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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. Happy Birthday Sir
  2. Backed at a low tier, I'll increase towards the end if my finances allow Sidenote: MAN zircon is a busy dude .. This is the first time I've heard of his book, if there was another announcement, I missed it ..
  3. I watched the Jersey Boys show in Vegas last week. I just ordered the CD from Amazon for my parents and thanks to something called AutoRip I'm listening to it now. yay.
  4. dern it, I like to get something in no matter what but last week was tremendously busy for me and seeing there's like 20 minutes left and I'm at work at the moment, I probably won't get one in (and by probably, I mean, most definitely) :'( but I'm glad to see 4 entries already in. I hope the interest keeps up
  5. Happy belated Sir. Thanks for all your help.
  6. Thought 1: You think you're better than me, just because you build all your sounds from scratch? because you are Thought 2: fkn badass So, to try and sum up my track, I struggled with ideas, and you'll notice that minus the rap the arrangement is overly simple. I realized mid week that I couldn't/wouldn't want to start from scratch, but the arrangement sounded like a rap could go nicely over it. As wildfire stated regarding her track, this was also my first attempt at a vocal anything, and I never thought in a million years I would be making a rap song, but here we are. Also, I'm not a big fan of vocal mixes but after making one, I have a new found appreciation for the hard work it takes to pull it off. (e.g. I didn't really listen to Killer Beets in detail but I went back and concluded that it was indeed awesome). I don't have good vocal mics and was planning on using my Tascam recorder but it malfunctioned, so as a last resort I used my iphone to record the vocals (it came out surprisingly good imo, for an iphone). The lyrics alternate between breaking the fourth wall of the competition and nonsensical. P.S. thanks for the reviews, they are much appreciated LYRICALz: This is DrumJ8 , I hope I'm not late , for the test of fate can't differentiate between the keys at this rate I don't modulate nor do I modu-hate take the bait satiate don't wait Middleton Kate open the gate save the date find your mate united state master what I cannot equate week after week everyone sounds great Megaman , also known as the man of the Rock , Here we are, 2013 on the third block Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet At the start, some people didn't want it now it seems like we're all on board hardcore, Darkesword, untoward, lions roar This used to be a chore but now I want more and in the end I just wonder what it's all for? @Trism hope you feel better
  7. Whoa, unfortunately no, but how cool would that have been? i wish i were cool It IS a reference to that old song "Smooth Operator" but it's an allusion to the lyrics "I don't modulate nor do I modu-hate" in my track. secret's out guys - I rap in my mix
  8. Ahhh I never noticed the pattern. I've been wondering why I've always been placed in between powerhouse players. I feel short. @Sir_NutS I listened to it. flipn tizzight. (I haven't listened to all yet, cuz I'm still at work :/)
  9. okay well last week I was after Gario and before pH and now I'm after Amph and before pH. I mean, really? at least my track is my favorite number (I kid I kid) .. also I just noticed the 11/14 mixes. bummer :/
  10. hardcore DarkeSword untoward lions roar
  11. All the cool people were in the bands that marched I played percussion in the pit 1 year then marched snare 3 years in high school
  12. I'm listening to this, like, really listening to it, and it's kind of freakin awesome
  13. I have an issue with my Tascam DR-07MKII. I deleted everything on it so it should be empty, but when I try to record, it keeps saying: "Card Full / Press [PLAY]" I'm using a 2GB micro sd card. help?
  14. bump Sorry I can't help you as far as feedback goes but I love the track and love your style man. Your stuff is always consistently good How have people not commented on this
  15. Ya rhythm reading was easy, sight singing became increasingly difficult, but harmonic dictation was a biatch. I wish I paid attention more, and didn't have such a horrible memory now .. I've used too many GFs ..
  16. get it? 10char mander
  17. I have faint memories of solfege and sight singing. Maybe start with learning the difference between these two: do re mi fa so (major) e.g. C D E F G do re me fa so (minor) e.g. C D Eb F G Sing it over and over again. do re mi re do ... (C D E D C) do re me re do ... (C D Eb D C) do mi so mi do ... (C E G E C) do me so me do ... (C Eb G Eb C) Hear it in your head. Sing it out loud. Ingrain the sound of that minor 3rd into your mind. Believe in it. Become it. Then branch out to the whole scale. hope this helps more than it confuses :/
  18. Just voted, toughest week for me yet .. I had a moment of stress picking my top 3 tonight :/ a moment of stress
  19. congratz on getting posted man, great sounds, sounds great. ectogemia shall be like water, the style of no style
  20. Yep I found the old thread from last year and you had commented. This track is so good, I can't stop listening to it
  21. sounds good man. nice work
  22. YESSSSS :DDD I want to quote my post from June 2012 in which I called this the "feel good remix of the year" which I hereby carry over onto 2013! I was pleasantly surprised to see myself mentioned too Congratz Sir and FINALLY KID CHAMELEON gets some lovin' it deserves!
  23. Thanks for the feedback timaeus I just want to give 2 cents from a lowly newbie. Regarding timaeus, full disclosure I understand what people have said because I have felt that he can come across as overconfident and pushing his knowledge. That being said, if timaeus is the only one who took time and effort to respond--then by golly the pros definitely outweigh the cons and he can be as confident or whatever as he wants. Basically, I'm just trying to say THANKS timaeus. I (like many others) have been desperately trying to improve for a long time so timaeus' help is infinitely welcome. And in any case, even if his feedback is "wrong," his intentions are always good; I've come to the conclusion that he would never intentionally try to steer someone in the wrong direction, it's always an attempt to improve the mix, even if it might be misguided (I wouldn't know as I am a NEWBIE) or if his 'wording' is off. RANT OVER carry on .. sorry if I come off as dumb :/ --DumbJ8
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