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    jnWake reacted to ad.mixx in OCR04731 - Chrono Trigger & Donkey Kong Country "Ambience of the Forest"   
    Lol, I was so confused when I clicked a Secret of Mana remix and heard DKC. I thought that OCR screwed up big time.
    Loving the combination of these two themes. It's clear there was a lot of effort to make these two themes sound like one rather than two different songs played at different times. It's not jarring, but at times it can sound like someone riffing. Not a bad thing though, there's always fun in people just riffing musically.
    Good work to all of you. Love it lots.
  2. Like
    jnWake reacted to JhJ in OCR04731 - Chrono Trigger & Donkey Kong Country "Ambience of the Forest"   
    This popped up on my YT feed today. Such a wonderful remix 🙂
  3. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from JhJ in OCR04731 - Chrono Trigger & Donkey Kong Country "Ambience of the Forest"   
    This one got posted fast haha, always nice when that happens! I'm very proud with how it ended up, collaborating with Emunator worked out great and it was super fun.
    The writeup on the mixpost page has this line as a quote: "Hehe, there is always room for new things, even for the most "overcovered" themes. The 2 tracks go surprisingly well together, don't they?"... I'm fairly sure I never said that haha, was that Emunator?
  4. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from djpretzel in Regarding Recent Technology Advancements   
    I mean, OP doesn't mention "basic prompts" or anything of the sort, it just mentions prompts. The "simple" part was by me 😋
    There's really 2 points in the OP, one is about the ethics of how the models were trained regarding artist consent and copyright. I'm not sure if OCR's stance would be the same if the models were "ethically" trained or if, for example, a user trained their own model only on songs they made or something like that.
    There's a second point about the "interpretation" aspect of AI generated music, the "human touch". I think we simply disagree here, I don't think current tools provide much "human touch". Even if Suno allows for more than "a simple prompt", the "human part" is still a low percentage of the finished creation. Of course this could change with time and how the technology evolves but it's my stance on what I've seen of current technology.
    In the end, it's up to the community to decide how it approaches these things. I think it's fair if OCR decides it wants to focus on music that is created on a larger percentage by the "human touch" and, of course, policies can change over time as technology evolves.
  5. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Thirdkoopa in OCR04491 - Chrono Trigger "A Battle Across Time"   
    I started the arrangement with a jazz fusion style on my mind, but prog rock started winning as I added more sections.
    I’ll take a look at the piano tone the judges mentioned. I’m using NI’s “The Giant” which has a variety of possible sounds, but I’m intentionally tweaking it for an aggressive and bright sound. I probably overdid it haha.
  6. Like
    jnWake reacted to iQuercus in My fake OST   
    This is really good stuff. You hit the mood of those old games with a crisp modern sound.  
  7. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in How to start? Is there a secret technique?   
    I actually do it a little different from what's been shared here. I tend to start by trying to figure out the bass (the root notes at least) and from there get the chord progression and key of the song. In my opinion, you get a lot of useful information from a song from just this. Melody is important of course, but a ton of VGM songs tend to play around the chord notes so, once you know the chords, the melody comes easy.
    When it comes to actually writing a remix, I tend to learn the song and then just sit down and improvise. It helps if you have a predefined idea, like, "make a metal cover", but usually just playing around with the melodies and chords is enough to trigger some inspiration.
  8. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in My fake OST   
    Hey! I haven't posted here in a long time...
    Anyways, I recently started a project of making my own OST for a game that doesn't exist (ideas exist in my mind but I'll likely never do it haha).
    So far I've uploaded 5 tracks:
    #1. Intro - Meant to play alongside some intro cutscene of sorts, maybe with some battle and the aftermath.
    #2. Menu - Meant to be funky menu music.
    #3. Prison - Meant to play on the introductory level, which takes place in a creepy prison, hence the music being calm and somewhat eerie.
    #4. Prison Boss - Meant to play when you battle the Prison's guardian.
    #5. Castle: Garden - Meant to play on the first proper level, so it's adventurous and fast paced (mostly).
    Hope you enjoy! Any feedback is appreciated, though the mixing and production aren't meant to be super polished as I'd rather compose tracks than produce them at the moment.
  9. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from HoboKa in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Did anyone claim Overworld after me? I still have a WIP sitting on my computer.
    I figure I can finish it lol.
  10. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Troyificus in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Did anyone claim Overworld after me? I still have a WIP sitting on my computer.
    I figure I can finish it lol.
  11. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Jorito in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Did anyone claim Overworld after me? I still have a WIP sitting on my computer.
    I figure I can finish it lol.
  12. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Glad to see my track survived lol.
  13. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Question regarding "Song Suites"   
    No restrictions. You can do an arrangement that covers several sources as long as it's cohesive and doesn't feel like a medley. My only posted mix that I arranged is of that type!
  14. Like
    jnWake reacted to zykO in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    if you have it all arranged and notated and just need a performance and recording, i might be able to help you
  15. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from zykO in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    I'm still looking for someone to play acoustic guitar... Come on people it's your chance to become famous!
    I guess.
  16. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Drawn by Dai in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Anybody here plays acoustic guitar and is willing to record some stuff for my Overworld remix? Ac. Guitar is like the most important instrument in my arrangement so I need someone to play it live!
  17. Like
    jnWake reacted to The Damned in Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced   
    OK, working out a little thing with Liontamer for you poor bastards here that don't have access to... let's say... certain on-goings.
    Hope to have it running any day now!
  18. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Jorito in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Awesome! Looking forward to the end result.
    Hope you guys like my Chemical Plant Zone remix. Sadly, I couldn't make a Metal Sonic one though
  19. Like
    jnWake reacted to Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Well, we're finally done, guys! I have to admit that I had no idea how big and awesome this album would be when I started recruiting people. Thank you very much for all your hard work! I'll update the thread with all the important news (tracklist, release date, etc.) and throw in a couple of hype things as well   Stay tuned!
  20. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from WillRock in New FREE WillRock Album Release: Journey to the Centre of the World   
    This is pretty good! Love "Warrior of Light" and "Rhinestones".
    Love the production too, those synth leads are so good.
  21. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Pretty neat articles about Undertale here:
    They're like an extended version of DrumUltimA's posts.
  22. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Jorito in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    I've been working on mine. Didn't send anything because I was on holiday last week. I'll try to send something soon.
  23. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Black_Doom in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    I've been working on mine. Didn't send anything because I was on holiday last week. I'll try to send something soon.
  24. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from Jean Of mArc in Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History   
    Instruments! I already asked someone for acoustic guitars and bass but I may ask for even more depending on how the arrangement progresses.
  25. Like
    jnWake got a reaction from jmr in OCR03408 - Chrono Trigger "But You're Still Hungry"   
    Wow this is great. I love when chiptunes are mixed with traditional instruments. Also love the mood, perfectly kept from the original source. Awesome!
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