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Everything posted by PixelPanic

  1. Portlandia used Random's Splash Woman. Scott Pilgrim practically goes without saying.
  2. I've contacted a mod about deleting that last thread, I want this one to be more focused directly on the project at hand, and I don't really want to deal with individually deleting posts and such.
  3. This thread is to generate interest in a Pokemon spin-off remix album. Once I get about 7 people saying they'd wanna be in, I'm gonna set up a list of viable games and start accepting claims. The more the merrier, tell your friends! Get people in on this! We aim to supply songs that are not featured in main-series Pokemon games, and bring forth the spotlight to lesser known games in the Pokemon franchise. This does mean that songs from the main series will be unacceptable (unless you can supply a good argument), but most other games are, well, fair-game. Arrangers interested: -pokemoneinstein -TuberzMcGee -Pl511 Musicians offering collaboration: -Orangedragon (vocalist)
  4. SuperiorX - I like the ambiance you bring, and the swingy beats definitely give it a chill vibe. The lead definitely backed this up. Also, fuck yeah trumpet solo. Great mix, could use a little more content, but given the week thing, it's pretty good. TheRexAsaurus - I love that bassline. The percussion is kinda iffy, and the lead is kinda everywhere at first, but I kinda get to feelin it after a bit. The use of sfx is pretty cool. A bit short, but it was pretty dang cool. Rexy - The flute is pretty...uh. Not bad, just not what I expected. Everything sounds great. The percussion is awesome, and I like your arrangement. At some times it sounds kinda empty, when there's supposed to be energy, which is slightly underwhelming, but overall a good mix. Main Finger - Oh man, this lead is pretty sick. Like, dude, I'm gettin influenza from just how chill these beats are. Nice work, no real complaints, besides it's pretty dang bass heavy. Prophetic Hero - Oh bro, this opening, nice. Oh whoa what the fudge is happening here. Is this song fast or slow??? Whoa lyrics ah. The wubs are pretty damn sweet. Oh jeez. This match-up is probably the best so far. It did take a bit to find the Hill Top, but once I did, oh man was this song good. Amphibious - Awwwwwwwwwwww man I'm feeling some SoniCore comin on! I'm likin this a bunch-load, but I think the drums might have been mixed a bit off. The kick sounds completely dry and poppy, no real bass to it, and the snare isn't very snappy or snare-y. Like, for rock I know that's usually how it's done, but it feels over-done. Otherwise, arrangement rocks, guitars rock my poop, and it's pretty dang sick-nasty. Ben Briggs - This is a weird reggae-chip fusion, but I like it! I love the samples of the laugh, it matches perfectly. I think more should be going on beside the lead. It feels like the lead is carrying all of the weight. Otherwise, sweet song, I'd love to more of this fusion. Brilliant songs this run around, guys and gals! Gotta say, these'll be tough votes, but I feel confident in them.
  5. Of course, I wouldn't dare shrug it off. Asking any of my friends would show that when I want something done, I get down to business. And yeah, I have a general knowledge of music production and a slightly more comprehensible knowledge of music theory, and anything I get caught off guard with couldn't be more than a google search away. That third part I don't have much of a way around that, except giving it time or something. Which I very well might do, because I actually have a lot of stuff coming up very soon, i.e. driving lessons, senior stuff, bigger work-weeks, etc., and I would never hesitate to ask for help, community is key! And I've gotten enough TV show morals to know when you let a broken machine work in your production line, you get broken products, cause/effect, yadda yadda. Letting people go on without even a slap of the wrist is irresponsible, and a broken tool cannot build. I am going to spend maybe a week setting up the list of game/series needing representation, reviewing the OSTs, etc., so it won't be immediate, but I definitely want this to be a thing.
  6. I enjoy this idea and I would be interested in directing it, any objections?
  7. Written as I listened: I like the beat you get going in the beginning, but when the source comes in, the rhythm is kinda jarring in comparison to the swingy nature of the percussion. I love your use of samples. The sounds you have are good, too. Later on, the source rhythm meshes much better. Around 2:50 or so, the song becomes different. Not bad, just different, and it's kinda confusing. I definitely think that you filled the 3:40 of content with good, dynamic music, and I like the arrangement. So I think you should change how you introduce the rhythm in the beginning, and do the transitions a little differently. Pretty good!
