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    jnWake got a reaction from timaeus222 in Having Trouble Soloing Over F# and A Chords?   
    If you're not blessed with perfect pitch or whatever that is called, then your only way of getting better is by practicing. Listen to songs and try to guess what notes are playing (preferably by playing along as timaeus suggests). If you practice lots you'll eventually get good at it!
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    jnWake got a reaction from IanFitC in Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History   
    Fishy's cuter.
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    jnWake got a reaction from WillRock in What music inspires you?   
    My inspirations come mainly from prog rock/metal bands. Recently I've been very inspired by Genesis for example. Other big influences in my style are Marillion, Frost*, Symphony X, Toto and Pain of Salvation. I also have some jazz influences but I can't really point a particular band since I don't actually listen to much jazz but I've read a few books and stuff about jazz theory because I love them chords but I'm not into improvising and solos that much.
    When doing remixes, however, I tend to look for outside inspirations depending on the style I want to achieve. Sometimes I get inspired by other remixes, like zircon's, Willrock's and others. Other times I search for specific inspirations depending on what I want to do. For example, I listened to many western songs when doing a Paper Mario remix once!
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    jnWake reacted to Ivan Hakštok in PS1 20th anniversary album [CANCELLED :(]   
    I suspect you did the mastering on Zoltan's song, Brandon? I was thinking of having a single person do the mastering for the entire album to avoid having loudness levels all over the place, since the range of styles on this is pretty broad. Maybe you can master the whole thing?
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    jnWake got a reaction from Coaltergeist in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Are you interested in more FE7 tracks? That game has a stellar soundtrack.
    If the answer is yes, don't sign me in yet though, but count me as super interested haha.
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