance to do some fun songs!
  4. So yeah, my ska band would love to do Sonic Boom and maybe even Palmtree Panic if this becomes a thing.
  5. IMO Sonic Heroes is extremely underrated. Yes, the voice acting is horrendous, and the graphics are sub-par, but I think the gameplay is enjoyable, and the special stages had a good balance of challenge and fun.
  6. So him and Tekken-dude are co-directors?
  7. Masahiro Sakurai isn't director :c I suppose this could be a good change of pace, but at the same time, who's ready for some of dat air-jugglin action?
  8. I think that'll actually be more literal than you think. I think Don't Mess With Magnetman, but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the full album since I'll be getting mine in a little over a week.
  9. Oh yeah, it's really good to hold off before MAGFest, and it's run by the guys in Entertainment System.
  10. I definitely can't wait to buy the album at BitGen 7
  11. no air ride :c
  12. Finally got my ensemble together (finally), and we are practicing non-stop in lieu of summer break! I plan to record by the end of the month. P.S. Due to possibility of being a thing in the end, the artist name may/most likely will be different. Just sayin, I will be the representative for the band, but not the "artist".
  13. At the moment, we are waiting for more people to jump in. Enough to be substantial for a project.
  14. I went last year, gave a good "fuck yeah" with my friend Gavin when Sound Of Speed and Back in Blue was shown on the screen. I wish I could go this year, but rooming and money just don't agree with me :c And I agree with Brandon, pretty much just paraphrase the mission statement and explain a little about OCR/the staff, and get right away to new releases/guess that remix/Q&A (I remember last year the panel ended right when Q&A started).
  15. I'd totes be in, but the question comes up with the mention of soundtracks: Will this be multi-national, or just US/just JP? (ps calling dibs on sonic boom everyone stay away)
  16. Yes, it is still going along! And we'd love to have ya!
  18. The Zangief part was sick nasty! I thought it was just gonna be generic dragon/big strong guy/giant monkey type stuff to represent video game villians, but this stuff is legit! Oh man I am EXCITED :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  19. They want "CoD's audience"
  20. On OCR, Colosseum didn't come up. Under-recognized is an understatement.
  21. But that directly reflects our goal! To give the spotlight to under-recognized games and music! Tha being said, we really have the ability to see what works and what doesn't, the OP is a living document!
  22. I think what I'll end up doing is putting a cap at 5 songs per game, that way it doesn't become a "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon + Others" album, but it will also give people leg room regarding smaller games like Pokemon Snap or Stadium(2). But I must thank you for that list, I completely forgot about Channel and PokePark in my hasty research!
  23. I would prefer to be more liberal about it, and just have a list of games, and allow remixers to choose tracks themselves, with some restrictions, like "nothing in the main series" or "no repeats of tracks". But I will think on the presentation of it when the time comes.
  24. (Link doesn't work) EDIT: Didn't realize there was never a source listed so and I put one in the OP
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