  8. Page 2? Who did they think I am? Here is the latest WIP, where: 1) I bullshitted (bullshat?) around with Love Philter to get a good straining sound 2) Changed the drums to my Earthbound soundfont (endlessly useful) 3) Did some tiny arrangement changes, none too big. BLAM-O
  9. A Work-In-Progress of my Grandma remix, please comment! HERE IT IS
  10. Imagine you are playing it yourself. For notes that, say, play quarter notes, remember the strength of notes in a counted 4/4 measure go STRONG-WEAK-MEDIUM-WEAK, meaning you should you should focus most on 1 and 3, and kind of apply that. Like, a grace note will be note quite as emphasized as the note it's leading to because it is not set on a beat. For pads, change up velocities, change up timbre/vibrato, and sometimes just change up chord structure, or other basic music theory stuffs, like, changing a 1/3/5 major chord by moving the 5 down to make it 5/1/3, changing the bass, but retaining the core sounds of the chord.
  11. Good: +I like the sounds. +The funk you have going on sounds nice. +Maintains my interest. +Great guitar work. +Damn fine piano. +Drums are cool, except... Bad: -The snappy percussion thing (I guess it's a snare) is very very dry and kinda distracting. -The pitch bending notes kinda distract me. Lower them in favor of the rhythm, make it more ambient rather than a false lead (no pun intended). -On the same note, introduce a lead earlier. I don't know where this supposed lead is at the beginning. -Like before, make an intro. Start by introducing instruments, building from the ground up. It'll lengthen the song and make it seem fuller in comparison to the lack of said instruments in the beginning.
  12. I've just started switching from Valve Trombone to a normal Trombone (I started with Trumpet), I was wondering if any trombonists had any words of wisdom to help me out, i.e. anything to help remember positions or help remember scales or something. Also, I've been wondering something: Will 7th position always be impossibly inhuman a stretch, or is it something you grow into?
  13. Well those were for individual games, this was a series project. However, if BadAss is getting a sequel, I suppose I shouldn't have ruled it out.
  14. Well, in that case, nevermind. I thought it was said and done for Pokemon albums.
  15. ALRIGHT, I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST TIME, BUT I WILL HAVE SOMETHING FOR "GRANDMA" ON July 1st Also, as the KNGI forums claim, Happy Birthday!
  17. Would anyone be interested in doing a Pokemon G/S album? When Missingno Tracks came out, only about 6 or 7 songs from Gold/Silver were included. While the songs were very, very well done, some being my favorite on the album, I feel like it could/should be represented better! I originally was going to do a solo album myself, but I think this could work strongly as a community-made album. Styles and track list could be decided later if said interest could be generated, but I figured I'd find out how people would like a Gold/Silver album. So, who'd wanna do it?
  18. This ones not quite as good, but anything I can do to escape a Pre-Calc test, I'll do.
  19. The dude accidentally called me a girl at his Q&A at Otakon 2011, shook my hand, then sang me and the audience the Pokemon video before it was released as a response to my question. Pretty cool guy, very apologetic. Anywho! Your percussion is a bit loud, and you gotta bump up that lead. The basses do end up getting pretty muddy, and the arrangement is pretty conservative, but I love the sounds you have! The slap bass and the fast drums make the song have energy and power, and the guitar is pretty well played, albeit generic. But a song the energetic can lead to cool stuff! Go wild! Drum solo, guitar solo, hell, throw in a slap bass solo! Interest me, immerse me!
  20. i'm sorry i had to
  21. Oh yeah, these noises sound like DAW default noises. Get some reverb in there, and later today, I'll link you to some awesome drums if I can find the link to them. The fusion you have going on needs some more depth to it. From the sounds of it you only have about 2 sounds and drums going simultaenously. It needs to sound fuller. The idea is awesome, the execution, not so much.
  22. 1) Sequel potential. 2) Ending was leaked, everyone was working overtime at the office for a new one. Things slipped by. 3) They probably wanted to just move on.
  23. 1) I had no clue there were things that did it for me. 2) I pretty much just thought, well, that guy did it, I should find out how, and then I dicked around until I found this.
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